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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BigGurlX

  1. BigGurlX

    Holloween2009 1 Me at 275lbs

    Thank you! A lot of people say that but I just don't see it LOL
  2. Thank you China :tongue_smilie: Vicki, keep in mind how far you have come. Take some new pictures and compare the old you to the new you and get inspired from that. You've done really well so keep working at it and don't give up. :smile:
  3. BigGurlX

    me 01-09 320lbs

    From the album: Progress Pictures

  4. BigGurlX

    Me Holloween2009

    From the album: Progress Pictures

  5. Congrats on your surgery date Maria! Fun times ahead:bananalama:
  6. Hey Jenn, Thats what I need to do too is go back on liquids too.. I really messed up this past weekend..whoever created chocolate should be drawn and quartered :w00t:
  7. You look great! I got a little bit enebriated too hehe.. here is me as a A Pirate Wench
  8. Hi Twins97, I'm very happy with the care I receive from Dr Hoffman. He's very kind, caring and is genuinely concerned for his patients. As far as BGH goes... i'm not a fan of that hospital.
  9. Hey Jen, how are ya! My heartburn has pretty much went away a couple days after Dr. H took some fill out. Those first 2 days really was painful but now its pretty good. I also take prilosec for it.
  10. BigGurlX

    seriously effed up body image issues

    I totally agree with you on this. What truly makes people most attractive is what they display from the inside out and the quirks and/or mannerisms that make them unique. :thumbup:
  11. BigGurlX

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Hi All, I would like IN on this challenge too! I added my info to spreadsheet. I'm starting at 274 and hope to lose 20lbs by TurkeyDay
  12. Hey Gang, Today I weighed in at 274.1 .. I lost 5lbs :Banane08:yaaay me! I went to the meeting last night and they had the Physical Therapist there ( I think her name is Gerri). She did really good and opened the floor up for everyone to talk and share their experiences with the band and bypass. I also had a chance to see some people who I had'nt seen in awhile and meet some new faces:smile2:
  13. You're right about that and I love my hotsauce! It gives me problems too.
  14. Rain, could you do me a favor and bring me back a gallon of Florida Sunshine :thumbup: Have a fun trip!
  15. I hope they feel better Vicki. I had'nt made the cookies yet so i'll wait maybe until the next meeting. Since the meetings have been in the cafeteria area we should do a healthy potluck there after one of the meetings..just a thought...
  16. You could be too tight or maybe its something with what you ate. I've been suffering with heartburn too which is why I had another UNfill last wed. So Dr Hoff put me on that 5 day pouch test.. It helped alot and heartburn went away but when I ate some really soft roast it seem to come back. So I think that really solid meats like roast and chicken breast is just not going to work for me :crying:
  17. I had'nt planned on going but Vicki you twisted my arm lol..so yes, i'll bring a batch of low cal chocolate chip cookies! :thumbup: How about if everyone bring something lite/low cal to share? We could always do a recipie swap.
  18. BigGurlX

    Me on Halloween this year. Big Heath Ledger fan.

    You make a good Joker!
  19. BigGurlX

    My "Full Signal"

    Happens to me too.. I always thought it was my allergies but then noticed it only happened I eat a little too much. Now I stopped. I also get the gurgling sounds after I eat. Just had a little defill so we'll see if the gurgles stop.
  20. Val, that was me but you can bet he won't open his mouth disrespecful again:mad:
  21. Have fun Rain and do a lot of walking around .. you'll burn the calories fast so don't even worry about it. :scared2:
  22. I'll be over to pick my package up :w00t: We have to get together and head back to the gym now that the weather is cooling off :scared2:
  23. Hey Nutty-Gurl ..good to see you still around causin trouble:lol:! Sounds like you had a great time on your cruise, I hope you have some pictures to show us! I saw some of the Tyra show but turned it as the girl who "let" the boyfriend dog her out was gettin on my last nerve. He had nerve to tell her he can get a badd-ass b*tch. I crackin up lookin at him ..he could'nt get a crack-ass b*tch the way he looked LOL.. girlfriend did'nt realize she could do a lot better than him..but she let him dog her so bad that she felt she could'nt get anything better...anyways that got on my last nerve. But I did'nt see that part about the buffet comment.. It does remind me of what happened to me waaaay before I got into this program. I was at the Old Country Buffet (grins at vicki) and this guy had to nerve to walk past me and say " I hope you save enough for everyone else" :w00t: OK:angry: China.. You know I went off on his azz! I cussed his azz out and loud talked him and told him he didnt know me and I would slam his face right into that tray.. Dude practically ran back to his seat LMAO ...the elderly lady standing next to me who heard him ..leaned over to me and said " that's telling him! He won't be quick to open his mouth like again". I was like yup, but I had to laugh about it to keep from going over to his table and dumping my tray over his head. <-- That would have been funny!
  24. Congrats Rain..8.5lbs is pretty awesome:thumbup:! I did lose 2lbs (pales in comparison lol) but he did take some of the fill out to help with the constant heartburn i've been having. What time were you there? I think I left around 1:30 or 2pm. A large huh...hmm what does that look like? lol

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