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Kimba Maria Wiggins

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kimba Maria Wiggins

  1. 5 days until surgery and I slipped up a few times. Need to get back on track FAST. How do I do this? My doctor said my liver lookes normal (not fatty) but had to go on the 2 week liquid diet anyway due to my BMI (53). I'm so worried ?.
  2. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Screwed up on pre-op diet ?

    3 more days until surgery ...and no more screw ups ☺. Drinking plenty of water. Back on track ?
  3. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Screwed up on pre-op diet ?

    I live in temporary housing so getting rid of tempting foods isn't an option. I just stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, only to fix my food and leave right away. After surgery I won't be eating nearly as much as I used to (which will be a big plus).
  4. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    I Got a Surgery Date!

    Due to medical issues it took 8 months for me to get approved for surgery. I did all the required pre op stuff (psych eval, bloodwork, 8 Nut visits, pulmonary and cardiac clearances) and I got my approval less than 5 days after final paperwork was submitted to my insurance company.
  5. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    I Got a Surgery Date!

    I got the approval call last Tuesday after starting the approval process last June. I completed all requirements earlier this month and my surgery is set for February 28th, 2017. I am so happy and excited! I thought that this day would never come!
  6. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    February Sleevers -- Let's Do This Together

    I'm scheduled for February 28th, 2017
  7. I had another person tell me I shouldn't get surgery because I'll die...my stomach will burst and that I should get the Lap Band (which has been proven to cause serious health issues). Someone she knew passed from getting gastric bypass and that I should get another procedure, which Medicaid doesn't cover. Nope! Will get sleeved regardless of what anyone says. This is the umpteenth time someone has come at me like this. And this "friend" doesn't realize that I'm one step away from being done with the pre-surgery process (2nd cardiac clearance since I didn't pass the first one0 I knew this would happen. Once again, a Negative Nellie attempting to steer me away from my goal.
  8. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Negative Nellies!

    "Just stop eating" "I know someone who died from WLS." "Don't have surgery, you'll have loose skin (I already have that and I'm still pre-op) "You don't need surgery, just exercise and eat organic foods (I receive food Stamps and osteoarthritis hurts plus organic is expensive!) "You don't look that big" (Ummm, I weigh 313 lbs, smh) "I like bigger women, you're fine just the way you are (like having hypertension, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea is ok tho have) Some of the responses i've gotten were so bad, I cannot even post them here. Being 5'4" and 450 lbs is not sexy and I got flamed by many people for saying that. I sometimes shake my head and laugh because of the negative responses I get when I tell others about me getting WLS. Only people that are supporting me is my housemates, my cousins and mother (who got sleeved on 11/17/2016)
  9. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Mental Illness & WLS

    I have PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar disorder and I passed my psych eval. I've been under treatment for my mental illnesses for a year and it's been a year since I've been hospitalized. I also have been hospitalized many times in the past due to my illness and I've been in partial-hospitalization (aka Partial) twice. I totally understood what I was getting into...and almost backed out of the process twice, but now I'm glad I didn't.
  10. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    2017 sleevers?

    Hopefully January 2017 for me.
  11. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Fidelis Care (Medicaid)

    I live in New York and I have Fidelis Care (a type of Medicaid). How long does it take for a person to get approved with this type of insurance. My pre op testing is almost complete and will be submitted within the next week and a half.
  12. I finally got my act together and now I'm down to 313 lbs from 350 lbs. I'm still pre op and my clothes are fitting so loose that I'm constantly pulling my pants up (thankfully not fallen down). 17 lbs of that I lost in less than one month by just simply walking and not eating out (eating homecooked meals). I do eat out a bit more often, but I don't eat a ton of junk foods like I used to and eat 3 meals a day. I feel great
  13. I'm not surprised at this...but still disappointing :-( I only lost ONE pound since my last weight in on 6/21/16, the next is on 7/12/16 and my final one on 8/16/16 before my paperwork is submitted to my insurance company. I posted in another forum here on BariatricPal that I had issues with my portions, and sometimes eating more than I should. I live with unsupportive roommates and tempting food every day. My nutritionist gave me a meal plan, but I'm always hungry on it. Any suggestions and/or advice for me?
  14. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    October sleevers?

    Possibly. I gained weight this month so my NUT added an extra visit, and that last visit is September 6th.
  15. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Diarrhea during liquid diet

    I would tell your doctor about this and have him switch you to another brand of shake. I'd also check to see if you're lactose intolerant because I had the same exact symptoms when I drank Nutrisystem shakes (I'm still pre-op) and it was lactose intolerance.
  16. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    How to quit sugar ?!?!?!?

    I gave soda up after finding out I had a hiatal hernia. My doctor warned me nearly 4 years ago that my constant drinking of soda would damage my esophagus and give me heartburn (and I didn't listen). No More Sweets For Me. I got a wake up call...and I'm not ignoring it. I was told that Hiatal hernias can be made worse by consuming sugar, soda and bread.
  17. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    How long does the process take?

    I started in June of this year and my last nutritionist appointment is on August 16th. I had to do 3 months of nutritionist visits and pre-op testing (including a Upper GI test). My surgeon said that I'll be sleeved in September, date depending on when insurance approves me.
  18. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    September 2016 Sleevers!

    My last nutritionist appointment is on August 16th (before my info is submitted to Medicaid for approval). I already had my Pre-Op Upper GI test done (and found out I have a hiatial hernia). My surgeon told me that I'l be sleeved sometime in September, date to be determined.
  19. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Monthly Vitamin Costs

    I'm wondering the same thing since I am on a fixed income and can't afford to buy high-priced vitamins. Are there vitamins out there that are affordable for people like me?
  20. Kimba Maria Wiggins


    I've gained 5 lbs since my last weigh in. I go for in for my final one on 8/16/2016. Hopefully by then I'll have lost some weight
  21. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Waiting on my referral

    I didn't need a referral because I called the surgeons office myself and they ran my Medicaid number over the phone (and approved me for visits before even stepping foot into her office). I have Straight Medicaid, but everyone's insurance is different and may have to go through a referral process. I'm almost done with my 3 months of supervised weigh ins/nutritionist visits and hopefully will have surgery this upcoming September.
  22. Kimba Maria Wiggins


    I use sparkpeople.com
  23. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    One Pound Weight Loss :-(

    Someone on here suggested doing the pre-op liquid diet for a few weeks...I'll try it and see what happens :-)
  24. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    One Pound Weight Loss :-(

    Update: Upping my Water intake and cutting out sugar and carbonated drinks entirely. I have a bag of Splenda that I'l be using for my tea (sparingly). My last weigh-in is a month from today, 7/18/2016 and I have to lose weight or else I'll get denied by my insurance company for lack of effort. I won't be able to move like I mentioned previously because the landlord rented the room to someone that could pay more than I could. I'll have to buy a mini-fridge of my own and put a lock on it (since my roommate is known for eating other people's food and not replacing it). I've been constantly reminding my roommates not to offer me any food, because I won't be able to eat regular food for a long time. In another month, I know I'll have lost at least 5+ lbs. Due to my osteoarthritis, I can only do certain exercises and I recently found workout routines via YouTube I can do from home (for those with arthritis). Things are looking up for me :-)
  25. Kimba Maria Wiggins

    Any September dates?

    I will be September as well, but no date as of yet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
