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About MissB1982

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  1. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

    1. Valentina


      Take the time. Go out and enjoy a meal. Baby steps. Go alone the first time if you'll feel more at ease. I even took a small scale with me the first time I went to a buffet. No rush. Be patient with yourself and kind. You're worth it.

    2. ShelterDog64


      Eating out is kind of overwhelming at first. I just stuck with a cup of soup the first few times, now I just take a little of whatever my husband orders, or sometimes I order fish with vegetables and take the leftovers home for at least 3 or 4 more meals :) Do it on your own timeline...there's no rush!

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