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Everything posted by LACRACRA2

  1. No B12 well I hate to sound dumb but only what is in my Vitamins. I am the chewables multi Vitamin 2 per day. And there are vitamins included with my shakes that I was told to take per day also. The first week of pre op diet I can have liquids, shakes, dill pickles, broth 5 small pieces of fresh fruit and or add the fruit to the shakes. Second week I can have liquids only (broth, shakes, Water, crystal light). Sent from my iPhone
  2. I am on day 6 of 14 day liquid diet. I also did not try broth until day 5 and I was in heaven!!!! I couldn't believe it. First thing I had tonight for supper. Yum. Who knew? . I am allowed 3-5 shakes per day. I had to purchase them through my doctors office. They are only 16g Protein per shake. I started off the first few days having four a day. Now I do good to get three down? I think I'm not hungry/thirsty for them. But any little bit of exercise I do or cleaning of the house I'm exhausted within minutes!! Like legs hurting, sweating profusely and feeling faint. I'm sure it's because I'm not getting enough of the Protein Shakes in right? What can I do other than force myself to drink them? Sent from my iPhone

    Anyone from Arkansas?

    I am on day 6 of my pre op. Surgery 7/6. It is so hard. Sent from my iPhone Nice to meet you as well. Sent from my iPhone
  4. My surgery is scheduled for 7/6/16 but found out today it may get postponed. Apparently they didn't read all my paperwork clearly. They are just realizing I haven't used my cpap machine since 2009. So now they want me to go have a sleep study done before I can have surgery so that I can bring my cpap machine with me to the hospital. I am on day 2 of my pre op liquid diet and I'm beyond upset if I'm doing this and it gets delayed. pity party I know. Sent from my iPhone

    Anyone from Arkansas?

    I am from Arkansas. Sent from my iPhone
  6. I didn't tell my employer. I filled out my FMLA paperwork and so did the doctor office. They just put down surgery. No codes or reasons. My HR director called me the other day and stated I can't ask you what your surgery is, but I see who your doctor is (so I'm assuming she googled him) and I just need to know if insurance is paying or if this is considered cosmetic because we can't approve FMLA if it's cosmetic. All I responded with is that insurance is paying their 80% and I'm paying my 20%. She said okay that is all I needed. But it does kind of tick me off the way she said "but I see who your doctor is". I mean he does gallbladder & much more. I have been trying to diet, eat right and exercise since Jan and have done some good, so I'm just sticking with telling folks that. At this time. Sent from my iPhone


    I wish all these liquid diets weren't different. Lol. Mine is the HMR 800 chocolate shakes 3-5 per day. Broth in between if I want. 1/4 cup fresh fruit and dill pickles first week only. Sent from my iPhone


    I'm in Arkansas!!! Surgery 7/6. Started two week pre op liquid diet 6/22. Have lost 7.2 lbs so far but I have no energy for exercise which is bad. Sent from my iPhone

    So nervous but so excited

    I am day 4 and down 7.2 lbs. I am all liquid with 1/4 cup fruit a day and dill pickles and broth. Day one and two killed me and my head. Day 3 seemed such a breeze that I only had 3 shakes!!!! Today so far I am having a little bit of hunger pains but I think it's because it's the weekend and the weekend is when I don't get in all my Water in take. Sent from my iPhone
  10. Have to have another sleep study. Have sleep consult Wednesday the 29th and sleep study same night. Said I would get my results back in time for surgery. Sent from my iPhone
  11. Thank you Sent from my iPhone
  12. That is what I am hoping for. They told me today that they faced my info over to a sleep center and should get a call soon. That was at 11am. Never got a call. Here is hoping for one first thing in the morning. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone *faxed Sent from my iPhone
  13. I don't know how they missed it which ticks me off even more. But also being on the liquid diet pre op and may not need to be just yet. I need answers ASAP and tomorrow is Friday. Ugh!!!! Just venting. Sent from my iPhone
  14. I start my two weeks of shakes tomorrow. Really nervous. Surgery is 7/6/16. Any tips? Positive vibes needed. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone


    @@Jules M I have only told one co worker I trust completely, my spouse and sister. Those 3 are huge supporters for me. Idk if and when I will tell others. I'm not ashamed of the surgery by any means, but If I decide to say eating healthier and making better choices it won't be a lie. I will cross that bridge when it happens. Sent from my iPhone


    @@Katerbug1 same pre liquid diet here. Start it tomorrow 6/22. Surgery 7/6 Sent from my iPhone


    My surgery is set for 7/6/16 and I'm nervous as can be. Sent from my iPhone

    So nervous but so excited

    I hope you have a better day tomorrow. I was told by my nurse that Tylenol is okay even up to day before surgery. I was told to stop all NSAIDs 10 days prior (ibuprofen, aleve etc) I have imitrex for migraines that I take with usually two aleve. I will ask my doc/nurse tomorrow if I can have the imitrex all the way up until the day before surgery because I'm not sure on it. I can't take hydros for pain because they make me sick to stomach. *it is crazy how each doctors instructions are different from the other. Sent from my iPhone

    Shakes Tomorrow....

    I have had the Atkins chocolate shakes in the past and liked them. Sent from my iPhone

    Shakes Tomorrow....

    @@anniebanana I have to do the shakes from my doctors office I picked chocolate. We will see tomorrow how they taste. I can have up to five a day if I choose to for these two weeks but they are expensive so I'm hoping to stick to 3 or 4 per day. I can have Water, broth. I can add fresh fruit to the shakes (to blend) or fruit in 100% juice. No solids for 4 weeks or longer. Two week pre op liquid diet. After surgery is two week liquids. Sent from my iPhone

    Shakes Tomorrow....

    @@Sophie74656 keeping it real. Thank you. Got to be mind over matter. Sent from my iPhone

    So nervous but so excited

    Do you have any migraine meds you are allowed to take? I am prescribed some anyway from primary doc. I can take them up until 10 days before surgery. So that will get me through the first 4 days of liquids. Tomorrow is my pre op visit.

    So nervous but so excited

    I would probably call your doctor or nurse to find out what you can have to curb the migraine. To be safe. Migraines are awful. Sent from my iPhone

    So nervous but so excited

    @@Shaunie and @@anniebanana I am new to this site. Hope I am working my way around it okay. I am in Arkansas. My surgery is set for 7/6. I should have stopped the coffee and DC much sooner next 14 days will be he**. Sent from my iPhone

    So nervous but so excited

    @@Shaunie I start the liquid two week shake diet tomorrow. I'm so nervous. I use to get really bad migraines before my hysterectomy, now maybe one every few months. I'm scared this liquid diet will give them to me full force. I am a coffee and Diet Coke drinker. I hope you get better. Sent from my iPhone

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
