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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by meshell_tate

  1. i have had my band in since january 24th, my doc is to conservative. i have had two fills and nothing, i think i am gaining weight than losing. i am told to eat solid foods and lots of Protein but i am so afraid because i want to lose the weight. i have a 10 cc band and have had less than 1cc fill. i am thinking to switch doc.

    Honestly, my weight loss has been gradual. My doctor is great, if I want a fill he puts it in and if it;s too much he sees you after hours (at no charge) to take some out. I didnt loose a lot of weight in the start, it took a good 4 months. But you know we are all different and loose at different rates. In a years time, look back and then total what you have lost and I bet it is much better than what you would have done without the band. Goodluck to you, you can do it!!

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