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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ErinMarie

  1. ErinMarie

    Pregnant Banders!!

    I'm 16 weeks! Never really got the morning sickness and was only nauseous when I took my prenatal Vitamins or was realy hungry! I did get half of my Fluid removed about 9 weeks in due to swelling and just general uncomfortableness. Thanks to that unfill, and my ability to eat french fries (and craving them!) I've gained about 17 lbs but I am holding steady at 215 right now so I'm okay with that! We hope to find out the sex of the baby on Dec 7
  2. ErinMarie

    How Soon After Banding

    My doctor suggested 12-18 months after banding to get pregnant, and I ended up being about 15 months before getting pregnant!
  3. ErinMarie

    Pregnant And Overwhelmed!

    Thank you! I've actually since lost a couple pounds since gaining the initial 10! I have been walking the stairs at work every hour to combat leg/ankle swelling! Hopefully it will combat weight gain too (and make my ass look amazing)!
  4. Hello all! I'm pregnant for the first time and scared to death! I've researched pregnancy and birth for as long as I researched the lap band! Shortly after finding out I was pregnant, I went to see my lapband doctor for an unfill. I was scared to death he was going to tell me he wanted to do a complete unfill, but thankfully he did not! I don't think he would have taken any out if I didn't ask for it! I decided to get 4cc out of my band (half of my fill) to give the baby room to grow and hopefully allow me to NOT need to get any more unfills during my pregnancy because my new work insurance doesn't cover my band doctor....and neither does pregnancy medcaid! Sigh. I'm 11 weeks and I've gained around 10 lbs so far. I'm worried sick I'm going to gain too much weight. I haven't reached my weight goal, I just got under 200 lbs, and I was 3 pounds from losing 100 lbs when I found out I was pregnant! I'm really nervous about my weight and the future, even though I know after the baby is born and I am done breast feeding, I can get my fills again...Any advice on not freaking out about every ppund I gain? I also feel like I've totally let loose since my unfill and as soon as I got pregnant, I feel like I've forgotten everything I learned about eating healthy! HELP. Any advice on eating, coping, and when and where to buy maternity clothes would be great!
  5. ErinMarie

    What Are Your Biggest Cravings?

    French fries oh and celery and peanut butter!
  6. ErinMarie

    Pregnant And Overwhelmed!

    I'm aiming for not more than 25 lbs! Good luck!
  7. ErinMarie


    Back pain is terrible! My mon suffered from it for a long time and had to quit her job of 20 years because of it. I know that Water aerobics really helped her back and she drinks cherry juice every morning for fibromyalgia but I know it helps general inflammation arthritis too. You should check it out! Good luck <3
  8. ErinMarie

    Pregnant And Overwhelmed!

    Alli- all women are different when it comes to swelling and baby positions with the band. Some have to get a complete unfill at one point during pregnancy for one reason or another. I was already swelling at 8 weeks and eating was a struggle (I was miserable! Like bandster hell all over again!) so I had to get some out...I wanted to do less but I can't afford to get one cc out at a time since my insurance no longer covers my lapband appointments! Did that make sense? Lol
  9. I'm pregnant! And I updated my blog with 2 new updates all about it! http://wtfovaries.blogspot.com

  10. ErinMarie

    Some Questions!

    Well, I can't answer all of these, but I will do my best. Keep in mind I haven't had any kids while banded (or at all) but this is what most people have told me. C-section is NOT necessary if you are banded. Vaginal delivery is totally possible with a band unless you have some other unrelated complacations. I intend to have a Water birth Port pain seems pretty regular. Most people complain about it on here, some more than others. I think it's really different for everyone and hurts more if the baby kicks you there! Most doctors suggest waiting 12-18 months before trying to get pregnant. This allows your body to adjust to the hormonal changes it was making in the first place, and hopefully allow your weight to get a bit more steady.
  11. Hey friends! Feel free to add me on MyFitnessPal! erinistehawesone

  12. ErinMarie

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    MFP is great! It really helped when I hit a plateau after losing 40 lbs! I'm at 96 lbs lost now! Feel free to add me on there! erinistehawesome
  13. ErinMarie

    Don't Know What To Do?

    I highly suggest you check out blogs as well! There are a ton of people who write blogs about their experiences from beginning to end as well as video blogs! I have a blog myself and I started it before I was even approved for surgery! Lots of great info on these boards as well! Don't be afraid to ask a question you think someone would have already asked! Most people love giving advice and sharing their experiences!
  14. ErinMarie

    Smoking Preop & Postop

    Sweet! What brand did you use? My friend is going to send me one she used but it is an older version and fairly heavy to hold and I'm sure I would prefer a lighter one
  15. ErinMarie

    Smoking Preop & Postop

    I stopped smoking as soon as I went to my first lapband meeting and he said you couldn't smoke. I stopped for 6 months but started up again after a particularly painful summer. I do plan on quitting again just because its gross and I hate it (and it can cause errosion AND I plan on trying to get pregnant soon) but I will be transitioning to e-cigarettes first
  16. 198.5! Hello ONEderland!!!

  17. ErinMarie

    Made It To My First Goal!! Yay

    My favorite form of celebration is a pedicure!!
  18. Are you constipated? It could be poo in your intestines!
  19. ErinMarie

    Hi Im New Here, Exercise

    I haven't tried kickboxing, but I can't imagine that it WOULDN'T help tone your arms and legs! Another workout you can look into is strength training! It's great for toning up and helping your core and you don't have to do stupid sit ups for your abs! I also highly recommending checking out nerdfitness.com for TONS of how-tos and work out tips! Getting a personal trainer couldn't hurt either! I would get one if I could afford it!
  20. ErinMarie

    Starving :(

    Protein shake FTW! It's not going to be as satisfying as food, but it helps! Welcome to bandster hell, my friend! It will be over soon! Try to stay focused!
  21. ErinMarie

    My Progression

    Random weight loss pics
  22. ErinMarie

    1 year pic

    From the album: My Progression

    75 lbs down in May!
  23. Updated my blog today! 91 lbs lost!!! http://wtfovaries.blogspot.com/

  24. I have 40 lbs to reach my goal of 130 lbs lost! After that, hubby and I will be trying for a baby

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
