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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Victoriana

  1. Victoriana

    Something interesting - antidepressants

    Dear Dody, With your experiences any one would be in great distress. I cant imagine so much stress . I hope you continue to feel better and better, give yourself credit for pressing in and taking care of yourself in spite of it all. I am proud of you, your daughter has a great mom, she is learning a lot of life lessons watching you cope and continue. That is very powerfull. Im glad you post here, sometimes I whine over the stupid things that happen in my day and I must admit that you have inspired me to be more thankfull and watch what kind of example Im setting for my kids. Bless you
  2. Victoriana

    I Am Sooo Angry!!!!

    How very disapointing. I'm sad you had to go through all that.If this happened to me I would be questioning the reality of the whole thing, Its alot of work to get to your point. Are you going to speak to this Dr. and ask him why he was leading you on? I believe that it seems that this door has closed since the insurance co denied your request. I guess that it was meant to be this way and I also believe there is a good reason behind it. I bet you are going to have a real blessing in the future getting a Dr. with experience, Good aftercare and the timing might have a better blessing behind it. Dont loose your hope, you will get what you want and with more and more successes with the lap band I believe that more insurance co will jump on the band wagon. I hope your new company will have different guidelines that will pave the way to a successful experience. Keep us posted, and the new year isnt that far away!
  3. Victoriana

    Something interesting - antidepressants

    I found a small paperback book called "Changes that Heal". I dont know if you can still find it but it was so easy to read and I saw myself in almost every chapter. and it didnt have any side effects. I think this proves that in my case my depression probably came from my emotions more than chemistry. I had Lexapro way way long time ago, I just couldn't handle the drowseys. It came in waves, like at 4:30 in the afternoon I was toast.
  4. Victoriana

    My doctor is a crackhead? Please confirm...

    I know you have been given a lot of advice here and they all sound logical, but if you havent had success maybe one more wont harm.. When I met my DH he was a total vegetarian. Not even lactle ovo, and He was loosing his hair and he thought that it was just early male pattern baldness. After living with a real meat eater he couldnt stand it anymore and slowly started eating chicken and then beef. There was no change in his hair untill he began to eat beef and then he started to have baby little shoots that were quite fine. They appeared where the front of his forehead hairline was and they continued to grow in completely. He was very happy! When we talked to his DR. he commented that the beef has certain aminoacids that cannot be acquired through even the carefullest combinations of ohter protiens. I think he called them essential fatty acids or something like that. Anyway he still has that hair 23 yrs later. Do you eat any beef? I just was wondering.
  5. Victoriana

    Hello from Massachusetts

    Welcome from the other side of the US, I have a cousin in Billerica! Im in Seattle, the other end of interstate 90. You have found a great place to get support and reassurance. Best wishes!
  6. Hi and welcome, when you get banded we can have a cyber celebration !
  7. Victoriana

    Yep, another newbie

    Hello! You have found a treasure chest of friends and lots of great info. Welcome aboard!
  8. Beautiful name! Please let your tummy lose its swelling and let it heal, this is the foundational step for success I believe. Happy drinking, Here's to you!
  9. Victoriana

    Trying to get there!

    We are here and let us be a part of your preparation, you know, birds of a feather. Welcome!
  10. Hi Mykidsdad, The supportive husband does more than support the wife, as you can tell we all draw stregnth from each other, and just hearing about another supportive husband reminds me to thank God for mine. Your kind are greatly appreciated. My DH also was concerned about the clothing budget, I have clothes that Ive grown out of and I plan on shrinking into again, and some of the others I plan to wash in hot water and dry them in the hot dryer and see what comes out, maybe some of them will shrink!
  11. Hi nursemom, I was banded Nov 28, and i still gurgle and percolate! I think the drastic change in my eating habits has altered my digestive chemistry, my body is in either shock or rebellion. I am going to hold of on making any judgement calls as all this is so very new to me, I would call the Dr. if you are feeling too uncomfortable. I welcome you to lapbandland ( say that fast 3 times) and Happpy Holidays, I celebrate Christmas and love this season!
  12. Victoriana

    Not feeling well

    My Dr said the 2 and 3 day would be the worst as the general anesthesia would have worn off and I had to manage pain with wiquid hydrocodone. Stay on the clear liquids and water. Drink lots of water. Coughing the mucus is normal and good to do otherwise you could develope pneumonia, It is also a reaction of the throat tube and anesthesia, you may see a little blood also. Dont be alarmed but you be the judge and call yo Dr.if you arent better soon. and NO you are not a crybaby.
  13. Gallbladder surgery is very hard on non obese people, and it takes about a month to start to feel normal, from what Ive known (3) persons. I would still give my Dr. a call to be sure. Take you temperature beforhand as I am sure they are going to ask you that. Are you drinking enough water, just plain water, not tea, coffee, and the like? Water is necessary to cleans your liver and body of the anesthesia. You might also see a white coat on your tounge, drink more water. Im glad you can walk about and at least attempt the treadmill, are you winded or just tired. If you are really winded, I would call my Dr. asap as this is just one of the symptoms of a heart complication. I hope you feel better soon, and please keep us posted, I would like to hear from you soon.
  14. Victoriana

    mini goals?

    I need to make a list of goals and mini goals for the times I am soooo tempted to throw in the towel and give in to my hunger. I need to have a lot of different kinds of food around for my family and I want to eat it like I used to. I was hoping somebody could write a few of the reasons why they want to loose weight, and what some of there goals and mini goals are. I want to post the reasons to stick with it onto my refrigerator, right at eye level! A lot of my reasons Im sure are very common, I will write those on my list of course. Hope we can gather these goals so we can feed our success (and perhaps I wont feed my face as much) I want to be healthy. I want my joints to stop hurting. I want my feet to not get sore all the time. I want to feel better I want more energy I want to tie my shoes without getting dizzy. I want to use less medication for blood pressure,cholesterol, etc. I want to look good I want to be able to (you know with my DH) more I want to live long. Anyone care to add to this list feel free! Thanks
  15. Victoriana

    3 weeks post op

    Hi Monica, I am almost 3 weeks out, I have some soreness at the port sight. I have pretty much healed at the incision places, sometimes itchy. As far as eating goes, My Dr. released me from the mushy stage as long as I eat slowly and chew well. Of course I dont eat any spicy foods, I watch the calories and try to stay around 1000 per day. I like to sleep alot, so I guess you can say my energy is still down. I try to go to bed and get 6 hrs of sleep, get up a little and then go back to sleep about another hour and 1/2. Im walking around ok, I have hunger! I still eat small portions. I dont want any pain so I really pay attention when I eat. Drink a lot of water also. How is it going for you?
  16. Victoriana

    Are you banded??

    Banded and not filled
  17. Victoriana

    Blabber Mouth at Preferred one!!!!

    Dear Imaline, Please protect yourself, I noticed that you did NOT name the insurance company, and you did NOT name the HR person and you did NOT name the employee at the insurance CO. Please do NOT. I think you have a 2-fer, You not only can you sue the Insurance Company, but you also can sue the individual that CC'd your HR director. If you name anyone, you can be sued for slander and jepordize you case. I was so grateful that you didnt list names. This is an open forum and anyone can read it so Just to be safe DO NOT NAME anyone here. I am so glad that you have this site to discuss this,, I wouldnt even tell people you work with any more than necessary. I think you have a very open and shut case as they say.
  18. Victoriana

    Done it

    Keep on keeping on!
  19. Victoriana

    Done it

    Happy band day to youuuu. Happy bnad day to youuu. Happy band day dear Joooooe, Happy band day tooo youuu!
  20. Victoriana

    Holy Cow!

    Wonderfull, isnt it amazing what our bodies can do? Good Job!!
  21. Victoriana

    I'm in misery

    Dear Dody, You have to stop worrying!! Ulcers arent helped with continued stress, I hope that you can lean on the confidence offered by others, some with lots of experience, some just starting the journey like you and I. It seems like you have said you have fear of the unknown. There will always be unknowns, so they cant hurt you as much as the fear and worry about them. No one wants you to hurt, we cant see each other or touch each other, but there are so many real friends here. try to see yourself healed, with the band and working for your first fill. Keep this image in your mind. You have the right to be sucessful, you have permission to be free!! Dont be afraid of the unknown, know the new you in your mind and make the future yours. Let peace bathe you. Happiness is waiting for you! You sound so precious, as others have said you are one of us, you are a member of the wanting to improve my heatlh club. I believe that we are all proud of you. You have already made most of the hardest steps, like facing the problem and recognizing the need for some change, you have made positive steps to take controll of your health like seeing th Dr. and following his directions. He sounds very thorough. I am very encouraged with your concern for yourself. Its good to care! it is not good to worry. Im hopping you begin to feel much better soon, some medications take a couple of days to reach proper levels in your body. If you are more sleepy, then take a nap if you can. I once had a Dr. that precsribed a daily nap for me and I thought it wasnt necessary, but he really was right. Please let us know how things are going for you every now and then, O.K? We really do want to know!
  22. Victoriana

    MY first NSV and SV

    Great Job, How would you like to publish your exercize and eating diary? I know I would buy it in a snap. Im having a hard time not coveting your success! It couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
  23. Victoriana

    2 years and counting

    What a lift. Right now Im trying to understand my body. Its giving me messages that I have never heard before. I needed to be reminded that as in everything there needs to be a long term goal and perspective and a short one. Thanks. I would love to hear from more than just the two post I've seen in this thread from longterm bandsters. Anymore out there willing to share?
  24. Victoriana

    Im back!

    Whippie! you on you way-no stopping now!
  25. Victoriana

    please pray!

    How faithfull our father is. He withholds no good thing from us. How great and wonderfull He is. The great I AM. Im sooo excited! If He can restore 15% of my heart that was scarred, Proven by nuclear scan, and Fully functional 100% as of last October, proven by nuclear scan again then he can certainly fully restore hearing! Thank you Jesus!

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