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Everything posted by heartfire

  1. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh Tracy! Thank you so much!!!
  2. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    THANK GOD!! Thank you Tracy. I'm home now. Ended up running to the city for an unfill this AM. While we were down there figured I'd better do some shopping for my new job. Needed shoes and pants. Think I found what I needed. Poor DD missed swim lesson today. We didn't even get done with the doc til after her lesson was already over. I apologized to her for making her miss her lesson. She was so cute. She said, "That's okay mama. I understand." Made me want to cry! :thumbup: Anyway, that was my day. Just got home a bit ago. Have a great evening, Ladies.
  3. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Poor Baby! Hope he gets well soon! WhooHoo, re: the new meds! I'm glad your appt is sooner rather than later. thanks. I'm almost in trouble but I'm hoping I'm ok today. We'll see. I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I hate when it's like that! Congrats on your surgery date! Nice for DH! We'd like to get a little bowrunner someday. Good Morning!! You too!! Best wishes, lots of prayers and hugs! Farmer's Market was good. It's a small one. Only 4 vendors or so. I kept seeing all this stuff I wanted to buy and I can't eat any of it right now. So glad Zach is feeling better! ~~~~~ I'm not wanting too but I might have to go get unfilled. I got stuck on crystal light yesterday while at DD's swim lessons. Not been able to get much down since. Or keep it down for that matter. I'm not happy! He takes it out and I'm hungry! I leave it in and I can't even drink much. Not sure what to do. And of course we're coming up on the weekend so if I don't get in today or tomorrow, then I'm doing this over the weekend. ARGH!!!!!!!! I am VERY slowly sipping some hot tea right now. So far, so good. Guess I'll wait and see.
  4. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzanne. Good Lord! What a day! Glad everyone is "okay" and no one was seriously hurt. Good to hear about your test and that it all looked good. Prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow. ~~~~~ Woke up REALLY tight this AM. I'm sipping, letting it work it's way down, sipping, letting it work it's way down, etc. Took something for my allergies too and am hoping that will help. I'm all full up and sneezing like crazy! Not much going on today. DH is changing the brake pads on my truck right now, then DD and I are headed to swim. Later this evening, we'll go to the Farmer's Market at the lake. DH goes back to work tomorrow. Make it a good one, Ladies! Hugs!
  5. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Luv you too! You too! ~~~~~ Played Bunco tonight. So much fun! It's at my house next month. Scary thought with all the dogs now! LOL!! They'll have to be outside which means they're going to bark. Neighbors will be so happy! UGH! Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it will be!!! Hope y'all have a great Wednesday!
  6. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Heehee! Suzanne is drunk posting! LOL! So very glad surgery is a go! WhooHoo! Look forward to your sober post later! Heehee!
  7. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thank you! I'm still pretty excited. Gotta get payroll done this AM so I can drop it off at the church on our way to swim lessons. I have Bunco tonight. I love Bunco nights! Hope y'all have a great day!
  8. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I GOT THE JOB!!! I think he'd already decided to hire me before I got there! We didn't talk about anything! It was a total gab-fest! He'll call me and let me know when we're going to do orientation. In a couple of weeks. They are completely remodeling a former KFC/A&W and they're hoping to get it open by the end of this month. We'll see! Those sound SO good!! Sounds like fun!! ~~~~~ Sorry it took so long for me to get on and tell you about the interview! It's been a crazy day and I just got home! The interview was crazy! We talked about all kinds of stuff in all of about 15 minutes! Told me he already had plans for me and I was hired. He's very flexible if I am. So he's not worried about the days/hours I can work. He said family was important. I'm part-time and am going to be a cashier. Got home from that and turned around and headed to the pool for DD's first lesson of the season. While there I got a voicemail from my Doc's nurse asking if I could be early - like 1:30 or 2, instead of 3:45! I got the message at 12:30! I got to the office at 1:20!! DD and I just left directly from the pool and headed to the city. Worked out good. I've gained weight since I've been. Knew I had. He gave me another .5cc. I feel tight so I'm going to have to be careful with this one. I don't want to go back for an unfill. I will if I need too but I'm hoping I'll be fine. Going to stay on liquids for a bit tho. I hope everyone has a great evening! See ya tomorrow!
  9. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Sorry about the lack of pool time! That sucks! Hi!! You too! ~~~~~ Yes, DH is home! WhooHoo! He is soooo tired! Midnight Friday they were sent to a station near the fire to cover the area. At 4:45 AM they got a phone call to be out at the fire at 6AM. They mended fences all day long, then the engine broke down. They were released and sent "home" with a loaner engine and didn't get back til about 1 this AM! Whooped puppies! Not much going on today. Went to church. Came home and watched Germany kick major butt in their World Cup game. Went into town for a late lunch we we ended up ordering breakfast. Home again. DH will take off soon for his soccer game. Tomorrow is going to be busy for me. Interview, then DD's first swim lesson, then my fill appt in the city that afternoon. We may or may not go to the town park for a Flag Day celebration at 6. We'll see. Make it all good, ladies!! Hugs!!
  10. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Angela, hope you had a nice afternoon with Zach. Jenn, so glad you checked in! Sounds like you're doing well. Tracy, don't worry about the scale right now. You need to rest and get better. Kat, sounds like you're healing and having a good time! Thanks for checking in. ~~~~~ Talked to DH earlier today and he was sent to a fire only to have the engine break down this AM after they got there. Haven't talked to him since so I have NO idea what's happening! I do know he ain't gonna be home in the AM! In fact, I doubt he'll be home tomorrow at all! We'll see. I hope he can come home but I'm going to make plans for a sitter Monday AM while I'm at my interview. DD and I always miss him when he's gone. DD is old enough now to "get it" too. Makes it hard sometimes. When she's acting up I have to be firm but also realize that she's missing her papa too. Fine line to walk! Not much else is going on. Hope y'all have a great Sunday!
  11. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I know you are frustrated, Suzanne. Please make note of your final paragraph. Keep telling yourself this. This is all happening for a reason. It must play out in a certain way. I do wish you could have your surgery sooner but you MUST make sure your heart is okay first. Just try to be patient. Lots of hugs and prayers. That is HORRIBLE! How sad! I feel awful for BOTH families! Lots of prayers for them all. Nope, I thought it was Cindy too. Sounds like something she would say! Heehee! ~~~~~ There is a very large grass fire in the flats below us. About an hour + away. Lots of equipment and personnel. It's grazing fields and it's windy so it's moving pretty good. DH hasn't been dispatched to it... yet. Season is here! Got DD all signed up for swim lessons today. I don't think I mentioned the drama here. She usually goes to the high school for lessons and each year has gotten more expensive. First year was $50 for 2 week session = 10 lessons. Last year it was $80 for 2 week session = 8 lessons! This year they contracted it out and it's now $105 + $35 registration fee for 2 weeks = 10 lessons! I almost didn't do it last year at 80 bucks! I sure as hell wasn't doing it this year at 140!!!! Ticked me off!!! Then I remembered that a private housing development (member only kinda thing) down the hill from us used to give lessons when I was a kid. Never took them but we lived there and summers, sis and I lived at the pool! Sooooo I got on their website and they ARE giving lessons! Non-members pay $65 for 2 week session = 10 lessons!!! WhooHoo! DD and I drove down today to sign her up. So she's all set and starts on Monday! I'm very happy! I also have a job interview on Monday morning. On a whim I applied with Burger King. They are opening a new one in town and the operations manager for BK wants to hire adult, more stable workers. I'm surprised that he called me b/c on the online app it asked what days/hours you were available and b/c of childcare I can't work weekends or holidays and only certain hours during the day. If DH is gone, day care is my back up and they are only open certain hours. So, we'll see. I really have no stake in it so if I get it, great, if not, I'll keep looking. Things are tight right now but we're okay so it's not like I MUST have a job now. I know a lot of people are in that situation so I'm blessed in that respect. Tho I'm nervous with the State wanting to do more paycuts w/DH's paycheck. I'm stressing with that so I'm being proactive and looking for a job now vs. later. Have a great night!
  12. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    DD does NOT have Whooping Cough! I was pretty sure she didn't but ya never know. Suzanne, prayers for the day. Tracy, glad DH is home to help for a couple of days.
  13. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy! I'm so glad you're okay! Glad you are home now. Get lots of rest and take care! Hugs! ~~~~~ Terri, it's up to you but no way could I have done the surgery w/out insurance. The time I put in went pretty fast. Think about it. Tough decision, I know!
  14. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks so much, Suzanne, for keeping us in the loop re: Tracy. Glad to hear she's gone home! Kat! Good Lord! You are probably going to feel it tomorrow! Heal well and soon! Have a fantastic time!!
  15. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I'm the same way! I'll put a line in the water but won't touch the live stuff! Sorry about the PET scan news. Prognosis sounds good tho. Holy crap!! Lots of prayers for her!! ~~~~~ Finally took DD to the doc today. She's had this cough for bout 2 weeks but there is so much gunk in the air that BOTH of us are full of snot and sneezing like mad so chalked up the cough to that. Well, in the last couple of days it's changed a little and I found out we've got Whooping Cough going around so figured I'd get her in. Doc said it could be a little bit of a sinus infection and the drainage is making her cough OR she has WC. They tested her and we'll get the results in a day or so but they started her on antibiotics anyway. Doc says SOMETHING is going on and so she needs them, WC or not. Finally got to the nursery and bought a few veggies for the garden. Tomatoes, butternut squash (never grown before), strawberries, eggplant and a melon that i've never heard of or grown before! Should be fun! Have a great day!
  16. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Prayers and hugs for Tracy! Sure hope all is well! ~~~~~ We took DD fishing for the first time today. Well, they fished. I sat on my butt in the shade and read my book! :tongue2: Almost caught a couple of fish, actually had one of them on DH;s hook but he wanted to hand DD the pole so she could "catch" the fish and it got off the hook. Damn fish! She thinks we need to go again in the AM so we can fish again and catch some this time! LOL!! We are both wondering what she'll do if they actually catch one! SHE thinks we're eating it! We'll see after she actually catches one. Bloodthirsty little thing! LOL!
  17. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good news! I like good news. So glad you are feeling better about it all. So scary, I know. Awwww, sweet girl! Glad I could make you laugh! Sounds good! Fingers crossed and prayers being sent!! No ya don't. Just need to practice. And I almost ALWAYS preview before I post it. Ain't that fun! We've got both trucks to smog and register this month. Oh goody! Sounds like a busy day! :frown: ~~~~ Doc was happy. Still not completely closed off inside but it's getting there. Wants to see me again in a couple of months. Hope y'all have a great night and a fantastic Tuesday!!
  18. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Welcome, Terri! Glad you jumped in! Tracy, you're too funny! If I stay swollen much longer, I AM going to name it! Thinking it should be a boy! Ya know men are a pain! LOL!!!! Best wishes on your apps! I think going back to work is a great idea! Suzanne, your day sounded nice. Sorry your ass hurts so bad. I loved your play on words with the docs in a row! Kat, your plan for you trip sounds great! Angela, you and your son are in my prayers! Lots of best wishes to him on his surgery this week. You can NOT beat yourself up for something that seemed so benign at the time. I don't think I would have thought about it either. Not many elevators in homes! I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do with one! Hugs! ~~~~~ I was sitting in my chair this afternoon and could NOT keep my eyes open. So I didn't! I went to bed and took a nap... for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!! Hmmm, think I needed it? I only got up b/c DH was headed out for a soccer game (they won!). I'm still tired. Don't think I'll have a problem sleeping tonight. Have a great Monday y'all! HUGS!!!
  19. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, chunk away! That's what we're here for!!!! HUGS!!!! ~~~~~ Kat, how are you feeling? I think it's WONDERFUL that you aren't going to Texas. Plan a trip somewhere else, like say, Yosemite. Then we could meet! LOL! How are you feeling? Suzanne, still praying and hugging on ya! How are YOU feeling? Cindy, Bethany and Angela, Hi and hugs to ya! ~~~~~ Wow! Still look preggers! LOL! Am thinking I've overdone it just a smidge the last couple of days. Burned to a near crisp as well. This white, well, bright pink now, skin hasn't see the light of day in MONTHS and I forgot the sunscreen! Duh!!! DD got lathered up but forgot to do me. And DH. He's not near as bad as I am tho. I was wearing a tanktop. Tired but it's all good. We had a great time. Hope y'all have a great day! Love ya!
  20. heartfire

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    Hi Debbie! Still here, barely. And still NOT an achiever! LOL! Glad you checked in. Great job on the exercising. I know it's hard.
  21. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    SOOOOO tired! And after waking up already swollen, I really look pregnant tonight! LOL! Hah! Finally LOOK pregnant and I don't even have anything left that CAN be pregnant! LOL!!!!!!! 'Night!
  22. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh Kat! Good Lord! You don't do things in half measures do you? LOL! I know you want to play in your flowers but please sit quietly and read your book. There is plenty of time to play in the flowers. Hugs! Bethany, hope you got your fires out! And no don't send them to my DH! He's on vacation til next Thursday anyway so it wouldn't do you any good! LOL! Got my work done and a couple of errands so far. Need to go get our organic veggie box later and I'll run a few more errands when we go. Then I'm done for the day. Suzanne, just got your PM. Hugs!!!!!
  23. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Okay, it's been awhile but here goes the multi-post Queen! LOL!!! Lots of hugs and prayers, Suzanne! Hang in there, Tracy! Hugs!!! ~~~~~ Feeling SO much better today! Good thing. I've got stuff that I need to do. DD's b-day party is on Saturday so I need to get some things done. Kind of funny but I decided to apply at the new Burger King that is opening in town. You do all of it online. So I went on last night filled EVERYTHING out and then it NEVER went thru! I don't really want to work there but thought what the heck. Guess I'm not supposed to work there! LOL! Well, better get moving. Have a great day y'all!
  24. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Bethany, so sorry about you hand pain. My mom has gone thru a lot with her hands so I sorta understand. I hope you can get some relief soon. Kat congratulations on both the polling and the child support! Party!!!! Suzanne, I've got you firmly in my prayers and thoughts. Tracy, hugs. Angela, Happy Birthday!!! Cindy, best wishes with summer school! I'm sick! Well sorta. I don't know WHAT is going on but last night at dinner my tummy wasn't feeling right so I didn't eat much. Then an hour or so later I was throwing it ALL up. Got cold and really sleepy so I went to bed at 9. Middle of the night I was up again throwing up. That time I was sweating. Hate to be graphic but it was the weirdest thing. I was dry heaving air before anything actually came up! Anyway. Have only had a couple of sips of water so far today. I'm afraid to put anything on it b/c I REALLLLLLLLY don't want to go thru that again! I don't know that I feel sick. Just don't feel good in general. Anyway. I hope y'all have a wonderful day!
  25. heartfire

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Well, it's all over. The yarn shop is no more. Kat, best wishes tomorrow. Suzanne, why am I not surprised with how your sister reacted?! And just WHY are you making efforts for shopping and appointments for HER? This is about YOU! You need to take care of yourself right now. She can figure out how to get her own butt where she needs to be for a bit. This is ridiculous!!! Tracy, I don't have any experience with what you are going thru but I like how Kat put it as doing what you need to in order to help hubby. You two are a team. Cindy, scary storm! Have a great night!

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