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Everything posted by heartfire
Morning! Everyone has been very chatty! Shar, I tell myself that and then start in on myself again. How do you DO it?! And mean it and not start in again? I am so happy for you!!! Cindy, like the new pic. Kat, I'm so glad Izzy is adjusting so well! We've got to start walking ours. UGH! They love the yard but it's not the same as walking them. Oh and we have Verizon. Have has them for years. We originally went with them b/c of their coverage. DH will get cell service on some of those fires that others don't. I lost a couple of pounds and am stuck again. I am going to try something different just to see what happens. I've been snacking horribly and not getting all of my liquids in. SOOOO, for a few days I'm going to try having a shake instead of food for snacks. My snacks are horribly high in calories and my shakes are only about 160 calories. We'll see what happens. I can't do a shake instead of a meal b/c it doesn't hold me long enough but as a snack, it might work. We'll see. Maybe I can break that over-the-top snacking that I've been doing. Have a sweet 16 b-day party to go to this afternoon for a friend. Her mom and I have been friend for nearly 30 years! Can't believe she is 16!!! Need to move along. Have a great day!
Morning! Barely! It's 11:34 here. Trying to eat before going to pick up the kiddo. Just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope y'all have a great day!
Morning! Kat, I'm so glad Izzy is home! Keep crating her and pretty soon she'll love it and when stressed NEED it. Keep the door open when you're home so she can use it all the time as she needs too. Jenn, how'd your test go? Nee, welcome! Suz, I can't really tell but there is a fungus or "bug" that gets ahold of trees and causes those big bulges on the branches. The leaves didn't look all that healthy either. I'd have to see the whole tree to even try to guess as to what it is but the bulges under the bark are not normal to trees. Not much going on here. Tried to train the church secretary yesterday but Pastor didn't put the software on her new computer for Quicken! Can't get a whole lotta nuttin' done w/out that!!!! :thumbup: Been raining ALL week! Love it! Had another t-storm yesterday afternoon and it rained into the night. Sun was out this AM but it's clouding up again. Don't know that we'll have soccer games this weekend if this keeps up. The HS doesn't like them playing on the wet fields as it tears them up. We'll see what happens. Still sick. Blech! At least I'm way better than I was last week but still dragging. Really body stiff too. That's the Lupus part of it. :thumbup: Hard to move. The weather might have an effect on me too now. It's been cold and the last 2 days I've had a fire in the woodstove. We'll see if I need one today. Hope y'all have a great day!
Hi! Feeling a little better. Voice is back and seems fine. No pain. I just think it's b/c I can't breathe thru my nose! Took Teagan to preschool this AM, came home and crashed on the couch to read yesterda'sy little local paper. After that, I went back to bed! Went and got her, came home and we crashed on the couch again and I dozed off and on all afternoon. I'm really tired. DD has a game at noon and then we're off to the lake to our favorite place to eat for the last time this season. Sunday is their last day and we won't be able to be there. We are ALWAYS there the fist day and the last day of their season. Family obligations are taking us to the city on Sunday for the entire day. So we can't go. If we get home early enough, we may go anyway but we'll do lunch tomorrow at least. Debbie, Angela doesn't work at WalMart but she and Tracy seem to run into each other ALL THE TIME while there! I love it! I think that would be fun. Y'all, I have a copy of one of Debbie's CDs and she plays beautifully. I LOVE piano music and I really enjoy listening to her play. She's on my computer w/my other piano music. Tracy, I've been thinking about you, hon. Don't worry about whether you have to take meds or not. If you need them, then please take them. Luv ya! Kat, your MIL is going to accidentally kill herself one of these days. When something like that is happening, why isn't she calling 911? Sheesh! AND the DD in Denver can't DO anything. All is does is freak her out! Of course that might be part of your MIL's agenda, sad to say. She is something else! :smile2: I'm excited about the puppy for you guys! Shar, if you go, have fun at the fair! Cindy, have fun at the game! Hi Plain! Where is Terri? Jenn, have a good weekend! Take care y'all!
I am every man's dream right now. J/K! I woke up with NO VOICE!!!! If I had the body to go with no voice, they'd be panting at my feet right now! :drool: And poor DH had to go to work today so he can't even enjoy the quiet! Well, as quiet as it can be with a 4 year old female in the house! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! Kat, so glad you're back. I missed you! Sounds like you had a great tie with the kiddos! You and Rick are very special people. You probably helped that man more than you will ever know! Cindy, those beans sound yummy! I love beans! I need to make them more often but I need tried and true recipes. <hint, hint> Jenn, I'm worried about how much you're hurting. Did you ever go to the doctor? Please try to take care of yourself. Be careful out there and I pray you all don't get too much of that rain they're talking about. Wish some of that rain would come our way. Course our raisin farmers would have a bloody cow if it rained right now! Trying to get the grapes that are on the ground, dried up to finish the harvest. Rain equals no drying and lots of mold. NOT a good combo! Suz, good news with the docs. Sorry about the surgery but at least you don't have to deal with it right now. That's a good thing! Tony Curtis died? I'm so sad! I never listen to/see/read the news in the AM so I never hear about anything unless someone posts it. Well, I'm kinda fuzzy right now and can't remember what I was going to say. Hi to everyone! Hope y'all have a great day!
Morning. Just thought I'd check in. I have a bad cold. I'm headed to the doc this afternoon b/c I'm afraid it's turning into a sinus infection. Oh yay! NOT! Have a great day, y'all!
Thanks, Shar! How'd work go? You're off for a few days now, aren't you? Enjoy! THAT does not sound good! How are you today? What'd the doc say? Feel better!! Ours in the city are all doing the same thing. Making them all grocery stores and shrinking other departments. Getting rid of a lot of the things that made it worthwhile for us to go. :mad: Michael is mad. So glad you get to see the kiddos but sorry about the mess! UGH! Sad about your niece too. Hopefully she can get her life on a good road but she won't if her family enables her. Too sad. Thank you, Debbie. You are so sweet! How'd the lunch go at work? Continued prayers for your Uncle. Yumm! Cinnamon rolls! Sorry about the bottoms of them tho. Hate when things don't go according to MY plans!! LOL! How'd they turn out? Based on the blood tests the other doc ran and my increased symptoms since I saw the other guy, yes, he was able to diagnose me. There isn't any more tests they can run unless it's just to check organs IF I'm having problems with them and that's only to see what is going on, not to diagnose Lupus. It IS sad that she is so wrapped up in herself that you DO feel that way about her. You are NOT a bad person for how you feel. She makes you deal with a lot and I think you do deal with it well. I'd have probably changed my phone number years ago! :mad: HA! I'm so bad, I'm still EATING the ice cream I'd already bought! I do have to say that I got full this AM eating my veggie scramble and instead of finishing it, which is what I normally do, I got up from the table and tossed it in the trash! Very proud!!! Awwww! Thanks, Hon! That would be so cool if you could meet up when Kat is down your way! How fun!! Thank you! No, I don't mind at all. I'll take all the prayer I can get. ~~~~~ Feeling pretty good again today. Still pretty stiff but not so much pain as just having to get up and get moving after having a sit. I am really hoping this means that I'm on the other side of my flare-up. Fingers and toes crossed with eyes looking to heaven!!!!! Got a roast in the crockpot for a late dinner. We ate a late lunch. AND I dug out our bread machine and have a loaf of whole wheat bread, hopefully, doing it's thing! We'll see! Hope today was a good one for all of you! Talk atcha later! Hugs!
Thanks, Ladies! Jenn! I am so glad you are okay! What the heck happened?! Kids okay?! Kat, great news about seeing the grandkids! Very happy for you! I know you miss them terribly!!! Suzanne, I'm proud of you for getting off your butt. It is SO hard! Even on a good day! Angela, of course I'll keep your uncle in my prayers. ~~~~~ Picked up an app for our local hardware store. They are a true value but owned and operated by a local family for YEARS. I went to school with 3 of the kids in my class. Lived near the youngest one for years til we bought this place. Figured they might have use for me for a few hours each morning during the week. We'll see. AND even during a flare-up, if it's like this one has been, I can still function pretty good for a few hours once I get some ibuprofen in me. Well, need to get some church work done and then I have Bunco tonight. See ya later!
Thanks, y'all! I came home and cried. It's one thing to think you might/probably have it but then to have it confirmed by a professional - just makes it all that more real. At least I have a name to IT now. One thing, doc was pretty nice, read my papers that I brought and talked to me about what we can and can not do. I guess I'll keep him! :smile: He does specialize in Diabetes, which is an auto-immune disease, and he seems to know a lot about them, in general. That's good. The only thing we can do is manage the symptoms. That's it. I try to keep moving and take liquid ibuprofen as needed. If I get really bad (and in my eyes, desperate), then he can put me on prednisone to basically halt my immune system. Ummmmm, NO! He said that I've GOT to get this weight off. He's right. I gotta quit messing around. And exercise. I've got to keep as mobile as possible. He talked about staying ahead of the game. So. That's it. No cure. No magic pills. :thumbup: ~~~~ Kat, I'm sorry about what's going on with you guys. I sure am glad you are feeling better tho! I hope Rick follows thru and does sell off the cows! I love you guys! :wub:
I have Lupus... :thumbup:
Morning! Just a quick stop-in before my appointment. Looking forward to meeting the new doc and getting him to put me on the right path to figuring out what's wrong with me. Not nervous at all. He'd just better play along like a good little boy or I'm dropping his ass before I even leave the office! :thumbup: I am NOT messing around! LOL!! I'll catch up with y'all later! Hugs, my friends!!!!
Morning! DD had her first soccer game this AM and she did great! They lost but I don't think the kids were paying attention! LOL!! It's the under 5s so all they're doing is trying to find the ball! Too cute! Have a great day!
Thanks for posting pics, Suzanne! Y'all are adorable! Glad you had so much fun!
Back again! Kat, thank you! I don't think she will ever get a gun. She would be too worried about the boys getting ahold of it. I know she worried about that with his guns. I wanted to say that I don't mean to sound so flippant with things when I talk about what my sister is going thru. Such as what we were pulling at court. We know what can and might happen and it scares all of us to pieces. My sister told my mom that she actually is just waiting for him to walk up to her and just shoot her. I wouldn't put it past him. I think part of her just wants him to get "IT" over with. The naive part of me would just like to think that he's a bully and like some bullies, once their target stands up to them and they can't get away with it anymore, they just leave off and go away. The logical, no non-sense part of me expects to get a phone call that my sister is dead and the kids are gone. Here's to hoping and praying that my naivete wins out. ~~~~~ Angela is drunk typing!!!! :thumbup::smile2::smile: I'm glad Zach is doing so well with football. Go Zach!! And 300 POUNDS! Good GOD! He's huge! That is one big and tall doodlebug!!!! :thumbup: Is he wanting to head to the pros? Then I can say I know his mama!!! :w00t: Kat, that's kinda funny about all of Kinsey's jackets being at school. I used to do that when I was working in the church office! Especially if my hands were full and/or I was thinking about something else when I left. Well, enough for tonight. Talk atcha later!! 'Night!
Court went as well as it could have gone. His is livid and that's a good thing. I think he thought he could snowball the judge. Ummm, yea, she sees shit like you all the time. Thankyouverymuch!!!! Chaped his hide that's for sure AND the entire court was ALL female!!! :tongue: He HATES women! AND he especially hates anyone not white and even more, mixed race! Guess what?!!! The judge was mixed race black woman! :wub: Anyway, permanent restraining order for 3 years for sis AND the kids. He has VERY limited visitation until they go back to court next month. He can ONLY have contact w/the kids during that time. He's limited to their soccer games on Saturday mornings until 2PM and church Sunday mornings til 2PM. Church is done at 1 so that's okay AND it's only on the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends of the month. They start separate mediation regarding visitation and then go back to court for the judge to review it. Monday AM, WITH cops present, he is to move out permanently from the house. He can only take what sis will let him take. She doesn't care about any of it except for the TV that my mom bought her and the computer. Anything else, other than what belongs to the kids, he can have. She's also going to ask a deputy friend of hers to be there from her dept. so he will have her back. I offered to show up just to chap his hide some more. :alien: I'm such a good sister! LOL! She is also going to talk to victim services about starting the divorce. She may have to go to a paralegal to do it but we have NO clue! And California can be so screwy with things. So that's what happened yesterday. I'm going to try to go to court with her again, so she's not sitting there by herself. He kept trying to stare her down and was giving her dirty looks and such. I stared at him at one point and made him look away and just sat there calmly and sometimes w/a half smile on my face. When sis would start to get wound up, I'd whisper something to her and either make her smile or chuckle a little. He HATED it. :eek6: I also honestly believe that he thought my sister would roll over and ask to have the whole thing canceled and try to bring him home. He was surprised when she didn't do that and didn't seem to be able to intimidate her, tho she was scared to death and shaking and nervous, HE didn't know that. :tongue: I was/am very proud of my sister. She's got a TOUGH road ahead of her. I'm going to try to do what I can to help her. AND now that he is out of the way, we'll be able to see each other more. :smile: I've missed my sister. :crying: ~~~~~ Plain, do I need to tell DH about you?! :sad: I do wish you were able to check in here more often. You bring something to the place. NOT sure what that "something" is but it's there none-the-less! Suzanne, I love that you are posting pics of your trip for us! Kinda feels like we are there with you! Okay, not really but we wish we were! Love the pics of you, Kat and Terri! You all are beautiful!! Jen, try to get some sleep! Yikes! I love the sound of your excitement! You go girl!!! :thumbup: Kat, poor Kinsey! Poor Manda for no sleep! Hopefully she can understand what the school was trying to do but how scary for a little tyke! Tracy, enjoy DH's last day off! I know you'll enjoy your peace once again too but it's nice to have 'em home. DH went back to work today after being off for a couple of weeks. Shar, you there? Debbie, don't let the uglys get you down at work. They are there for a brief moment in time and then they are off to try to make some else's life miserable! Cindy, are you feeling better? Terri, where are you? Angela, have a good day at work!! I think I got everybody! Sure hope so! Have a great day, y'all! :wub:
I'll have to catch up w/y'all later. I'm flat exhausted and a little sore. I spent the ENTIRE day at court w/my sis. Left the house at 7AM for the hour drive down and got home just before 7PM, after another hour drive home. Glad I was there for her but damn, it was a long day. 'Night y'all!
Mornin'! Suzanne, I'm so glad you're enjoying your trip! I would love to do something like that some day. Just get in the truck and start driving and figure out where to go as we see things that peak our interest. I know you have a sort of plan but it just sounds like SO much fun! Kat, you're right - none of would care about the house! Enjoy your new woodsplitter! Mine is about 6'3" and has red hair and is a fireman! Poor DH! Jen, congrats on being a firefighter now!!! :thumbup:) Debbie, describing me - hmmmm. I'm short at 5'3" something. I used to say 5'4" but that's fibbing and it just ain't true no matter how I try! LOL! I have short, dark blonde hair, fair skin. A button nose, yes, I said button nose! Blue eyes that I love. I have dark blue eyeliner tattooed on my upper and lower eyelids. I have four piercings in a row in each ear. I have a round face and not great skin. My cheeks and nose tend to be light to dark red, depending on the day. I carry a lot of weight around my middle - abdomen, hips, upper butt. I'm small breasted and wish I could FILL something, preferably a C or D cup but alas, barely a B! LOL!! Let's see, I have a butterfly tattooed on my left ankle that represents the Risen Christ for me and my toe nails are usually painted. I will wear red or pink but like the unusual colors, I have orange on right now. I use a pretty dark green or dark blue as well. I have nice hands and like to wear several rings but can't much right now. Nails are unpainted and short or long depending on if I've just cut them all off to start over! I think that's it in a nutshell. Cindy, I'm so sorry that you still aren't well. You are a very dedicated teacher and you make me proud! I think I've said it before but I sure hope the teachers that DD has through-out her school career are half as dedicated as you and she'll have great teachers! Angela, I'm like you are, get all full of nerves around people. I'm much better online than in person! I'm very much an introvert. DD is dragging me out! She is so NOT like me in that respect. I'm glad but it makes it hard for me b/c I would rather just stay home. Hi to Plain, Shar, Tracy and Terri!!! ~~~~~ Having a rough couple of days so haven't felt much like posting. Finally got on FB last night and caught up but then didn't have the energy for here. I've been in a lot of pain and can't get comfortable. If I stay in one position more than a few minutes, I stove up and it hurts, then hurts even more to move. Sunday was a REALLY bad day. I finally gave up and went to bed before 9. I'm trying to not get depressed but it's hard. I don't like what's happening to me and I don't know how to deal with it. Sunday AM I was putting the dishes away from the dishwasher and on the last dinner plate, my arm started to give out and I almost dropped it. DH heard me exclaiming and when he came in to see what was going on, I burst into tears. Anyway, just having a rough time right now. DD had her very first soccer practice yesterday! And was I a great mama and took lots of pictures, right? NO!!! Forgot the damn camera!!!!! Didn't even occur to me. I was trying to make sure I had enough snacks and her water and shoes and and and! UGH! Saturday is her first game and I MUST remember the camera!!!! LOL!! She looked SOOOOOO cute! I'd better get a move on. Check FB and a couple of other threads and then run financial reports for the council meeting tonight at church. Have a great day! Suz and Kat and Terri - have FUN!!!!
Jen, I admire you for you goals and plans. You are going after what you want and I think that's great! Love the BMD! They are great dogs. Just be prepared for all of that HAIR!!!! Also they are working dogs, so be sure to give your new puppy some "jobs" around the house. Whether you train him to pick up his own toys, or pull a little wagon to help with the yard work, carry his own pack when out for walks, etc. Working dogs can get bored and then they can become destructive. Personal experience. We didn't know better with our Border Collie Mix. Now we do. Poor thing. She would have been so much happier. Kat, I don't blame you for not wanting "company" today. Yuck! :w00t: I get like that too. Best wishes with the tree. I can sympathize! Cindy, I hope you're not too sick. Feel better soon. Not a great way to start the school year! :bored: Tracy, enjoy your hanging around day! I love those!! Debbie, so sorry to hear about your brother. Cancer is an ugly thing. Best wishes to him and lots of prayers. ~~~~~ Not happy with myself. I weighed in at 199 this AM. I told myself I would never get back in to the 200s and here I am, knocking on it's damn door. It's my own fault. Been eating like a hog lately. Most times not even hungry. Don't know what's up with that but need to wake up and work the program! This AM I got back on Daily Plate to start tracking. AND I did my 20 minute Zumba DVD. That kicks my butt but it's fun and I like it. I need to be doing either it or the treadmill nearly everyday. I try to make the excuse that I don't feel good and my body hurts. Well ya know what? No matter what is going on with my system, I still need to move this fat ass to keep it limber and it's going to hurt whether I'm sitting on it or moving it, so I'm might as well move it! We'll see how long my motivation lasts! :smile: Need to go change my ticker, as much as I don't want too. I need to be honest about it all. Have a great day!
Kat, that is WONDERFUL news!!!! Manda must be SO relieved! I am!!!! I see my new doc on the 20th. Congrats on the new baby in the family! I actually kinda like the name! LOL!! I would call him Ky too tho. :thumbup: Angela, my clothes are tight too. Dammit. :thumbup: Shar glad you're feeling better. Jennifer, busy girl! Yikes!!! Mom was here for a quick visit. She just left a bit ago to head home. She got to spend time with my sis too before coming to see me. That made her feel better. She's been so worried about her. Still is but she was happy to see her. Well, off to town for some errands and then it's the first football game of the season tonight!!! I don't know who's playin' and couldn't care less. Football is back and that's all that matters!!!! :thumbup: Talk at ya later!
All I can see is the "Partners" but that is SO cool! Like ya did it on purpose!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi Honey! How ya doin'?!!
Awwww, thanks, Debbie. You're too sweet! I'm just glad you didn't give up or give in. It would have been so easy. And no one would have blamed you for it! I'm glad you jumped on board here too. Long day. Ended up running our lawn mower down to my sister's place. She's an hour and a half from us. One way. My niece has some neighbors that jumped her dad's ship when they found out what happened and they want HER to do their yards instead! Well, of course, her dad came and got all of his tools and equipment so she had nothing. We aren't using the mower, we have a lawn tractor now, so we gave it to her so she can make herself a little money. AND as a bonus, the mower is out of the shed and the spiders need to find a new home! We had to stop and buy a new blade and filter for it. Suzanne, sounds like you're having a great trip! Check in when you can. Cindy, sorry about the candy... and the pudding. I hate days like that and seems I've been having quite a few lately! Kat, sounds like you were busy today! Poor Rick, hope he feels better soon. Loved that I was in my own bed last night!
Hey y'all! We're back! Had a great weekend. Glad to be home. Debbie, I'm so glad you are posting here! I was thinking about you the other day and thinking I needed to check in with you. Your vacation sounds wonderful! Suzanne, glad you are enjoying yourself. Angela, what a weekend you had! Tracy, feel better. Jennifer, great news about the new boss. Shar, congrats on the loss! Kat, hope you're not getting sick! Congrats on having your wood all done! I'm jealous! We haven't even started yet. 'Course, we have some Oak now! LOL! Cindy, sounds like it might be a rough year. :thumbup: Hope it turns out to not be too bad. Have a great night!
Oh, and Kat? OF COURSE the tree is going to drop North! Same as our tree developing a crack only AFTER we decide to put a fence up! LOL!!!
Checking in real quick. Tree is down... finally! Top of it hung up in another tree and the guy had to work HARD to get it down! Even missed the posts that were under it! DH is working to get the fence back up right now. Tree guy earned his $100!!!! Have a great weekend!!!