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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from CaitlinT in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Im band to sleeve too @"AmyD102". My surgery is jumy 26 so ur headed to the loser bench before me!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from CaitlinT in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Im band to sleeve too @"AmyD102". My surgery is jumy 26 so ur headed to the loser bench before me!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to maryd2929 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Thanks for the play by play! It's very helpful. I go to the batters box Tuesday morning. And after that the losers bench. Blue IV Carter...love it! Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to AmyD102 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Thank you for the information! I thought I was going to have an August date, but my surgeons office called today and have an opening July 18th, so 10 days for me fir my band to sleeve revision! I have a one week pre-op diet that starts Monday and all my tests are going to be Wed and I should be cleared for the 18th! So excited and nervous at the same time!
    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to higher in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    The gown and pants they gave me are sooooooooo big I am drowning in them. I hope this is how my fat clothes feel later on down the road !
  6. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Laughkc11 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    I was inspired by this group to create a countdown on my phone. Here goes...

  7. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from DSLdiversity in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Headphones (for whiteniise to drown out noise of nurses, roomate etc...
    Snacks..hahaha. Jk. We WONT be needing Snacks
    No slip socks/ house shoes
    Heating pad
    Everyone join in so we get more ideas!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from CaitlinT in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    @"lacracra2" im so happy to see your update. Hope ur gas pains go away ASAP. HANG IN THERE GIRL AND IM SO HAPPY UR ON THE LOSERS BENCH. i cant wait to join u!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from CaitlinT in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    So happy to see your update!!!!!! Keep em coming when you can!!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from CaitlinT in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Me too @"deekel8". Im FINALLY scheduled for july 26th!!!! We can wnter the other side together. Mine isnat 8 am. What time isnyours????
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to higher in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Ok I'm home now, comfortable and my typing arm isn't hooked up to an IV anymore so I can let you guys know how it went.
    I found these play by plays so helpful when I was researching the board so hope this one is too. Here goes:
    - I showed up at the hospital at my designated time of 8:15 am on Thursday. When I got there, the Preoperative nurse went over paperwork with me, had me take a pregnancy test, had me change into a gown and set up my IV who I promptly named Blue IV Carter. Since I had no one with me and had not invited visitors to the hospital, the preop nurse also wrapped up my clothing and bag and left it with security.
    - while I was in the preop room the following people came by to check in with me and see if I had any questions: the surgeon, my physicians assistant, the surgery nurse, the anesthesiologist, and the anesthesia nurse.
    - I was also left alone in the room for quite some time as the surgery before mine ran long so I took that time to peruse my file and read all my clearance letters. I noticed that the shrink who did my psych clearance had not listened to a word I said and his letter was riddled with errors but oh well, it was effective for my insurance company and I see my own therapist anyway.
    - the surgery nurse comes to fetch me and walk me into the OR where I was greeted by at least a dozen people. The anasthesia nurse told me the first thing she would give me would feel like a "glass of wine" and one of the surgery assistants told me he was hooking me up to something that would massage my legs. "Oh, like a fancy spa." I said and then my surgeon came to wish me a good sleep and that's the last I remember until
    - I woke up in the post op room extremely nauseous and in a lot of pain. I was retching and dry heaving a lot. The anasthesia nurse was there and showed me how to use my PCA and I proceeded to press the button repeatedly. This was the worst part of the whole experience. I ended up spending almost 6 hours in the post op room while they got a room ready for me. The hospital was backed up and they apologized for this several times. My mouth was super dry, to the point of pain, my cheeks sticking to my teeth and what not. The post op nurse brought me some cups of Water to swish and spit which brought some light relief but I was fantasizing about the bottle of biotene spray that was locked up with security. I also must have slept quite a bit while down there. They brought several other patients in and out from other surgeries while I was there. At some point my surgeon stopped by to tell me he had done a liver biopsy as well.
    - eventually transport took me to my unit, which was not my surgeons preferred unit but made me happy because it was a unit with all private rooms. The transport was also awful- they banged me into a wall and Blue IV Carter got stuck a couple of times. As soon as I got into my bed in my unit I started dry heaving again.
    - I met my (lovely) nurses and begged them to retrieve my bags from security for me. While I waited for those I swished and spit some more and drifted in and out of sleep.
    - when I got my bags the biotene was a huge life saver. It kept my mouth moist for the rest of the night as I was on nil per mouth and wasn't even allowed ice chips or Water. Shout out to the bariatric pal community for recommending I pack that.
    - at this point (7:30/8pm) I started feeling pretty great. The pain meds were doing their job and the nurses gave me Zofran for nausea which worked great. I started doing laps around the floor with Blue IV. About every 5-6 laps elicited a little burp which felt great.
    - I spent the rest of the night alternately sleeping, walking my laps, spraying with biotene, and using the spirometer. Around 2am the nurse asked me if I had urinated. I had not and she informed me if I didn't go soon she would have to insert a catheter. I interpreted this as a grave threat and stepped up the laps and made many attempts to pee while running the shower and sink faucets. At some point my nurse changed me from a clear bag of IV fluids to a yellow one rich with Vitamins. Between that a YouTube video of a babbling brook I propped up on the sink I finally went around 5:30 am and the catheter threat was over.
    - I slept about an hour and was awoken by a parade of about 10 cheery residents, 3 of whom were in my surgery. They asked how I was feeling, checked out my 5 incisions and went on their merry way. They returned throughout the day in various configurations of 2-3 at a time to make sure I was walking, using the spirometer and feeling okay.
    - my surgeon came by around 9 am to check in and tell me that the surgery went great and I would be free to go around 3-4 pm and that I could have Clear liquids.
    - my nurse brought me a tray of tea, water, veggie broth, orange jell-o and apple juice. I had the water and about half the broth. It felt great ! And elicited more gentle burping.
    - around 12 pm in preparation for my discharge they took away my dear Blue IV Carter and replaced her with a non PCA model. Bye bye morphine.
    - I then slept hard for about a 2 hour stretch- the longest stretch of the whole ordeal. When I woke up there was a lunch tray with the same stuff as the Breakfast try. I had half the broth again.
    - the surgeons PA came in with my discharge paperwork and final instructions. I changed into my clothes, called an Uber and now I'm recovering comfortably at home. Voila.
    tl;dr- surgery went fine, pack biotene, try hard to pee.
  12. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Grams2016 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Hello my surgery is in 10days. I borrowed from from the list and added a few items of my own. If anyone can think of anything else please let me know. I haven't been in the hospital in a while.
    2 chargers ( so you can charge both at night)
    Slippers and socks
    Comfy clothes to go home in.
    Chap stick
    Under clothes
    Hygiene products
    Eye mask
    Note book and pen
    Sent from my N9518 using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to LadyStardust in 19 days until "Revision" ...HELP?   
    Hello ladies and gents, fellow bariatric patients,
    I'm currently scheduled for a revision from the gastric sleeve to the gastric by-pass on July 26th. I was hoping there were some people on these forums who might have gone through similar experiences so they would be able to tell me what to expect.
    Here's a background on my surgical journey...
    I had the gastric sleeve done in 2013 with a preoperative weight of 276lbs (I am female, 5'5") and for the first three months everything went textbook well, healing-wise, weight loss wise- everything. Then, suddenly the weight loss trudged on very slowly and I began having issues digesting. Specifically, terrible GERD, stomach pain, vomiting, horrific Constipation, onsets of feeling extremely faint and heart palpitations. This continues on for the remainder of a year until my doctor (who claimed all of this was normal) ordered a barium swallow test.
    The test showed slow gastric emptying and pyloric spasms which would explain the stomach pain and vomiting. We ordered two different endoscopies with two different doctors who concluded everything was otherwise normal. My surgeon encouraged me to simply exercise more and continue high Protein, high Fiber, low carbohydrate dieting- which I did.
    Fast forward two frustrating years I ended up having a thirty three pound regain, from my lowest weight of 203lbs. I was vomiting at least 4-5 times a week and unable to handle most meats (especially beef), noodles and many "rich" or "thick" foods. I was forced to eat mainly carbs since it seemed to be the only thing I could keep down.
    Today, I've since become a full blown vegetarian weighing around 212lbs and struggling to get my digestion and weight under control. I'm sick of having to go into the bathroom in a public restaurant in front of family and friends because I couldn't handle a dish. I have horrible heartburn, constipation and I vomit LESS (maybe once every week or so) but only because I avoid the foods that seem to trigger it. I have low self-confidence and feel like I've somehow failed to make myself healthier.
    I have a new surgeon who suggested a revision, which he explained should improve upon my digestion and help me lose additional weight. He also preformed another endoscopy and found that the gastric sleeve did not shape correctly... I'm afraid this surgery. It is a new surgeon, a more invasive procedure, a deeply more "body altering" decision. All of these things leave me feeling rather anxious as what to expect. I don't want something to go wrong with this procedure too and I don't want to feel like I made the wrong decision... again. But I feel MISERABLE now. I know it cant go on this way...
    Has anyone else been through similar symptoms before? Had a revision from sleeve to bypass? Have any advice?
    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to higher in My work here is done   
    Us n00bs are just gonna take way more than we can give up until we aren't newbies anymore. I could definitely see how that could be frustrating- especially when you're getting piled on for sharing your knowledge.
    Not to sound like #1 creeper but just know that plenty of us are spending a lot of time reading through your old posts, soaking up knowledge, taking notes, trying to succeed. That goes to all of you vets, but especially you @@Kindle I really get a lot from your posts.
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to soccergirl09 in I did it! Surgery a few hours ago!   
    I can't believe I did it! I'm walking the hallways right now trying to get rid of this painful gas. Please tell me that this goes away soon!!! Haha . Feeling really good, though. Any personal experiences are welcome! Cheer me up, guys!
    Surgery Date:07/07/2016
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Cervidae in Things you wish you'd known.   
    I would say the biggest thing I had no concept of before surgery and have had to learn how to deal with after surgery is how strange being in public and interacting with strangers has become. Before, my experience was similar to many obese people's experiences - people often stared with thinly veiled (sometimes not so thinly veiled) disgust, looked down their noses at me, acted irritated and grossed out by my very existence. Even the not-cruel ones sometimes openly oggled me like I was some kind of sideshow. I've even had strangers confront me, telling me to go to the gym or put down my food and "just stop eating". Being utterly ignored was really my best hope of making it through social situations with strangers.
    Now, I never get disgusted stares. Most people act as though I'm just another random person, which is a huge relief and something I'm still trying to get used to. Some people even return my smile. Today at the pool, a lifeguard hit on me. Generally, these new experiences have been great. However, there is this little wounded part of me who wonders "would that nice woman have been nice when you were 200 pounds heavier?" or "would that guy have smiled/nodded back when I greeted him politely, or would he have sneered in disgust at me when I was large?" I honestly HATE that I am plagued with these thoughts and worries. I feel like I can't even believe people when they are nice, because it feels like all of these nice people would have been completely horrible to me two years ago. Why am I suddenly human to them, when I most certainly was not before? Why am I suddenly worth basic human decency? It feels like no one is actually kind deep down, because I've seen the deepest, darkest, meanest parts of people (who are normally smiley and nice) emerge when I walked by at 400 pounds. "Nice" people became cold assholes. So now I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I struggle with this whole thing, because I am, at my core, a positive person who truly loves humanity despite the cruelty I have suffered at its hands. I LOVE people and I want to smile and brighten their days, and be a little bit of positivity in a really selfish and negative world. This distrust/suspicion has been very difficult, though I recognize that this is my hangup and when all is said and done, judgment is something I never, ever want to be a part of.
    I'm working on it.
  17. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in 3 weeks post op and stalled losing weight   
    I just looked it up in MyFitnessPal and 2 oz of rotisserie chicken has 14 grams.
    How are you tracking your food? I like MyFitnessPal because it has just about everything I eat in it.
  18. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from DSLdiversity in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Headphones (for whiteniise to drown out noise of nurses, roomate etc...
    Snacks..hahaha. Jk. We WONT be needing Snacks
    No slip socks/ house shoes
    Heating pad
    Everyone join in so we get more ideas!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Eating post-op   
    You might have a temperature sensitivity. I wasn't able to tolerate cold items right after surgery. So the problem might not be thickness but cold.
    You can add unflavored Protein to broth to make it a Protein "drink".
  20. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to LadyPoet in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    My surgery date is July 21st
    Sent from my SM-G900T using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to sankofasienna1104 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Tomorrow at 10
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to pjmckain in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    My surgery date is 7-21-16. I made it through the first day of the pre-op diet. I had a cup of coffee this morning but not a second one. I also didn't have my usual Diet Coke. I have been yawning all day & can't wait to go to bed! I thought this would be worse but I made it through today! Yay me!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to higher in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    I'm in my recovery room which turned out to be private anyway. Tomorrow I'll try and post a play by play for everyone, but just checking in to say I'm all good !
  24. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Ale Nunez in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    I'm scheduled for 7-21 !! I'm beyond excited, I started the process on January. Today is my first day on my 2 week liquid diet and I found this place online because I'm looking for support.
  25. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to ladymiz in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    Im 7/28 soooooo anxious
    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App
    Good luck to all and God bless
    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

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