I am a transplanted teacher now located in Katy, Texas. My roots were originally planted in the Pacific Northwest. I have had a lifelong struggle with weight and am ready to conquer my bad habits and live life instead of watching it pass me by.
swimming, family, furry family members, learning, teaching, and laughing - will never pass up a game night with good friends
Hurrying up to wait. I met all of the requirements established when I started the process of getting approval for bypass and the insurance company moved the target. Wish me luck as I submit complaints and request clarification.
Insurance woes are unfortunately common amongst the WLS community. Submit those complaints and write everything down, date & time, ask for complete names and hard copies of any requirements - you "got this"
Denials started rolling out last week - but the doctor's office strongly suggested calling the insurance company regularly to ask questions and encourage forward progress. They said that it has worked for others in the past.