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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Victoriana

  1. Victoriana

    Video link to watch lap-band procedure

    Ive seen this before, just after banding, I wish I saw it before surgery because it so clearly explained a lot of things for me. Thanks for bringing it back!
  2. Victoriana

    Newbie here...Is it really worth it?

    So very worth it. I wish that we could give lap bands to everyone that is morbidly obese, it is a real life saver. This is the kindest, Most sane thing I have ever done for myself. Like Jack, Im off my cpap, minus 4 heart prescriptions, and I am so happy.
  3. Victoriana

    2 hrs ago, I had an 'episode'.

    I think you are ok for now, as you have no pain, and gas can be a real bummer right after surgery. Go ahead and call your DR. tomorrow for your questions and let them instruct you for what your dealing with, we sometimes get the heaves from a spasm but be sure to let your Dr. know. BTW, percoset makes me terribly sick to my tummy, especially as we cant have any food to dilute the irritation on our tummy.
  4. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I dont need "fire insurance" anymore because I have assurance. I feel like we are trying to communicate in english something that only can be communicated in another language. I have a question for those who truly belive there is no God, or that dont believe in Jesus. What do you do when you experience trauma, or extream loss, heartache, or some terrible experience. What do you do with the pain, How do you heal, I honestly wonder about your ability to remain level headed and move through one day to the next. Have you ever come to the end of yourself? I run into great sorrow in my life, and I could not move forward without the hope I have given me by my faith. What do you do, or better yet how do you do it? Where does your stregnth come from? Im not being sarcastic, I really cant understand how you make it. Perhaps this is too personal a question, Ill understand if no one responds to me, its just that I have been a believer so long that all my close friends are fellow believers too. Our coping mechanism is the same.
  5. Victoriana

    A Friday Funny!

    The Dutches of a very prestigeous estate was in the habit of having elaborate dinner parties. At one such a party, everyone was seated and ready to be served when she leg go of one very profound fart. With utter unabashedness she reprimanded her butler sternly "Perkins!! Stop that at once!!!" He replied "Very well Madam, Which way did it go?"
  6. Victoriana

    Moral Dilemma

    I wish you could bounce his e-mail back without him knowing that you had opened it, marked undeliverable. I think that was really in your face, and obviously it buggs him that you dont embace his new relationship. Can you visit his wife, then when he visits next time you can let him know how wonderful your visit with her was? He needs manners, if not counseling.
  7. Victoriana

    Favorite Superbowl Commercial

    I love the red crabs that worship the Ice chest on the beach! Kinda reminds me of the little aliens that worship the claw in the Disney Toy Story. I think Budwiser has been consistantly funny, Remember the frogs? The classiest one was when the Klidesdale horses traveled across America to the shores of New Jersey and kneeled while we could see New York City, After 911. Wow.
  8. Victoriana

    Lying down after eating

    Never ever heard this from my Dr, or the support meetings that I attend. Im with the question about how often would you lay down after eating anyway? Interesting thought though.
  9. Victoriana

    New from Washington

    Hello, Im in Bellevue, WA so welcome aboard! Best wishes!
  10. Victoriana

    Earthquake alert

    I have not heard about this series of small quakes, Im in Seattle, so I must say I keep prepared too, so thanks for the heads up so to speak, I noticed I was at half a tank today and thought I would gas up tomorrow, I know better than that but, alas, I wanted to just get home. Hope if we do get one that it is a deep one, not a surface one as those tend to be the real doozies eh? This is always interesting to me. Have you been through a quake yet? I have and boy, it gave me such vertigo for a couple of days. Funny thing, my dog barked like crazy and all the birds took flight just seconds before I could feel anything. Animals just have some sense about them. Its amazing. Oh BTW, I love Vancouver Island, and my favorite vacation was at Harrison Hot Springs. Sooo Beautifulll.
  11. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ahem, Religeon is one thing, faith is something alltogether different, and relationship with Christ Jesus is in a realm of its own, because it involves the Spirit. I religeously take medication daily. I have faith in my husbands love for me. Chrish Jesus chose me before the foundations of the world were laid, He saw my unformed body and He numbered my days before a single one even happened. He died so I could be reconciled (relationship) to the Father, and I responded to His love by the revelation of truth by the Holy Spirit. I do believe that this completley defies rationality. But it does explain true Love.
  12. Victoriana

    Stress and PBs

    Have you been able to eat omlets all along? I cant eat scrambled, hard boiled eggs or omlets. I think stress could be the culpret, but reheated eggs would really ball up on me for sure. Hope your mom gets better, what a scare you had. I have not noticed stress changing me so far. This is a good question, I hope to learn with you.
  13. Im sure ther are Michigan bandsters, Have you checked in the Michigan site at the bottom of this forum? Best wishes and welcome!
  14. Victoriana

    Hello All, Newbie Here!

    Hey, did we get a twofer here? Are you both banded? What a wonderful idea, built in support! Welcome guys, keep reading and you will learn lots Im sure.
  15. Victoriana

    New Guy feeling Quilty...

    Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself. You certainly care for other people and get them to thier healthiest state, why should you be treated differently? When we care for ourselves, we can care for others even better so Im proud that you stopped smoking, (no small feat), and now you are tackling the weight issue. You know how damaging hi bp is to the heart, thickening the wall muscle and causing it to work harder and harder. I think you are doing the best for yourself. Why on earth should guilt rob you of your hapiness? One more thought, sometimes the anesthesia leaves us with a sense of loss, or depression, or even doubt, so maybe you are just experiencing withdrawal. Many of us notice this around day three or four, so could this explain your guilt? Best wishes on your way to a healthier you!
  16. Victoriana

    Another Attack on American Women

    HEY!!! I have a 23" waist! Its in here somewhere I just know it, and someday when I get to goal, I just might find it again. Its probably under my port by now!!
  17. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thank you Alexandra for your request for us to quit the name calling and belittleing. (sp) I enjoyed most of the post here, as of late some post are sad. I want to welcome Cal to the conversation, and there was a post where I metioned the use of a Talit, I wish to not offend anyone that knows how serious the use of this is in the Jewish faith, and yes I am aware that is is meant for males. I use a prayer shawl that is a Messiaic Talit, and I was given it by Messianic Christians, and I have heard and used the term Completed Jew for nearly 20 years. It is not a new term at all and it is not meant to say that Orthadox Jews are incomplete. I have been quite amazed by the references to the talit and robes through out scripture. From most of them they refer to the authority of an individual and there are many that refer to the healing power of the office. I pray with the faith that there is healing in His wings, and that our Savior arose with healing in His wings, which refers to His Talit and its tassels, which I understand are tied to represent the phrase, The Lord Our God Is One. The winding and knots refer to letters in the Hebrew alphabet that represent this. Again, I am not an authority, but I must say that I appreciate the symbolism. I feel as though I wrap myself in the presence of God, and It becomes my tent of meeting. It sometimes helps me to focus and separate myself from distractions. I had a near death experience, seriously, and a day does not pass where I know that I cannot move my little finger without the life of God moving through me. When I write in word pictures ie, putting a bandaid on my childs hand, I clearly use this as an extreamly simplistic metaphor. Im not ever going to try to razzle dazzle anyone with my writing ability, as proven by my grammar and spelling. I hope that we continue to ask questions of each other so as to gain understanding of each other, and If some are persuaded, so be it and if others are not, thats ok too. I believe as Ron does that we should be able to explain or defend our faith. I also believe that God is the author and finisher of our faith, so its His job to ultimately do the convincing. eh?
  18. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    If God didnt allow us a choice, how would it be love if we worship and trusted Him out of a lack of other options. God understands love, and the Word says He is love, it was out of love that he allows us the choice, and if we choose to deny Him, thats it. He provided a perfect, sinless, disease free garden and the tree that we were instructed to not eat from. Hoping that obedience would ensue. But since Eve never had anyone lie to her before, she didnt know she could not trust the serpent when he asked her the question, Did God really say... and caused her to doubt, and sin. But God did warn her to stay away. As a parent I taught my children what was dangerous, but sometimes they tested me and had the consequence of getting hurt. This broke my heart to mend a cut finger or something like that. But, God in His infinate love knew that He could still provide a way to be with Him again, but it still comes as a choice, to love Him or abstain. Just because He doesnt force us to love Him doesnt mean that He doesnt continue to hope that we would choose Him. He did take my punishment upon Himself after all, even if I choose to ignore Him. It seems that there is a pervasive rule somewhere that says that since God knows everything, He set us up for punishment. Its just the opposite, He knows we are not perfect, so He still gives us the choice to come back to Him. Personally, I was such a wretched person without His intervention. Not that I was mean to people, or a murderer, or thief. I had a basic moral code that I followed, and believed in personal ingegrety and honesty. I was wretched because inside my self, I was insecure, sad, lonely, and allowed people to walk all over me, I had no value in my own eyes. When I learned how much I really am loved by God, I became safe, free from fear, peacefull, confident and so much more. The only thing that changed was my choice to choose Him, ask His forgivness for not loving myself, and therefore not loving others the way they should have been, and most of all, not loving Him enough to trust Him with my life. That is why my signature about forgivness is on each of my post. I never want to forget the power of His forgivness. Remember, I respect others choices, because God honors us with choices.
  19. It was about 40 before most people noticed for me, I still could wear the same clothes, because before the stretchy fabric was so tight, then when it became baggy, thats when someone said something. My DH noticed at about fifteen. But he sees me everyday.
  20. My cardiologist would not approve any other gastric surgery. He liked the minimal invasion, removability, and slower weight loss. He felt that the mortality rate was much preferred and rapid wieght loss tends to strip potassium from your body which is critical for you heart. Even though I have the band, I had a few month where the potassium needed replacement with supliments. I am off four differen Rxs, have lost 75 pounds and my heart couldnt be more happy. If you think you could ruin your banding process by overeating, you should look at the consequences for overeating with the bypass. It can be fatal. It was cut and dry for me, buy I think you should listen to your own heart, it usually is right anyway.
  21. Victoriana

    A Jewish Parrot!

    How precious!! Chicken? For goodness sakes. That was one expensive dinner!
  22. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Why do I now weep? Im so full of His presence. I understand why you want to share so. So do I.
  23. Victoriana

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Zoweeee! Im gone for a couple of days and look what has been going on! Its nice to meet you Ron.. I would appreciate prayer for a dear friend who is suffering from colen cancer, 2 years now and he is at 148 lbs. I took a prayer shawl to him with a cd on the scriptures that started in the ot and lead to the nt. I love our Messianic brothers and sisters. I am truly in love with the beautiful symbolism they carry through the centuries, and not just that but the way they preserved the scriptures in detailed accuracy for us. Im so tired, I have had so much going on and I just wanted to lurk tonite but alas, I had to respond to say hi and I read every single post on this thread tonite. I as a child wondedred why there were seven days in a week. Why is the time split in our world from bc to ad? How can evolution parallel the creation story as far as the chain of events are concerned. You know stuff like that. Well I will wrap myself in my talit tonight, worship with all my heart and awaken refreshed, thank God Almighty for a new day and take a total stranger to a Dr. appt. (she called the church office for help). We have so much power at our fingertips. God bless you and keep you, my dear brother, and we will talk again sometimes for sure. Victoriana
  24. Victoriana

    My Brother please think of him

    How scary for him, I hope you are able to feel better soon and my prayers for him are for his healing, completly, and for the trauma of this to not have any lasting effects. Bless you.
  25. Victoriana

    Thoughts and Prayers for Marz88 and family

    Dear Marz, Im praying for your family, so sorry for your pain, and the young nephew, as when he learns of his losses too, he will need support. May God bless you and comfort you.

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