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Hi, just a quick post. I'm exhausted and headed to bed soon. We just got home. We were at the grocery store today when I almost passed out. Sitting for a good while with my head down did nothing. DH called an ambulance and they took me down the hill to the hospital. Couldn't find a reason for it but they did discover the beginnings of a UTI so I cam home with Cipro, I know it's spelled wrong but I don't care right now. Prayers please, that I don't EVER do this again! My poor DD was so upset and now she has banned me from ever going in an ambulance, to the hospital or sitting down at the blood pressure machine! In fact, right before she fell asleep she even told me I had to stay home and not ever go to the grocery store! Poor baby! I put her in our bed b/c she was going to end up there any way after a day like this. 'Night y'all. I am okay and I'll see ya Friday sometime!
Oh and I love mexican food too!!!!
Morning! Doin' okay. Feeling pretty good. Pretty much off the pain meds except for at night but I'm going to try without tonight. Should be fine. Everyone sounds busy. Tracy, thanks for letting us know about Jenn. Miss her! Your feelings re: the WW bars are how I feel about Cheetos and now Cheezit crackers. I can not have them in the house or I will eat them... ALL!!! If I want them bad enough, I buy a small bag of them. Suzanne, yard sounds nice. Neighbor sounds scary. Kat, well, did you get THE announcement last night? How'd the game go? Cindy, glad the review went well. Knew it would! So exciting for Alex. What a great time in her life! Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
Oh Tracy, Honey, I am so sorry! At least it's stopped on one end. Let's hope it stays that way! Get better soon. ~~~~~ Well, this is the best loss I've had in MONTHS!!!! Last Saturday before the "cleanse" I weighed 193.7. This AM, after the cleanse, surgery, no exercise, etc., I weighed 188.5!!! That's a 5.2lb loss! I am so hoping to keep it. I just got my appetite back but I'm trying to be mindful of stopping when I'm not hungry anymore. Eating little bits instead of big bits. And this AM, DH decided to make a package of cinnamon rolls. Well, I am going to have my yogurt first and then if I want and can, I will eat a roll. Or part of one. Luckily they are the small ones and not the gigantor ones that you can buy now! Another beautiful day today. Hoping it's a little warmer than yesterday. Tho it seems I have my own heating system going on, just not reliable and can't be used at will! LOL! Last night I would swear it was like 80 in the house. I was comfy tho sweating just a little. Looked and it was only 72! Too funny! Rest of the family is enjoying it b/c I don't have the wood stove cranking out the heat! :thumbup: I asked DH if he would take his next shift off too. I'm feeling okay tho a little fragile. I'm worried about doing too much. Every Thursday PM we pick up a box of organic veggies from a farm near us. The box is at least 20lbs and large. I'm afraid of trying to pick it up on Thursday! I know I'll be fine for sure the following week but I need him for one more shift. It'll also be a huge help with DD. She takes so much energy! Well, off to eat my yogurt and check out a couple of other sites I'm on. Have a beautiful day no matter what you decide to do! Hugs!!!
Oh Tracy! You poor thing!! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!! I don't ever care to get that sick again. It's awful!! DD had a wonderful time! Came home so tired that every little thing made her cry! She wants to do it again! Whether it's here or there, we have to be prepared for someone being up almost all night! DD kept getting up and finally just ended up going to sleep w/R at about 4! I would have done the same with hers so it's all good! Suzanne, I love storms like that but only if I can be at home! I hate driving in those! Kat, guess you still haven't been able to get back to post! Got a letter from my dad. Long story there. But he's buying a house. Still doesn't get him any closer to me tho! It's like a 2 day trip to go see him. Can't just throw a weekend in there and take off. Irritating but I am happy for him. He likes projects so now he'll have one! Have a great evening!
Suzanne and Tracy - Great job! proud of both of you!! Kat and to LOL at your day. I hate days like that and yet sometimes it's all we have to laugh about. So sorry about Manda but at least she knows what is going on now. Man, I can't type for beans! I'm doing fine. Felt up to taking a shower this AM. Always makes me feel better. Have a great day!
I'm home. Surgery was textbook, Doc was happy.
Tracy, HUGS!!!! Kat, so glad you got to see Megan. Suzanne, thank you so much! Not nervous at all. Weird. It was the same with my band. I'd made the decision and I was going for it. Kinda the same thing here. Tho VERY much needed. I'm done with my "issues" and we need to take care of it. Done! The Lord is Blessing me with that confidence. It is only thru Him that I can even feel this way. I'll check in as soon as I can. Should be home by evening. We'll see how drugged I am as to when I can get on the computer. DH can bring it to me in bed! LOL!!! 'Night Ladies! And thank you ALL so much for your prayers and thoughts.
Awwwwww! Hugs everyone!! Kat and Cindy, best wishes to your Dads! I'm all set for surgery. Need to be at the hospital Monday by 7:15 for my 9:15AM surgery. Can't wait. I'll start the Magnesium Citrate soon and then the cleanse is on! LOL! It will be nice to de-tox my system. I've been on so many meds lately that I do feel toxic. I'm looking at it as a new beginning. I've gotten out of control with my eating and I need to basically start over. This is going to force that. I'm actually glad for it. Well, I say that NOW! LOL!!! Beautiful day. Friends are bringing their 2 kids over tonight. They are going to some fund-raiser auction for the local park. DD will have a blast. The girl is 5, boy 3 and they are the best of friends. Their parents are DD's Godparents, so I call the kids her Godcousins! LOL! It'll be a zoo but should be fun. Both for kids and dogs! Better get going. DD is supposed to be cleaning up her play "room" but she's slacking! Happy enough to make the mess but "too tired" to clean it up! :biggrin: Have a beautiful day!!
Hi Irene!!! <waving madly> How the heck are ya? Oh. Guess you already mentioned that! LOL! Glad you got some new staff in the office. It'll sure make things easier for you now. Suzanne, glad you got the fridge. Too fancy for ya, huh? :thumbup: Love your friend's exclamation! Gotta love it!! I'm sure you do still hear mom. She's letting you know she's still keeping an eye on her girl! Tracy, it always feels weird typing after I cut my nails. I just let them grow and then when they start to chip or tear, off they all come, near down to the quick and I start over! Kinda weird but it works for me and I don't have to spend a lot of time making sure they're all even and nicely rounded! Yes, I'm that bad! LOL! This way, they all get cut down to nothing, quickly gone over with the nail file and done! Kat, other than Rick not coming home til the wee hours, and the kids, well, acting like children, sounds like a fairly nice, uneventful day! ~~~~~ Was at the yarn shop today. I'll be there Thursday and Friday too. Sure wish I could work there instead of just hanging out but it's not in the cards. Looks like she's going to have to close the shop. It's just not making it and she had to go get a full-time job. She interviewed Monday and they wanted her today! She can't pass that up. She can't afford to hire me and I can only help out so much before she gets in trouble for having a "non-paid" employee. And "someone" would invariably turn her in too. That would just be her luck! I'm sad and she is relieved. A lot of stress when you have bills and no money coming in to cover those bills! Well, need to go. I'll check a couple of other sites (FB included) then I've got to get some reports done for work and some checks printed off so I can drop it all off in the AM. Have a great night!!
Morning! Thanks for the help! I panicked at first b/c it's seems so drastic and of course my first thought was that I wasn't going to get to EAT from after lunch on Saturday til well after surgery on Monday! BUT I've come to the conclusion that I AM going to do this and get thru it and it's going to help me get back on track with food. I can never do the 5-day pouch test so this is forcing me to essentially do something like it. I'm not really happy about cleaning out my system BUT I'm also looking at that as a good thing too. I've been on a lot of meds lately and I feel "toxic" so I'm thinking this cleanse will help with that too. Hehe, there IS a silver lining to everything and darn if I'm not going to find it! LOL!!!! Kat, so glad Rick made it home. Hope he gets a good sleep. I'm sure he needs it! Suzanne, DH's best friend died suddenly from a massive brain aneurysm a little more than 6 years ago. He was 39 and just months from his 40th which was 3 days after DH's 40th b-day. We still will start to wonder what Roy's up to b/c we haven't seen him in awhile! It always stops us cold, we think good thoughts and are able to move thru the moment. They had been best buds since elementary school. Roy would have been 46 last month. I guess what I'm trying, miserably, to say is that they will always remain in our hearts no matter how much time has passed. When you think of her, take a moment to remember her and go THRU the moment. Don't try to AVOID the moment. Take care and enjoy remembering your friend. Hugs. Jenn, always good to see you when you check in. Best wishes for your event on Friday! Hi Tracy!!!! A little snow on the ground and in the trees. Only 37 and cloudy/dark outside. We're supposed to get more rain today and then it's supposed to start clearing out. Helping out at the yarn shop for the rest of the week. Have a great day!
Suzanne, what a sweet and yet sad memory. I'm glad you were with her too. All of my papers are signed, Doc is happy and ready to go, I am happy and ready to go too! I pick up some Rx and do blood labs on Friday. He said surgery will probably be about 11. They'll let me know for sure on Friday. It's almost here! Oh and the weather, cleared up and sun came out til I was almost home! The heavy rain just started! Thank you GOD!!!!! He is awesome! BTW, I need help!!! I have to do a 2 day magnesium citrate cleanse. And nothing but clear liquids after lunch on Saturday! I didn't have to do this for my band so I have NO CLUE what I can have!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
Hi Tina!! What great pics! Thanks for sharing. You look happy. :ohmy: Congrats to the boys! How exciting for BF's DD! So sorry BF's DS is having such a hard time. Poor little guy! He is so lucky to have all of you. Take care and keep the updates coming when you can. Hugs!
Oh poor Manda!!!! I could just see how she did that! Ouch! I hope she has an uneventful and full recovery! I'll put her in my prayers. Tracy, evening is my bad time too. It so hard! It is POURING rain here. They're talking snow down to our level late tonight. I have to go an hour to the city this afternoon so I'm hoping the snow holds off til I get home tonight. I don't see doc til 4:15 and then we're doing all of my pre-op too! I don't think I'll be home til nearly 8 but who knows. I hate driving in this kind of weather. It's the other drivers I'm worried about, not actually the weather! Well, better get a move on. Have a great day!
Oh! Forgot! Tracy, try some Robitussin DM Max. It's liquid and it's got Guafeneson in it and that helps break up mucus and clear things out. It just might be what your ears need. I know it helps me.
Jenn! So glad you checked in!! Cindy, it's good to see you too. Suzanne, have a great day! Hope you find a good bargain. Tracy, prayers said. Good job on holding to the -5. It's soooo hard! Yep, surgery in exactly one week! Can't wait!!! Not anxious or nervous at all. Strange considering that this will be my 2nd surgery in less than 2 years. Band having been my first! I see my doc/surgeon tomorrow afternoon and we'll do all the pre-op then. They'll call me Friday to let me know what time surgery is and when I have to be there and then I'm all set! Very excited!!! Well, off to get busy for the day. Have a good one!!
Hi! Where is everyone today?! Out enjoying the weather, I hope! Kat, isn't that ALWAYS how it happens when ya got workers coming over? We went to church, out to lunch then home. Got the kennels assembled and all set. Whew! Big load off of my mind. After surgery, every time I'm alone, the dogs are going to have to kennel. I just can't take the chance that I'll hurt myself by trying to take them out or "deal" with them somehow. I hope everyone has a great night!
Good Morning! Another beautiful day before the storm comes in tomorrow. Tracy - LOL! I make me tired too!!! For the most part I'm kinda lazy but when there's something to do, it's gotta get done! Have a great day!
Hey Y'all! Was outside most of the day. Finished moving the rest of the one bale of straw. Looking at the other one and I just did not want to haul all of that pitchfork by pitchfork! So, I got behind, under, in front of and moved that sucker by myself til it was out of the way enough to get the kennels set up tomorrow! We're running out of time. DH comes home tomorrow and we've got a BIG storm coming in Mon PM thru Tues, then he's giving a training class Wed PM and then it's back to work. He comes home again the day before my surgery! Gotta get those things set up tomorrow. We can work on it more probably Mon AM but the storms have been coming in sooner than "they" say so we don't want to take any chances. Kennels aren't going where we want them but there's a wood shed w/wood in the way and now the garden is in the way again too. So temporarily the kennels will go to the front of the side yard instead of the back. Wouldn't have had to move the garden again except now we need THREE kennels instead of TWO. Once the side yard is all fenced in, I won't have to fence in the garden. Deer aren't going to try to jump a 6ft fence that tends to have dogs in it! Anyway, I'm pooped out!! Have a great night!
Hi Kat, yep, I figure it'll be much like the banding as far as all that goes. YUCK!!! Took me TWO weeks to lose that crap! Hoping it'll go faster this time. <sigh> Would be so nice to lose like 5lbs with this surgery. Would make up a little for all the pain and irritation it's caused me over the years! LOL!!! Vent away, vent away! We're here for you! Later!
OH MY GOSH!!! I just took all THREE dogs for a walk!!! We didn't go too far b/c well, I wasn't sure how it would GO and my lungs are still clearing out so I didn't want a set back. The walk went GREAT!!! I was so shocked at how well it went! Thank goodness Dakota isn't hyper on a leash. She just hung out and went with the flow. Poor Reggie and Paige are not sure what to do when a car drives by. They both spook but I just kept walking and made them go thru the experience. They did great. Thought I would need my inhaler when we got back but I haven't needed it! Very pleased about that. ~Cindy, I'm sorry you are so bored. Almost done tho! Hang in there. ~Trey, I'm fine. Crazy around here. DD is almost 4! I'm having a Hysterectomy in little more than a week and couldn't be more thrilled! I am so sorry about your wife walking out on you! That is just WRONG!!! Thrilled that you're almost to goal! Glad the kids and Tug are doing so well. I'm on FB now, friend me! ~Suzanne, have fun today! ~Kat, I sure wish I could help some how but I know I can't. Hang in there! ~Hi Tracy! Tell Jenn hi and I miss her! Don't worry about the scale. YOU are moving in the right direction. That's all that matters!!! Okay, ? for y'all! How much does all my female insides weigh? I wanna know how much weight I'm gonna lose with surgery! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!
Trey!!!!! I am SO happy to see you!!!!!! Even if it is a drive-by post! Hugs to you and the family and that wonderful TUG of yours!!! If you go back a page or 2 you can see pics of all THREE of my furbabies! Yep, we've gotten 2 more in the last month and half. Reggie was intended and Paige was not. Paige is another fire station stray! She and Dakota have that and size in common. Yep, y'all I'm sure you knew already but we ARE keeping Paige. I am wondering on occasion what the heck we are thinking but she's ours. Was the minute she showed up at the station Thursday night!!! LOL!! Poor DH! Suzanne, I am just so happy for you! I know I said that yesterday but damn. It's just so nice to hear GOOD news when the talk is possible cancer. Tracy, I'm beginning to think we're sisters at heart! You're speaking a lot of what I'm feeling! Hugs! Kat, Ditto what you said re: the mess at LBT. I missed all the garbage at FB b/c I wouldn't sign up for so long. But it was a mess and VERY sad. Broke my heart. Jenn, miss you! Hope things are going well!!! I am feeling better each day. So glad. I don't want anything to jeopardize my Surgery on the 26th. Bright sun shiney day today! Little breezy but I've got the balcony door open so the dogs can go in and out when they want. Let some fresh air in too! I'm sure the place needs it! Luckily I'm still pretty stuffed up and can't smell anything! Course that means I can't tell if the house smells like dog or not! LOL!! Anyhoo. Have a great day! I'll check in later!
PRAISES BE, Suzanne! Wonderful news!!! Mom came thru surgery just fine. Doc was thrilled with how well it all went and how things looked in there. He expects a great recovery. Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts. On to recovery and healing now!
Whoops! Hit send before I meant to. Wanted to add a request. If y'all could keep my mom in your thoughts today. She's in surgery right now for her back. I'm hoping to hear something from my step-dad later this afternoon. Thanks.
Morning! Kat, what a mess! I feel bad for you and Rick. I thought I gave you my e-mail! FB is fine and I'll send you my e-mail so you have it. I have a bunch of work to do this AM and don't want to do it. Feel crappy and just want to sleep. Looking at the calendar and realized that I need to do quarterly payroll stuff for the church BEFORE surgery. I'll be out of it, maybe, when it's due. Surgery on Monday, the 26th, due Friday, the 30th. Hmmm, doesn't compute very well. And if I left it to do after surgery, with my luck, something would go wrong and I'd have to spend the week in the hospital! LOL!! Yep, gonna take care of it before-hand! Well, heck. Better go. Check out FB then I've got to get some work done!