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Everything posted by heartfire
LOTS of prayers, Tina!! I am so sorry that you have to go thru this. Sounds like a good prognosis, so Praises for that!
Tracy, I am so sorry you've been in a funk! I hope you feel better soon. Debbie and StrangeDz, I PMd you. I sure hope you get them! I wanted to check in with you ladies and see how you are doing and find out about the other site. Off to DL tomorrow! I'm probably taking my laptop. Hotel says they have free internet. If anything I'll at least be able to download my camera each night. Gotta get going. Need to take the pups to kennel and run to the post office before they both close at noon. Lots to do today! Love ya guys!
Just checking in. Debbie, you okay? We went and saw Tangled today. Very cute. Stormy tonight. Hope y'all have a great weekend!
Morning! Dress is on the truck and should be here sometime today. Our regular driver is on today so I know he'll get it here! Debbie, we'll be there next week. I don't want to give exact dates since this is such a public site. Kat, this site is so frustrating! I can understand how irritated you are! Hope you get ahold of your mom soon. That's frustrating too! Hope Kinsey gets better soon! I'm thinking I might do a little decorating today too. We'll see. I can't get the boxes out of the closet by myself so I'll just grab what I can reach and go from there! I've got the pre-lit fake on the porch and now it just needs a little decorating and a tree skirt. I'll try to get the other pre-lit fake up in the dining room. Decorating the tree will have to wait til the ornaments boxes are out of the the closet. We'll get our real tree for the living room after we get back from DL. Better go check the fire. Have a great day!
Morning! Angela, how is your fur-baby this morning? Suzanne, I'm sure the hospital staff will be thrilled you're back too! Enjoy! We are SO flippin' excited!!!!!! DH and I adore DL and just can't wait to show DD all about it!! I know she is going to be overwhelmed. That was another reason, besides $$, that we are only going for a few days. We don't want to string her out too far! And the hotel is right across the street so we can go back and forth easily as needed. I am thoroughly pissed off this morning! I ordered DD a princess dress. Should have been here Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Check UPS tracker last night to find that they couldn't find a valid street address on Monday, tried to deliver to our old, of which we haven't lived in for almost 8 years and then took it back to the warehouse! they're sending a postcard and holding it for us to pick up from them!!!!! I called the 800 number last night at like midnight when I saw all of this. He said he'd have the warehouse call me this AM first thing. No phone call. Checked the site and it doesn't say out for delivery. We get stuff here ALL the time! I saw the damn truck on our street Monday! We have a reflective number sign at the end of our driveway! Our regular driver, we know by name! Hell he was so excited when DD came home he hugged me!!! I've got more stuff coming and am now freaked out about it actually getting here! I have NEVER had this problem before!!!! Anyway. I'll be calling the damn 800 number again soon to find out how to get our package delivered! I am NOT driving an hour down the hill to go pick this thing up!!!!!! Stupid substitute driver!!!!!! Hope y'all have a great day! Love ya!!!
Terri, glad you checked in! Seems everyone is checking in and getting the news of our move. So glad! We don't want to leave anyone behind! Ashley, I'm sorry you're still cramping. Feel better soon! Glad you had so much fun w/your friend tonight. Angela, I am so sorry about your pup. I'll put y'all in my prayers and hope for a great recovery! I still can't post on the new site either yet. Have a great night.
Just checking in. Still can't post on the other site. E-mailed them this morning just to check on it. Still pretty sick. Hi to everyone!!!
I agree Angela!!! If I'm not plugged in on my laptop, this site now drains 30% of my battery in a matter of just MINUTES!!! As soon as we are all over on the other site, I'm outta here! I'm going to go try to find a post of Shar's and PM her and see if that works. I know Kat was having trouble with it. Don't want to leave Shar behind tho! Maybe Trey will come over too. I'll miss him if he doesn't! Still not activated on the other site. Hopefully soon. Suzie, I need to get on the ball w/my weight too. I need to actually work on it. Hard when I feel like crap all the time but that's really no excuse either. Just me being lazy!
Debbie, I'm sorry you're having problems. We all are! Glad you had a nice t-day. Sorry about the pudding. Blech! Hopefully you can get some help with signing up on the other site. Once you're on, I think you'll like it. Much like this one USED to be but a lot more user-friendly. I can't post over there yet. I'll try again tonight but waiting for approval, I guess. Don't worry, I'll stick around long enough to make sure we are all over to the new place before I jump ship. Shar hasn't posted in a few days so I'm not sure she knows what's going on yet. Hope you have a good night and a good Monday!
Yay! Debbie found her way back!! WhooHoo!!!! Debbie, we'll be okay. Just tired of being sick. I love that the singer thought so highly of you. How wonderful! Suzanne, we can't wait. We love it there and are looking forward to introducing DD to it! Just gotta remember TAKE the camera, let alone USE it!!! I am so bad!! Tracy, i think your mom at the very least should have said something. You both are her children, she is STILL the mother. She shoulda had a "come to Jesus" talk with her! Have a great night!
Morning. Feel like garbage. I hope I can kick the majority of this junk by the weekend. We're leaving for Disneyland on Sunday! DD is pretty sick too but she's not letting it slow her down much. Kids! LOL! Tracy, thanks for letting Debbie and Angela know what's going on. Hopefully Shar checks in soon. Have a great day!
Just registered on the other site. WAY easier than this one has become. Waiting for activation.
PISSED!!!! I was on real quick this AM and it didn't show any new posts after mine last night! Get back on now and there are posts after mine AND from last night and this AM before I'd checked in!!!! I'm heading over to the other site to check it out and register. I'm not very surprised that Debbie is having problems. I hate that she is. I am having problems and I can see what the hell I'm doing!!!!! I can only imagine how frustrated she is. DD is doing okay. She's stuffy, coughing a little. I'm a mess! All head stuff. YUCK! Been doing saline washes to try to help. It does but only for a little bit. Got a lot of gunk in there! Double YUCK! Have a great night!
Morning! Sick AGAIN!!!!!!! I am so flippin' tired of being sick! Completely impacted sinuses. UGH!!! Anyway, Kat, what a pain in the pattoot! If Alex is going to abandon you, I don't blame you for leaving. I'll go check out the other site. How did your shopping go? We stay home. I'm NOT a morning person and HATE crowds. Could you see me out there in all of that? LOL!! Maybe on the NEWS when I went nutso and killed someone! LOL!!!!! AND we have an hour drive each way to get to the city so why even go to bed at that point?! Nope, I stay home, in my warm bed, sleeping! Hope you two had a blast!!! Jenn, DH wants to get a bunch of decorating done this week when he gets home. Only thing is that we need to get ready for our trip since we're leaving as soon as he gets home and gets the truck loaded. We'll see how far we get! Tracy, I'm glad you had such a wonderful day w/the ILs. I know you were nervous. Suzie, have a great feast today! Ashley, have fun w/the new computer. I know it's a work computer but I love new toys! Please don't beat yourself up. You said you know what you need to do. Forgive yourself and move on. I know how hard it is. I beat myself up better than anyone else ever could. Hugs! Cindy, hon, if you need to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to eat, please do. I know it's hard w/your mom right now and all but you aren't going to be any good to her or your dad, if you don't eat. Even if it's just a little cheese or peanut butter every couple of hours. Make sure you get something in your stomach. Hugs. I did pretty good w/my eating yesterday. Didn't stuff myself, tho ate a plateful of food. Woke up this AM to a loss of a couple of pounds. Interesting. Don't know what we're doing today. Depending on how I feel I may or may not go to my cousin's house tonight. We'll see. Talk atcha soon!
A Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you! I love you guys!!!!
Morning! I found a sort of easy way to get back here. Click on your profile, then click on your posts, then click on the thread title in the last post you made here and it brings you right to where you left off. Then you can just scroll down to read any who have posted after you. A few more steps but seems to work. I changed a bunch of settings and now the PM envelope is gone from under my avatar. Need to go find it again. Kat, I am super, super NOT happy about the FB, twitter linking. Add me to your list of complaints if needed. I do agree w/you about missing out on some new friends. I just really don't want our conversation linked to God knows where, by God knows who. I know this is a public forum. I get that it's all over anyway but to have direct links that can go even more public just makes my skin crawl. We are going to brine a turkey for the first time. Alton Brown on food network has one that we are going to use. We have a 12lb turkey. We are only feeding 4 of us tomorrow. DH is out on the hunt for a bucket or foam cooler to use. We forgot the jellied cranberry sauce so he has to go to the store anyway for that. I make sauce but he likes the jellied stuff for his sandwiches. Cleaning the house and doing laundry today. My mom is coming in tomorrow night. Jenn, nice about the new computer. Kevin is sure trying to work his way back, isn't he? It'd be nice if he'd just give up and leave you alone. Any word on the new job? Suzie, I have a huge spur on the back of my ankle as well as another huge one on the bottom of my heel. They have to detach the tendon and peel it away from the spur to cut it off, then re-attach the tendon. That's why the 8 weeks casted and off of it. I wish it was just a matter of removing some spurs w/out having to involve the tendon. Recovery is going to be REALLY difficult! NOT looking forward to it but it will be nice not having the near constant pain! I am so glad yours went so well. Makes me feel better about mine!! Anyone talk to Debbie? I'm wondering if she's having a hard time finding us like I did. I need to hook up with her on FB. Well, the dang house isn't cleaning itself. Better get to it. Well, after a visit to FB! LOL!!! Oh and this site takes a HUGE amount of time to load now and it just sucks the life outta my battery!!!!!! HATE, HATE, HATE!!!!!!!!!!!
I DON'T LIKE THIS NEW FORMAT!!!!!!! I don't see a way to find the thread you're subscribed too. What a pain in the patoot!! I have an option if y'all want to use it. Just an idea so no worries if you don't want too. Won't hurt my feelings. We can do a group PM on FB. One of us would start it, adding all of us to the PM and it would go to everyone on the list. The ONLY reason I even come here anymore is for this thread. That's it! I don't even look around at all anymore. I have gotten tired of the drama and cattiness. I do NOT want this thread shared on FB and now do not want to say too much here. Let me know what you think. Tracy, your sister is a bitch. I'm sorry you are related to her. Kat, how scary w/Kinsey!!! Glad your neighbor was home! Cindy, I'll PM you my info so you can friend me. Anyone else on FB, PM me and we'll hook up over there. We've had snow the last couple of days. I love it! Since we've been locked outta here, I've seen my foot doc. I have to have surgery. The spurs are huge. I will be 8 weeks in a cast, non-weight bearing! Yikes!!! Don't know when surgery will be yet. I was hoping for December but it looks more probable for January. The surgery department needs to call me to schedule. Talk to ya soon!
Morning! Head/neck is killing me again today! Changed pillows, think I need to try another one! UGH! Foot doc later this afternoon in the city. DD and I will run a couple of errands while we're down there. Welcome StrangeDZ! Glad you joined us! Do you mind sharing a little about yourself? I'm married, almost 23 years; 4 1/2 yr old DD; 3 dogs; live in the mtns; just diagnosed w/Lupus this summer and have spurs in my left foot/ankle [hence the foot doc appt today]; been banded 2 years and have regained about 20lbs b/c of the lack of exercise and stress this summer/fall, gotta work on it, but still in a better place than I was before surgery. Me in a nutshell! :blushing: Tracy, glad to hear about Kat's mom. Thank you. Poor Macy, sure hope she's better soon! I'm sorry about your family "stuff." Lots of hugs! Angela, what a mess re: Zach's surgery. I'm sure he'll be glad to get it done tho. Hang in there. Hugs! Ashley, you poor thing! Prayers that your computer is easily fixed and all your info is still there. Yikes! :w00t: Suz, thinking of you today. Lots of prayers and hugs! Hi to everyone!!! Have a great day!
Suz, that is ridiculous! I would have politely told her that I am an usher NOT a babysitter!!!! Jen, still praying for the new job! Ashely, sounds like DH got used to having his own bed REAL quick! I'd have been pushing and poking him all night. Or given up and finding my own bed! Hope the open house goes GREAT!!! Tracy, so glad you got to surprise you mom. I've done that w/my mom too. Just driven up there [3 1/2 hrs] and then calling her when I'm outside. It's fun! Have you signed up on Chuckie's website? They send you coupons! It's free and they're worth it! Have fun! Nothing fun going on today. My ear hurts and I can't hear out of it. The drops aren't working as well as I'd hoped. I'll head to Kaiser in the AM after dropping off DD to pick up the antibiotics that doc Rx'd for me. I was hoping to avoid that but there's too much pressure and pain. Thinking the ear drum is fully involved now when maybe it hadn't been last week. Also, in regards to my left ankle/foot, I'm going to e-mail my doc and have him send me a referral to the podiatrist. Figuring if it's bad enough for surgery, I'm going to have to have it next month. DH is off all month so he'd be home to take care of everybody. Otherwise he's not home for any length of time other than just days off. Hoping I don't need surgery for it but who knows. Need to talk to the foot doc first. DH is working overtime today. He'll be home tomorrow. Other than that, nothing going on. Feel too icky to do anything. Steelers are playing tonight so we'll watch them for sure. Have a great Sunday!
Met my sister and her kids in the city today at Chuck E. Cheese's. We had so much fun! DD loved it! We were there for about 4 hours!!! I didn't tell Dd we were going. She didn't figure it out til we parked and even then she still wasn't sure! Ear is feeling better. Tired. Jenn, best wishes and hope the actual offer comes thru soon for you. Sounds great. Prayers for the follow-thru! Debbie, blind gimp! Too funny! LOL!! Sounds like you might have a bone spur. Sounds like a lot of what I'm doing w/my left foot. Sorry! My Doc says to take ibuprofen to keep the inflammation down. An x-ray will diagnose it. Feel better! Yep, headed to DisneyLand. Trip is all booked. going next month. SOOOOO excited!!!!! Kat, have fun and a safe trip! Ashley, still got your mom in my prayers. Hope she gets some answers SOON! Shar, good to see you! Hope the weekend goes well. Family can be tough! Hi to all!! Have a great night!
Yummm! Thank you!!!! DH won't even listen to Christmas music til the day after Thanksgiving! He thinks it important to BE in each holiday! I tend to agree but when he's not around, sometimes I'll play some. Heehee! I'm glad things sound good w/your mom's procedure, Kat. I know you are worried. Never a good idea to feel rushed in a purchase. Probably a good thing you are waiting. Have a great trip!!! Continued prayers, Jen. I'm sorry you're stuck. Hope it all goes well in the meantime. ~~~~~ Saw the doc today and as far as he can tell, the eardrum is not infected. It's the ear canal. He said it's almost completely closed down! Never had that happen before. I thought if felt different but who knew? Anyway, he gave me some drops that have some antibiotic and steroids to get the inflammation down. He said it should feel better by morning but if not, then pick up some oral antibiotics he ordered. No errands. By the time we got done there, I barely had enough energy to go pick up our veggie box and get us home. I had a fever by the time I got to pick up the box. Freezing by the time we got home. Got a fire going in the stove and DD and I had something hot to drink and just finished some soup I made last night. Talk to y'all later!
Done! Best wishes for today!! Morning! Hate when the scale does that. Hang in there, Tracy. You are doing a great job!!! It's BEEN cold. We've been burning off and on for over a week now. Hate using the furnace. Propane is expensive. Hi!! Hope you have a VERY safe trip and a productive one. Like I told Tracy, just hang in there with this. Don't give up on it. I think you're doing pretty good considering the hours you're working. Check in again soon! Thank you! Have fun decorating today. I love Christmas. I swear every year DH and I spend more money on decorations than we do on actual presents for people! LOL! We've got a closet that is over the stairs and it is STUFFED w/tubs of just Christmas decorations. We have more up in storage! We could actually decorate 2 houses w/all the stuff we've got. There is no theme. It's all stuff that we've gotten/collected over the years. His family has a tradition in that parents give each kid an ornament every year. DD is going to be able to decorate her own tree when she moves out w/out having to buy anything but the tree and some lights! We have a real tree in the living room and then we've got pre-lit fake ones we use in the dining room and kitchen. Garlands w/lights over the windows, the mantel. Deer outside, a pre-lit fake on the front porch, etc. Takes a long time to decorate and we usually still have tons of stuff left-over. Sounds like you're all set then! And really, Suz, you've got to lay low at least for a couple of days!! You have an iron will, you can do it!! ~~~~~ Actually looking forward to seeing the doc this afternoon. We'll run some errands while we're out as well. Talk atcha later!
Morning! You have a good day too. Like Mega Mind a lot. Very cute. Your dinners last night and tonight sound SO good! Would you mind sharing the recipes? I love to cook! I eat everything. Only thing I have any sort of issue w/is meat. Especially pork. No matter how moist, it seems, steak and pork I have to chew forever! Bummer about the shoe but thank goodness it came off! Yikes! How was your meeting today? Happy Anniversary! I've got our 23rd coming up! Good luck on the truck buying! I love my truck! My opinion only, of course. I totally understand about wanting to be w/your mom. I would too! BUT if this whole thing is stressing her out and making her cry, then maybe you should listen to her and go. SUCH a hard decision!!! Hopefully Manda can get some time off. I know that would help relieve your mind at least a little. I'll add you w/this situation to my prayers, Kat. Lots of hugs. Oh and did you ILs make it to Texas? Go for it, Suz! I know you can manage. Shoot! You've been working in the yard and cleaning the house! Lots of prayers to Zach! And you! He sure seems to be taking the whole thing in stride! Lots of prayers to your mom. Hate to say that a lot of cases have no family history. I don't even like telling you that, just want you think about that and not be shocked if that's what comes back. Well, you will be anyway but... Prayers too that it's cysts or something else easy. I do a green bean casserole that I replace half the beans with chicken. Very good and filling! Have fun at the shop! A lot of work but it'll be great once you're done. Poor kid! Well, heck, it's good to hear from you! :eek: Sucks about the manager thing. Best wishes on the new job stuff. Are you still enjoying all the training you're doing? ~~~~~~ Ear is really bad. Headed to the doc in the afternoon tomorrow. I also want to find out what the x-ray about the ankle says. I need to stop at the church office and sign some checks so I'm going to raid our medical equipment closet and grab a cane. :frown: I'm trying not to panic about DisneyLand and I'm going no matter how much it hurts but I'd like to be having fun not worried about dragging every one down with me. Taking the cane for sure and pain meds. We are all booked for our trip next month. SO excited!!! Can't wait to show DD all about it! One of the moms at preschool offered her a princess dress. I need to find out if she has Sleeping Beauty. DD is all about the PINK right now! She doesn't care about the princess, she wants the pink dress! LOL!!! Have a great night!
Ear still hurts. Looking like another doc visit in my very near future. :thumbup: Darnit! Suz, when I broke my leg in HS, my dad stuck a garbage bag over my leg and Duct Taped it! Seriously! Never got it wet and I wore it for 8 weeks [cast, not the bag]! Worked great! Another idea to use other than the Duct Tape would be painter's tape. Don't know how it sticks to skin but it'd be water proof! Debbie, good for you on the minus 1 lb! Good job! Kat, hope your pain goes away soon. Not good! Hi Jen, try to sleep, 'kay? Watching Chronicles of Riddick. Vin Diesel is saying there is a sequel in the works! Yay! When we saw Mega Mind yesterday, there was a trailer for a new Kung Fu Panda! To be out next summer! WhooHoo! Have a great night!
Plain, I miss you too! Kat, so sorry about the boys, your mom and everything. Great news on VINE and being asked to be on the panel!! Ashley, Lee needs to get a new hobby. I hate to say it but you might need to speak with him in person, in public, w/witnesses. He needs to STOP and I'm afraid YOU need to be the one to tell him. I don't think he is dangerous but he is taking on being the protector and he is officially interfering in your marriage. Angela, what a great evening! DD wanted to take a walk the other day but it was starting to rain. And my ankle is giving me fits so don't know that we would have gotten very far. I hope you DO get to go again tonight. Cindy, glad your evaluation went well. I hate stuff like that but understand the need for it. I just don't like the attention it brings! We were going to go woodcutting today but it's too wet. We'll have to wait til next Tuesday. My right ear woke me up at 3AM. Took a decongestant and put some drops in it, stuck a cotton ball in it and went back to bed. Dumb thing. It's always giving me fits. Don't think it's infected as that I can see coming so who knows what's going on with it now. If need be, I'll go see the doc but I'll give it some time first. Still plugged up but it's not as bad as it was this AM. Well, I need to go finish up the kitchen and get something to eat. Have a great day!