I'm so relieved to see this topic. I'm not sure if I have any advice, but maybe knowing that others are in the same boat can help alleviate some tension. I have completed all of my pre-op directives and am waiting for insurance approval. I have NC-BCBS. Part of me is sure that I will be approved, but there is always that nagging doubt until I actually get the word on a surgery date. The anticipation seems to be the worst, and I feel like I can easily conquer the things that most people feel they struggle with, if I can just know that everything is a go and it WILL happen.
At this point, I have to keep reminding myself that it's out of my hands. I have no control over my insurance approval, except for the prerequisites which I have already completed. I have done my part. So, I know that what I am dealing with is pure anticipation.
Telling someone to "hang in there" is so cliché and sounds so weak. However, when you think about it, right now that's all we can do. The insurance approval is out of our hands and at this point we have no control over the outcome. We have done our part. So maybe the best thing we can do now is focus on those things we do have control over and continue to do our best at being the healthiest we can possibly be right now.