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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from MissB1982 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Praying for those having surgery tomorrow!!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from MissB1982 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Praying for those having surgery tomorrow!!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to tanktalken in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    You have no idea how your kind words bolster me up and make me feel just plain good! I'm with you on the clothes fantasies:)
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to GTO315 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Was in the hospital gown the entire time, so nightgown/pjs not needed. Wouldn't let me shower, so shampoo/body wash etc, not needed. Didn't need baby spoons, they provided spoons, but believe me, you really won't want to eat. Water was my only friend. Biotene helped since I couldn't drink anything the day of surgery. Headphones/earbuds definitely helped since I had a snoring roommate. My hospital gave me a pillow with the sleeve procedure diagram on it - it was an autograph pillow, so my nurses and doctors signed it...lol.
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to GTO315 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Can it really be 5 days since I got sleeved? Well, I'm counting the days until I meet with the doctor and get cleared to eat pureed food. I must say that considering I am on liquids, I really am not hungry. I just want something to chew! Soreness is going away. No real pain. I never got my Rx filled as I decided to tough it out. Swallowing is still a chore. I certainly know when my sip is too big because my stomach retaliates. The easiest thing to go down are the sugar-free Luigi's ices since they just melt and slide down on their own. Hope everyone else is getting along well.
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from tohealth in Helpful notes in prep for surgery   
    Ive been taking pics of pksts that have been helpful to me in preoaration for my revision to sleeve surgery on July 26 so i thought I wouldnshare with all.
    Pack for Hospital:
    Heating pad
    Chapstick/lip balm
    Face wipes
    **biotine (for dry mouth). Heard this is a life saver
    Helpful suggestions im considering for after surgery:
    Premiere Protein Shakes
    Ice tray to freeze broth etc since portions so small
    sugar free popsicles
    Fill prescriptions
    Clean sheets on bed
    Milk of magnesia
    Stool softeners
    calcium citrate chewables
    Alive liquid Vitamin
    Balanced essentials liquid vitamins- tropical and berry flavor- heard very tasty. Heaven sent naturals can find at vitamin world
    Via tiv chewable Calcium
    Centrum flavor bursts - tropical flavor
    Nutriwise- can purchase at Amazon
    To help woth acid pain put 3-4 drops of organic lemon juice in Water per 8 oz
    Protein20- type of water at grocery store tasty- tropical coconut flavor is yummy
    Centrum vitamints
    Cup- My hydrate
    Hope this is helpful. Im soooooo excited!!!!! July 26 cant get here soon enough.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from Stephy5 in Revision tomorrow 7/20   
    Yes that was the step by step i meant. Lol. Sounds like it went super smoothe. Happy for you!!!!! Im nursing a super sore throat and trying to get rid of it prior to Tuesday!!!!! Its from drainage. Ughhhh
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to CINNAMON 2015 in Complication after complication. [emoji22]   
    Hi, sorry you are having all these issues. I had an issue with throwing up every time I ate something for 3 months after surgery. My surgeon did an endo and loosened the pouch opening a little. I've had no problems since. Good Luck to you, and make those medical people pay attention to you. You deserve the best!
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to HappilyEverAfter44 in Complication after complication. [emoji22]   
    At my puréed stage,I began to have issues with the food going down. I had an endoscopy, and they found that some of my surgical staples had migrated and caused an ulcer, ultimately causing a structure. I was only 6 weeks out, so they weren't able to dilate me. The GI doc told me to come back in a month and he would attempt to dilate me when I was more healed. I contacted my bariatric surgeon who told me to just deal with the GI doc. The GI doc told me to come back in a month. I guess no one seemed to care that I was NOT eating ANYTHING. Water was the only thing that could go down. 4 weeks later, I had another endoscopy. The ulcer was unchanged and deep so they were not able to dilate me. Now I'm 10 weeks post op and still not eating. Drinking only water and again, no doctors seemed concerned. Month 3 post op, at work I began to have chest pain and palpitations. I ended up in the emergency department later that night. My potassium was critically low, my heart rate was in the 30's, my pre albumin (determines malnutrition) was dangerously low, as were all of my Vitamins. Also abnormal was my troponin, which shows damage done to the heart). (Critically low were thiamine and b12). I had been using the vitamin patches bought through the bariatric site and my NUT told me that I, essentially was without any victim and for 3 months!! He says that there is no way that vitamins absorb through the skin!) I was in the telemetry department for 8 days. They did yet another endoscopy which showed no changes to the ulcer, so -yup-you guessed it--they could not dilate me. So I finally asked them what their plan B was since if I couldn't be dilated, then I couldn't eat and it would be a continuous cycle. They decided to place a PICC line into my arm (a semi-permanent IV line that can stay in my arm for up to a year) and to give me TPN which is nutrition that is given through the PICC line. The first time they gave me the TPN, I had an anaphylactic reaction to it, so they had to modify it. The following day, I got TPN successfully. I was to be discharged on day 8 and would be getting TPN at home. On day 9 (my first day home) I developed severe pain in the arm where my picc line was. I went to the doctor who sent me for an ultrasound of that arm. I was diagnosed with 2 DVTs (blood clots in the vessel) in my upper arm. So out came the PICC line-and therefore no TPN. Week 14, I went for yet another endoscopy. Since I had been receiving the Protein my body needed to heal, my ulcer had healed! I was able to be dilated! I was on liquids for 3 days and on day 4, I ate soft food!!! It went down!!! No pain! No vomiting! I was fixed.....or so I thought. Two days ago, I began to have pain when I ate. Then vomiting. And the nausea is severe. So now I'm faced with my 5th endoscopy next week with placement of a stent to hold the opening open for 3 weeks and then I pray that this is the end of my complications. I know they tell you complications you can have. I just didn't expect to have ALL of them at the same time. And believe it or not, throughout this whole ordeal, I still do not regret my decision to have this surgery.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Let it go in one ear and out the other. I have told very few people for that very reason. But some have been questioning. I just pretend to listen and fantasize about all the amazing clothes my small body will be wearing. Keep your eye on the prize. A new healthy and happy you!!!! So glad we are all in this together. Nobody NOBODY understands like we all do. So excited you are a day before us so as soon as you are up and about check in on MONDAY!!!! we will all be eagerly waiting. Prayers for you girl!!!! We got this!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to Stephy5 in Revision tomorrow 7/20   
    I'm not sure what you mean step by step. Let's see. I was on 2 weeks of full liquids, the 2 days of Clear Liquids. Checked into the hospital the morning of. Did all my vitals. Gave me drugs to relax me. Wheeled me into the surgery room. They took my band and port out and sleeved me all in under 2 hours. Came out of surgery, my surgeon doesn't allow anything by mouth until 24 hours later. That was rough. Next day I got Water and as soon as we knew I would tolerate that I was allowed broth, Protein juice etc. they released me 48 hours after admission to come home. I see him again on Tuesday to go over the rest of my diet.
    I noticed instantly my band was gone. Felt nice. My port site isn't as sore as I expected. Make sure you walk walk walk. Be slow with hot and cold as your tummy is sensitive now that it's been cut.
    Not sure if there was anything else you were curious about. Let me know. Good luck on Tuesday
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to theantichick in To go to ER or not   
    I'm an ex-ER nurse, and the BP you listed is really too low, especially with dizziness and light headedness. I agree with Inner Surfer Girl that your doc is the best person to ask. If you can't get ahold of your cardiologist pretty quickly I would recommend the ER, especially since it's the weekend. You do not want to let this go until Monday.
  13. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in July 26ers   
    Great list. I went and did my shopping tonight! Super exciting. 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Stephy5 in Revision tomorrow 7/20   
    I'm headed home. Went great. I can feel that my band is gone. Thank goodness. I haven't been able to burp since having my band placed. Well since Wednesday I keep burping. It's a very satisfying feeling. We will have too see how it goes from here. Thanks everyone for the support.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to deekel8 in July 26ers   
    Here's a list I've started, although I've heard alot of peeps say to pack next to nothing. Like, am I REALLY gonna want to put makeup on? *Gas X strips (although my surgeon said dont, the nurses will be mad if you self medicate)
    *biotene spray
    *listerene strips
    *those little disposable toothbrushes with paste on (colgate maybe?)
    *hair ties
    *Body wash
    (Some said we wouldnt be able to focus on a book on pain meds)
    *Ear buds
    (If u dont have a long charger cord bring extension cord)
    *Eye mask
    *Ear plugs
    *Driver's license
    *Insurance card
    *Pillow (for ride home)
    *Baby spoons
    *Go home comfy outfit
    *Flip flops
    *Heating pad?
    *Medications (bariatric folder says to bring)
    *Bariatric folder
    This is what I've come up with. If you have any opinions or ideas let me know!
    Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Let it go in one ear and out the other. I have told very few people for that very reason. But some have been questioning. I just pretend to listen and fantasize about all the amazing clothes my small body will be wearing. Keep your eye on the prize. A new healthy and happy you!!!! So glad we are all in this together. Nobody NOBODY understands like we all do. So excited you are a day before us so as soon as you are up and about check in on MONDAY!!!! we will all be eagerly waiting. Prayers for you girl!!!! We got this!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Let it go in one ear and out the other. I have told very few people for that very reason. But some have been questioning. I just pretend to listen and fantasize about all the amazing clothes my small body will be wearing. Keep your eye on the prize. A new healthy and happy you!!!! So glad we are all in this together. Nobody NOBODY understands like we all do. So excited you are a day before us so as soon as you are up and about check in on MONDAY!!!! we will all be eagerly waiting. Prayers for you girl!!!! We got this!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Let it go in one ear and out the other. I have told very few people for that very reason. But some have been questioning. I just pretend to listen and fantasize about all the amazing clothes my small body will be wearing. Keep your eye on the prize. A new healthy and happy you!!!! So glad we are all in this together. Nobody NOBODY understands like we all do. So excited you are a day before us so as soon as you are up and about check in on MONDAY!!!! we will all be eagerly waiting. Prayers for you girl!!!! We got this!!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to deekel8 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Ugh! That sux that peeps are doing that to you. As if we aren't nervous enough. I've been lucky with everyone I've told being very supportive. The one person that said something like that to me was also very overweight and is an exersize junkie. I thought for sure out of anyone she would understand my struggle.Good luck on Monday! We'll be thinking of you. Check in when you are able.
    Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to MissB1982 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Hi, my surgery is Wednesday and no because I refused to tell anyone. Maybe later after its done but probably not.
  21. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to tanktalken in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Ok 26ers it's Nancy K., 25er! this has been a 18 month process for me and damn if it ain't here! I'm excited but nervous a bit and want it to be about 4 in the afternoon July 25...It's a trip, I've got to say, but lately I've had friends/coworkers making the are you sure, isn't this extreme, you're really not going through with this, are you? comments. the person I get the most negative crapiola from is very heavy herself. she makes comments like, " wow, i'd never do something so extreme. I've heard lots of people gain it all back etc, etc., etc." has anyone else experienced this?
  22. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Heatgirl03 in Worried. Woke up sick   
    Airborne is the best to take for a few days and you should be all cleared up before your surgery! Good Luck!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from MissMellyMell in 10 Months Post Op Update   
    You look AMAZING. this got me super excited. So proud of you.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Tina Marie Pecchillo in July 26ers   
    4 more days ladies!!!!!! Idk if I'm excited or nervous... I'm a little of both. I've never had surgery before and I have terrible anxiety and I just hope it all goes good!!
    Are you guys planning on packing anything for the hospital stay?
  25. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from Kari1985 in July 26ers   
    Im freaking out and overwhelmed and excited all at the same time. Lol. Cant wait to prepare this weekend. 3 more days!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
