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About Guineakitty

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  1. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    Aspire Assist is not Mechanical Bulimia it only takes a portion of food out of your stomach. If you use the device for binge and purge you will fail because you will gain weight. You still will absorb 2/3 of what you have eaten with each cycle of aspiration. Those calories will add up causing weight gain and if your stomach gets bigger it will strain the tube causing you discomfort if not out right pain. If you use the device too much it will not work because with over usage it will stop you from connecting to your body as well. The mind set of using the device for binge purge is setting you up for failure. I mindless eat at parties so I leave my device at home to prevent myself from flushing then 1or 2 hours later eating more. I know me so I leave it at home so not to set myself up for failure. Some people can flush at parties and will not eat more that is good for them they have better self management than me. I will say with any type of diet or lifestyle change you need the proper mind set. I never saw Aspire as Mechanical Bulimia I saw it as a tool to rid my body of waste.If you just see the device as a way to binge and purge it is not for you.
  2. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    @jennyjennjen Sorry for the delayed reply Yes the FDA approved the A-tube for long term use. With that being said the tube will need to be replaced every 2 years because of natural wear and tear. I have had my tube replaced earlier this year. @@ocgirl15 It can be icky to see the stomach contents come out I am desensitized because I worked at a nursing home and seen stuff. Over time you get use to it also and check more for volume content versus Water. As mentioned above now the person has the option of keeping the tube forever if they don't mind getting the tube replaced every few years. Socially it depends sometimes I go to flush in public washrooms but in parties I wait until I'm at home because I eat a lot and don't want to empty my stomach only to add more food. I also wait cause sometime if I eat high volumes of food breakdown takes longer so its easier to aspirate later. Mind my level of not caring is high so if I have on clothes depending on cut or material some people can see the tube but most don't until I guide them to it through my clothes. I'm not concerned about infection I keep my area clean and dry for the most part. Some subjects did have tube sensitivity and did get it removed. I learned how to slow down my eating and to chew more which made me eat less because my brain has time to registered fullness. I have a fierce appetite so to off set calories I exercise more. I did see a dietitian the 1st year but don't need to anymore. Some of the subjects chat and exchange ideas I didn't see a therapist. That's the million dollar question will the weight stay off... I believe it will but it will take work. The person will need to keep track of the calories and exercise. I keep in contact with other subjects for support. I hope this answers your questions if not ask me more! :-)
  3. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    That I will ask about I was told 5 years but I know some want it longer.
  4. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    @Alex Brecher Thanks for letting me speak. I keep forgetting this is new to everyone. The tube does not promote overeating. You have to chew like really chew your food and drink Water to aspirate or flush your tube properly. Some of the subjects did aspirate and eat but they learned not to do that.Remember the port is placed by your stomach if you gain weight and inches around your belly it will be uncomfortable because the tube will be too tight. You will lose the weight back so the tight feeling will fade. It is one of the reasons why as you lose inches on your tummy the tube is re shorten. The tube is also for people who are overweight but not enough to classify for traditional WLS or want a less evasive surgery. When you get the A-tube you will learn some different eating habit by default because everyone is different when it comes to flushing. I can chew steak and aspirate fine but can chew rice forever wait an extra 15mins and sometimes still have issues with flushing. Other subjects can't eat steak or have it grounded up to aspirate but can eat rice and aspirate without problems. Most of us tried new foods because we wanted to see what works. Some of us could not give up certain foods despite difficulties aspirating so depending on what it was less of it was eaten or calorie counting or exercise come in to effect. The tube is temporary because if done properly (for the most part I am faaaaar from perfect) you will learn how to eat better. From this study I learned my portions are too big, I know I need to exercise, and I need to balance those things out. My appetite is huge I have learned to take social cues from others when to stop eating cause sometimes I don't have a off switch. Getting the tube out can be scary for some but that's why we support each other and make sure we can be without it. We can keep the tube for 5 years. When the person feels ready to remove it the person cuts down the flushes per day, then flush once a day, then a few times a week eventually to 3 months without using the device.During that time that habits that is learned is put to use. If a person can not maintain their weight or gain too much back that person keeps the tube longer. If the person maintains successfully the tube is removed. Sorry for the long response I hope this answers some more questions.
  5. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    That closes back up. After the tube is removed they stitch the hole closed. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  6. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    Actually its adding to the body temporarily. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  7. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    The tube can get removed and body will stay the same. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  8. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    You didn't see the original post when Aspire got announced the comments was down right rude. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  9. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    For the negative aspect there will always be haters and people making fun of others. That doesn't brother me cause I will get the last laugh keeping the weight off and still will have my body intact. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  10. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    Tara1992 I never had an infection from it. I keep it clean despite being a leaky lady. ???? They gave me pills to prevent infection when I got the procedure. And Yes you can swim with the device. Most females wear bathing suits that covers it up the men deal with the questions mostly from curious kids. Sent from my LGLS770 using the BariatricPal App
  11. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    Its okay I realize that this is a new and weird way to lose weight and I just want to clear up some of the misconceptions about Aspire. I did pick Aspire because it is a ground breaking procedure for people that can't do regular WLS because they are over weight but not enough qualify. Aspire is for people too sick to do major surgery too. JennyJenJen what ever what choice you make, make sure its the right choice for you. Great luck in your journey. :-)
  12. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    I am sorry if my 1st post is stand offish I thought this was the original post for Aspire Assist announcement.
  13. Hi, I am an Aspire Assist user. I have been using Aspire for 2 years. I decided to participate in the Aspire Assist study because I was able to lose weight on my own, but after a certain amount of weight, no matter what I did, I could not seem to lose more. I don't regret this decision, it was one of the best I have made in my life. That's why it's so disheartening to hear all the negative and hateful comments about the program. This site is a site about people who had WLS or are considering it. Anyone who has WLS or is considering it, knows how hard it is to lose and keep weight off. I'm responding to the people who are curious about Aspire or considering Aspire. It is not assisted bulimia. If anything, it's early or controlled pooping. You are taking a 3rd of the food out of your body before digestion is complete. You will not absorb extra calories. The reasons why I aspirate is calorie control. Sometimes I have a bad night and emotionally overeat. Sometimes I'm out with friends and overeat. By the time my brain registers that I'm full, I'm stuffed. Before my tube I would feel bad and sometimes compound the damage by eating more. Now with the tube, I get rid of some of the damage and do better the next day. I also work jobs where I can't move all the time and sometimes don't have access to healthy food choices. Again, I aspirate those calories. At the end of the day the A-tube is a tool. It doesn't work unless you use it. It is not a quick fix. I still can eat the foods I love. What I love about the program is that it DOES teach you better food habits and choices. I have made a lifestyle change because of my A-tube. Watching what comes out of the tube has given me ideas of why, after eating certain foods, I still felt hungry. Certain foods I will never eat again because I can see what going on inside my body. When I started, still learning about the device, I would look at my food as it was coming out the tube. It was mostly watery and chunky. I still could name some veggies. One day, I ate garlic bread and I noticed it was greasier than normal as I was watching it come out of the tube. It was disgusting because it stuck and clung to the tube. I could see actual fat and I could not help but think the rest of the fat that is in my body and what damage it is doing. Is it sticking to me the way it sticking to my tube? I threw out the other half of that garlic bread. I was grateful the tube was a mirror that day. Sometimes we eat bad choices and don't realize it or realize it and rationalize it. After the tube I couldn't do that anymore. Aspire Assist has taught me to learn how to modify some food choices and explore others. I discovered veggies that I never would had tried before and love them. When eating foods that have higher fat, I eat smaller amounts. I learned to know the difference between mental hunger and physical (mental is worse for me personally). I am more active and blessed be to at a job that does allow me to move more. I am nearing the end of my journey with Aspire. I have lost the weight I wanted to lose with it, plus more. I am in maintenance, so I use the device less. That makes me feel empowered because again it is a tool not a quick fix. I like it when I exercise and make good choices. I don't need to aspirate but I am grateful to have the device near me for slip ups because we all have bad days. When I do get my tube removed, the lessons I have learned from it will not go away. Also, my body will still be way it was beforehand, with no shortened stomach or intestines removed. I am truly grateful to be a part of the study. I realize that this may not be for everyone, what works for me may not work for you, but what works for you may not be for someone else. At the end we are all here because of the inability to lose weight with our own sheer will power. Don't knock down someone for using a method because you don't like it or understand it.
  14. Guineakitty

    FDA finally approves AspireAssist

    Hi, I am an Aspire Assist user. I have been using Aspire for 2 years. I decided to participate in the Aspire Assist study because I was able to lose weight on my own, but after a certain amount of weight, no matter what I did, I could not seem to lose more. I don't regret this decision, it was one of the best I have made in my life. That's why it's so disheartening to hear all the negative and hateful comments about the program. This site is a site about people who had WLS or are considering it. Anyone who has WLS or is considering it, knows how hard it is to lose and keep weight off. I'm responding to the people who are curious about Aspire or considering Aspire. It is not assisted bulimia. If anything, it's early or controlled pooping. You are taking a 3rd of the food out of your body before digestion is complete. You will not absorb extra calories. The reasons why I aspirate is calorie control. Sometimes I have a bad night and emotionally overeat. Sometimes I'm out with friends and overeat. By the time my brain registers that I'm full, I'm stuffed. Before my tube I would feel bad and sometimes compound the damage by eating more. Now with the tube, I get rid of some of the damage and do better the next day. I also work jobs where I can't move all the time and sometimes don't have access to healthy food choices. Again, I aspirate those calories. At the end of the day the A-tube is a tool. It doesn't work unless you use it. It is not a quick fix. I still can eat the foods I love. What I love about the program is that it DOES teach you better food habits and choices. I have made a lifestyle change because of my A-tube. Watching what comes out of the tube has given me ideas of why, after eating certain foods, I still felt hungry. Certain foods I will never eat again because I can see what going on inside my body. When I started, still learning about the device, I would look at my food as it was coming out the tube. It was mostly watery and chunky. I still could name some veggies. One day, I ate garlic bread and I noticed it was greasier than normal as I was watching it come out of the tube. It was disgusting because it stuck and clung to the tube. I could see actual fat and I could not help but think the rest of the fat that is in my body and what damage it is doing. Is it sticking to me the way it sticking to my tube? I threw out the other half of that garlic bread. I was grateful the tube was a mirror that day. Sometimes we eat bad choices and don't realize it or realize it and rationalize it. After the tube I couldn't do that anymore. Aspire Assist has taught me to learn how to modify some food choices and explore others. I discovered veggies that I never would had tried before and love them. When eating foods that have higher fat, I eat smaller amounts. I learned to know the difference between mental hunger and physical (mental is worse for me personally). I am more active and blessed be to at a job that does allow me to move more. I am nearing the end of my journey with Aspire. I have lost the weight I wanted to lose with it, plus more. I am in maintenance, so I use the device less. That makes me feel empowered because again it is a tool not a quick fix. I like it when I exercise and make good choices. I don't need to aspirate but I am grateful to have the device near me for slip ups because we all have bad days. When I do get my tube removed, the lessons I have learned from it will not go away. Also, my body will still be way it was beforehand, with no shortened stomach or intestines removed. I am truly grateful to be a part of the study. I realize that this may not be for everyone, what works for me may not work for you, but what works for you may not be for someone else. At the end we are all here because of the inability to lose weight with our own sheer will power. Don't knock down someone for using a method because you don't like it or understand it.

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