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Posts posted by Terri70

  1. 31 minutes ago, AnnieGreen said:

    SAD can be treated with an ultraviolet (not tanning) light; you can get the bulbs at places like Lowe's or Home Depot. Put one wherever you sit most i.e., chair or desk at work. It really helps.

    Also, IMHO, daylight saving change doesn't help!

    Can you tell me if the bulbs at Lowes are the Natural Light ones or what they are called that I would need to get? This is a great suggestion. Thanks.

  2. Have you ever had just "one of those days"? You know the kind that you don't feel well but you're not sick? The kind that makes you just want to go home from work and curl up in your bed and sleep all day and all night? Yep. It's that kinda day for me today. I think a lot of it has to do with my SAD and it's flaring cause it's overcast, gloomy and cold out. I don't want to do anything. How do you get out of this mood/feeling?

    (Sorry I know this is not WLS related but I know you will understand. 1f641.png )

  3. 21 hours ago, Nhope said:

    My surgery is Aug. 4th. It feels both too far and too close. I'm fighting the urge to eat everything in sight (so far, successfully) and am introducing more Protein Drinks into my current diet so I can find ones I like and get used to them. Though I'm staying within my recommended 1800-2000 calorie diet in order to lose as much as possible before the surgery, I have to admit that part of me says: screw it. Eat what you can, when you can.. I've decided to build in a treat or two a week in order to maintain a balance.

    I'm also debating just throwing out my scale altogether. I certainly get weighed often enough with all these doctors' appointments, and I'm trying to get over an unhealthy obsession with what the scale says.

    I went a little off last weekend thinking I was going to get the surgery in June, so I wanted to eat a bunch of stuff I know I won't after. lol Oh well. At least I think most of it is out of my system now.

  4. My therapist came up with a brilliant idea. I'm now checking to see if I can get the prescriptions early (before July 1) so that I can get them filled without having to pay the copays (my out of pocket has been met until it rolls over on July 1). I'm so hoping they can! Gonna save me a bunch of money.

  5. I went to an ENT this morning because I am having some swallowing issues and found out I have to do a Swallow Test. He says he thinks he knows what it is (didn't want to say) but that he has to wait until he gets the results from the test. Great! I did ask if this would all be done before my surgery and he said yes. So I'm hoping. Have you ever had to do this test? Can you tell me about it?

  6. I'm soooooo disappointed. The first available date my surgeon has for my surgery isn't until Aug 1st with my preop appt being on July 20th. Man! I was wanting it to be in June because of my insurance rolling over on July 1. They do have me on the cancellation list but you know as well as I do that that very rarely happens. Waaaaaaaaaaah! I feel like crying!

  7. I just heard a little while ago that my surgery has been approved through my insurance. YAY!!!!! My office had just sent in my packet and received an approval answer in less than an hour! Now just to wait for the scheduler to get a hold of me to schedule the surgery date. They said they may contact me today. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I got the results from my nicotine test! I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I'm way too excited! I woke up this morning with a Migraine and a very upset stomach because of my nerves. I feel 100% better! I can have my surgery. I can have my surgery! *happy dance* Now to wait for the ins approval.

  9. I will likely be having my surgery in June (July at the latest). I still haven't told my main boss yet for fear of retaliation. You see, with me having been taking so much time off for all of my appts and the fact that our bookkeeper is retiring July 1 and I'm on the hiring committee for her replacement, I'm afraid he'll get mad. I don't know how to approach the subject with him. He's not the friendliest of people with me. Not that he's mean, just that I'm not one of his "pals" so to speak. How would you approach this? What would you say?

  10. Oh gosh! My surgeon's office won't be submitting to my insurance until the first part of June. I soooooo hope and pray I get a surgery date in June. My insurance rolls over for the new year on July 1. That means I'll have to fork over the co-pay and deductible if I don't. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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