I was banded on 2-4-08. I developed a rash all over my torso. The port incision is the worst, every other incision was effected as well. Went for my post op visit w/ surgeon and he advised me to use benedryl cream. Made the rash worse it spread over my body into red pimples very itchy. Went to dermotologist and was advised that I must have had an allergic reaction to something they used during surgery. They seem to think the iodine prep. I'm not too sure if I belive them seeing that I've had two prior surgeries and never had a problem like this before. The rash developed about 5 days after surgery. I am on an antibiotic cream, steriod cream and prednisone, hoping this will work.
I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this, I'm very upset.:tongue2: