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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by milpreve

  1. milpreve

    7 months..questions

    My weight loss is also slowing down, and I am at a similar point. Remember our boost right after surgery was partially from our liquid diets and from healing. Our swelling is down now and we should be able to eat a little more. I haven’t lost anything in 20 days, making this my longest stall so far, but I’m not gaining either. Log everything for a week if you’re concerned that you’re getting in extra calories or something, but I’m not too worried. Just focused on making 40 more pounds in the next 6 months. (I lost 80 pounds in my first 6 months, so I’m already expecting to lose much slower.)
  2. milpreve

    Any good comebacks?

    I have been really open about my surgery. Most people don't think I am big enough for it, as I am young, tall, and "only" was BMI 40. Anyone who has bought up concerns was informed that it took a lot of thinking and that I have decided this was the best decision for my health. I haven't gotten any "easy ways," but if I do and I like the person I plan a short explanation. If it's a random person who says something, I will thank them for their input and move on. People aren't worth the drama they try to stir up. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  3. Hi all! I'm playing D&D tonight and fighting temptation from pizza, donuts, Munchies, and alcohol. It will be a little easier tonight because I'm still on liquids, but it's still hard to be around the familiar smells. I packed Water flavor drops, a diet Snapple, and a chocolate Fairlife Protein milk for the night. I am trying to do my best, but this is my first challenge. I would appreciate your words of encouragement, as D&D is where I made my worst choices. Thank you! Xx Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. milpreve


    From the album: milpreve

    2 weeks post-op. Drain site has scabbed over, bruises are fading, everything is healing nicely.
  5. milpreve


  6. This is one week post-op. I feel like I'm healing really well! Tomorrow will be 2 weeks, and I'll be uploading another photo.
  7. milpreve


    Not too bad, the bruises are mostly yellow. I just added a picture from the 13th, one week post-op, with my lower center bandage removed. I now have the upper one off and I'll be adding a photo of that tomorrow. Pain only in the ab they cut, but manageable. Thanks!
  8. milpreve


    From the album: milpreve

    4 days post-op.
  9. milpreve


    From the album: milpreve

    One week post-op
  10. On my computer now. Sorry if it's upside down--I could not for the life of me get it to preview correctly.
  11. milpreve

    July 8th 2016 surgery

    Surgery 7/6, still on liquids but looking forward to purées Sunday and thicker liquids tomorrow! HW 280 SW 265 CW 250! So glad I got this sleeve. I am off the narcotic and just taking Tylenol at night. I still get tired walking too much, but I am getting better every day. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. There's a pic of my scars in my profile album, not sure how to link to it from my phone. I had surgery 7/6, so they are fresh. For sleeping, I (as a random person on the Internet, not a medical professional) recommend taking a Benadryl. I take them every night for dust allergies, and I take some post op liquid with my liquid Tylenol. It helps me fall asleep and I don't wake up sneezing all night. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. milpreve

    Alcohol Addiction

    I can't offer any sort of advice, but I wanted to say that this random stranger on the internet is proud of you for this post. We faced our "biggest" problem head-on with WLS. If you could conquer that, you can conquer this. Don't be afraid to see a professional, whatever your friends think, if you think it would help you. Seeing a therapist when I "wasn't that depressed, it was just a low point" saved my life. <3 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Hi all, I had a cranky day, being sick of liquids and Protein powder 11 days post-op with no mushies until next week. We went to GNC to get some packets of different flavors and they had closed 2 minutes before we got there (the time on Google was wrong). My amazing husband drove us out to a different GNC, and we got 2 Quest protein packets and a tub of unflavored protein to try mixing with Soups. On the way home, he took me to Starbucks for a treat. I got a mini sugar free Cinnamon Dulce frappé made with soy milk, no whip. It was fabulous! I completely forgot about the no straw rule while enjoying it, though! I feel fine, and it was thick enough that it mostly stayed in the straw between drinks, but I'm worried I messed up big time. Is the no straw rule just because it's hard to fit enough liquids in when also swallowing air? I'm drinking regular Water now and I don't feel bad, maybe a little gas in my belly but it's not uncomfortable. Thanks! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  15. milpreve

    Oops, a straw!

    Okay, good. It was so tasty and really helped cheer me up, but then I remembered the rule and got worried. Thanks for your quick replies! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  16. milpreve

    D&D Temptations

    Thanks all! I survived and had fun. Next month will be "transitional" purées to regular food. I'll just pack dinner again and hope it fills me up! D&D is up to 5th edition, and it's really good. It throws back to AD&D and 2nd edition in feel, but retains the better parts of 3.5 and 4e. I've been playing tabletop since I was 17, before that I played Baldur's Gate with my mom on the computer. I've been with my group for 10 years now! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. milpreve

    Second belly button

    I have this too! It's crooked... :/ I'm hoping that, as I lose flab, it flattens out some. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. milpreve

    D&D Temptations

    Thanks! The garlic bread smells so good... I'm at 75 oz of Protein for the night and I know I'm not hungry, but the food smells are so attractive! I'm sucking on some flake salt crystals to get my munchie fix. I appreciate having this online space to share my struggles! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. milpreve

    Newbie questions

    My first bm was at 7 days post. I'd call and ask your team if it's been more than that. Mine (tmi ahead) felt like a weird fart, so I went to the toilet and it was a tiny bit of blackish diarrhea. After that I went again and it was more. The next day I had one bad diarrhea, and today it stopped being blackish. The foam could also be from gas in your system, combined with drinking too quickly or too much. I had a lot of hiccups (ow) and burping my first few days. Gas-X strips have been wonderful for reducing the gurgling rom my gut. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  20. milpreve

    Oh the impatience!

    Good thinking! I have the luxury of living less than half an hour from my excellent team. I forget that everyone isn't so lucky. I'll blame the pain meds. Best wishes as you wait! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  21. milpreve

    Had surgery 7/6/16

    I'm now using something I made from an old tank top like a maternity band. It helps support my flabby belly so I jiggle less. http://diymaternity.com/pants-skirts/how-to-make-a-no-sew-belly-band/ Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  22. My team said not to weigh myself so I don't get discouraged from the post-surgery weight gain. I did anyway and gained too. I lost it plus more a week later. Get your fluids and Protein and keep walking! You'll feel better as you heal. I didn't poop for a full week, btw. Best wishes! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  23. milpreve

    Oh the impatience!

    I had to do six months of supervised dieting for my insurance. I actually loved that experience because I got to practice my post-surgery rules and learn a lot about what I eat. And I dropped 20 pounds! It's worth the wait, but why not see if your center offers something similar to help pass the time? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  24. milpreve

    3 days post op

    I'm 9 days post now. Day 3 was my first day waking up at home. I was in so much pain from sleeping flat! I got up and walked around my apartment, holding my belly. I sipped at my liquids and took a big dose of pain meds at every allowable interval. I couldn't get comfy in chairs, getting up hurt, sitting down hurt, walking around felt best but I got tired so quickly. I took several one-hour naps that day. Every hour, I walked around my apartment for 5 minutes. By Day 5, I had learned how to carefully sleep on my side. I could get out of chairs without help if I needed to. I mostly stopped wearing my belly binder. My sites stopped hurting, except my drain site was itchy. I had sharp pain in my lower ab to the left of my belly button (it's the ab they cut) from using it, but I was happy to be more independent and better ab pain than incision pain. During the day I stopped taking oxycodone and am still only taking Tylenol. I walked outside to the end of the block and back. Every hour, I walked around my apartment for 5 minutes. By Day 7, I had gone for a mile walk. I was tired, but I was feeling about 85%. I went out to a restaurant with friends, drank Water, and didn't care that they were eating. My incision sites had started to itch. I rested my abs and they hurt less. Every hour, I walked around my apartment for 5 minutes. Every day you should feel a little better. Coughing and sneezing still hurts for me at Day 9, but I can laugh now. I just grab a pillow or press my hand into my lower abs, and it seems to help some. The gas pains will dissipate quicker the more you walk. They filled your abdomen with gas to perform the surgery. You'll have lots of gut gurgles for about a week, too. Take a Gas-X strip if things get out of hand. Remember to walk, but also to rest. Surgery takes a lot out of our bodies. If someone is available, ask for help getting out of chairs. Try not to use your abs at all. It's difficult, but helps with the pain. And, most importantly, don't be afraid to call your clinic. They are there for you, and are happy to answer your specific questions. They will tell you if your pain is normal or if it might be a complication, and how to deal with it. Best of luck!
  25. milpreve

    Syntrax/Nectar Protein Shakes

    I've been mixing the fruity ones with 12 oz of water, and I pour through a strainer to catch any lumps. I don't love all the chocolate and vanilla stuff, so it's really nice to have cherry and peach. I'm on full liquids and I enjoy one every day for lunch. They're good with a couple ice cubes, too! I make them early because they get really foamy in a Blender Bottle, so they have time to settle in the fridge.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
