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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MissB1982

  1. MissB1982


    From the album: MissB1982

  2. Goal!! 80 pounds lost before surgery and almost 70 lost since surgery!

    1. blizair09


      Congratulations! That's awesome!

    2. SusieSouth


      Congrats! Well done!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Awesome!!! That's great progress! Congratulations!

  3. Five months out (already)! 2 pounds from onderland, and 7 pounds from goal. After i reach 195, i may keep losing until my body adjusts, but ill just have to roll with it, just dont want to get too thin since im almost 6'0. But what a problem to have! God is good!

    1. hayleyf3706


      YAY! Congratulations!

    2. Sai


      Nice! Looking forward to your next time you post since you will be in onederland. Congratz!

    3. MissB1982
  4. MissB1982


    From the album: MissB1982

  5. Only 12 pounds till i hit my target and i cant believe it! However i am worried. After i hit my goal, i really dont know how to keep from continuously losing weight and i dont want to get too thin. I dont want to be smaller than 190 because im about 6 ft. Also since i have lost close to 140 im starting to get plenty of loose skin..considering the amount of lost weight and my workouts its not too bad, but very noticeable to me. My breasts are through. I am very grateful to God for getting me to this point, i cant believe the weight loss portion of it is coming to the end and ill be hitting maintenance. I remember looking in the mirror two years ago at my heaviest of 345 feeling like there was no way i could get myself back down to a reasonable weight, but i knew i had no choice and now look what God can do! On my own i couldnt have done it, God gave me the strength and courage when i had none.

  6. Hi everyone! Hope all is well! For many of us this will be our first Thanksgiving with our surgeries, so lets be good and remember why we did this! I am four months out and not gonna lie, now that i can eat what i want, the challenge is real sometimes, but im still losing, im 17 pounds from my goal weight, and 12 pounds till i hit onderland! I am very blessed and i feel soo good. May everyone have a wonderful holiday!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProudGrammy


      no prob here - go to moms senior living home - dinner served - i'll be careful - no leftovers to worry about eating!!! katahy-

    3. Sai


      No problem here. Thanksgiving is like any other day for me. All work and no play makes Sai a dull girl hehe. Congrats on your weight loss!

    4. MissB1982


      Thanks you guys. You all are my inspirations! I know I have it too, that old doubt is trying to creep in but you know what we do with that.... Happy holidays!

  7. Yesterday i celebrated my 34th birthday and i basically just reflected on my life and how much i have been evolving and changing. Life has had it where i all of a sudden have been running into alot of people from my past. Some have seen ginuinely happy for my growth, some have greeted me with fake smiles. Some have actually frowned at me probably not knowing that their mouth was saying one thing, but their face was saying how they really felt. Some people have asked what i have been doing to lose weight, stating that im so skinny now, they can hardly recognize me. People are a trip, and i thank God i am a very to myself person so negativity doesnt come my way often, or quite bother me. I am in my last year of nursing school and down 125 pounds and all praise goes to God, nobody else not even myself. It has not been my strength at all because i know i would have fallen without my faith. Just everyone, love yourself in spite of people and their reactions. Just know when you grow for the better, many will not be happy for you.

    1. OzRoo


      Happy Birthday for yesterday, and congratulations on your Awesome Result and great attitude !

    2. MissB1982
  8. Hi! Hope everyone is awesome! I have one more notch down on my bmi and will be considered overweight and not obese. Man i havent been overweight since 2002 lol. So i am very happy to go from super morbidly obese of a bmi of almost 50 to now close to 30.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I'm bombarding you with rose petals.

    2. ProudGrammy


      you are awesome - 123 lbs down - 31 notch on your belt buckle - down, down you go - while your success goes up up and away!!! congrats - keep up the great job - kathy

    3. MissB1982


      Thank you all for your kindness! Thank you so much!

  9. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. suzzzzz


      I eat out a lot and it gets easier the more I do it. If a new place, I look up the menu ahead of time. I am learning how to modify entrees, and I order soup or appetizer. I am just glad I grew up on leftovers and like them. :-)

    3. BarefootDrummer


      I know what you mean. Just eating with others seems odd when I have this tiny plate with only a little bit on it. I have heard a great way to go out is to go to a tapas place, where you can order several small dishes of things to share with friends. Then everyone is sharing and passing things and no notice is paid to what you have - and you can try a variety.

    4. MissB1982


      That's a good idea about the tapas place! And thanks for the replies! I used to love leftovers but now since surgery I pretty much like all fresh food, nothing that's been sitting. Never thought I'd see the day I'd become picky. And yes soup is an awesome idea too, I just am kind of burnt out on it right now, I ate so much in the beginning. Its all trial and error. I'm looking forward to my first Thanksgiving ha ha this will be interesting!

      A minute ago · Delete

  10. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

  11. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

  12. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

  13. Cleared to eat whatever like two weeks ago, but im still sticking to the basics. I dont want to get sick so im not trying any new foods yet but man do i want some lettuce! Also had a thought in my mind that i really wanted and missed going to a buffet ha, those days are memories! I havent figured out how to eat out so i dont, but im having an itch to go out and do something, anything! But im so used to it revolving around food so dont know quite what to do. I guess i dont have the time anyway

  14. 231 pounds as of today. Is anyone else having trouble editing tbeir profiles?

    1. KristenLe


      I've been having problems all week - I get an error.

    2. MissB1982


      Ok because I contacted them by email and they said it was my browser and I was like noo it's not that. Thanks

  15. MissB1982


    Have lost about 30 pounds since surgery and I will be 8 weeks Wednesday. That means i can go on a regular diet but i will still be taking it extremely slow. i have started writing down everything i eat and calories are around 800 or sometimes closer to 900 but never over that, i just felt like i wasnt getting in enough calories at first, and my fat stays at or below 30 grams and my protein for a day can range from 60 to 80. i still dont drink two liters of water a day but i am working on it. Also i was working out but I am in nursing school and i swear i barely have time to even breathe but i am trying to see how i will work some exercise in. Other than that i will say i think i am doing great. There are mostly good days and of course a few that could be better and i am finally starting to get some compliments from people FINALLY after 111 pounds lost people notice! I find that crazy but nobody ever said anything to me about my weight until now. I do not regret the surgery one bit and im glad cause they opened up a krispy kreme not too far from me and honey i would have been all up in there lol, now i cant and im so grateful.
  16. Hello! I don't think that's a good idea, your stomach is very sensitive, and you don't want to damage anything even if you feel fine. Plus the slower you go the more time you have to feel full. Sent from my HTC Desire Eye using the BariatricPal App
  17. Thank you everyone,yes I will keep you updated. My body is in constant overdrive and I have been on bp meds for years. I am hoping to get off of them but I guess not until I get my thyroid levels stabilized. I used to wake up with extreme night sweats but it has been better, but I'm always hot. I'm concerned about going hypo if I get on meds or gaining weight back and they have run all kinds on tests on me. They did a mri to check my pituitary gland, checked me for nodules, checked me for graves (though graves unfortunately does run in my family) and so far it's all been negative. Don't know what's causing the extra low tsh.
  18. @@SueAE did they ever find out what was wrong with you? I'm in the same boat. Have had low tsh levels and hyper symptoms and been seeing an endo for about three years but wasn't put on meds because t3 and t4 are fine. Since my gastric sleeve my tsh is super low, even lower than it was before surgery (I had it under control actually before surgery for awhile) so I'm very concerned. I'm sooo exhausted and have bad heart palps and even with the surgery I feel I'm hungrier than I should be. I still don't eat over 800-900 calories though. Very concerned, I hate feeling like this. See endo next week.
  19. Grateful for the beautiful people i have come across on this site! You all are awesome!!

    1. Valentina


      Being a "beautiful person" is a required qualification to be on this site---you're here after all. :)

  20. I feel like a new person.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BarefootDrummer


      Yay! Keep up the good work!

    3. ProudGrammy


      i love love that self-confidence and happiness coming through my monitor - over 100 lbs gone gone and gone - keep up the good work for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer life - congrats - kathy

    4. MissB1982


      Awwwwwww you all are such beautiful people!!!!!! Thank you for the love , I really mean it, we all know how difficult this journey is sometimes, and I send you all love right back on your journeys as well!!

  21. Eggs, soups, (chicken noodle, chicken and rice, vegetable soup but only certain ones that don't have corn) chilli, fish, light deli meat, cheese sticks, sometimes grits or oatmeal, applesauce, soft no sugar added can fruits, soft vegetables but no broccoli or cauliflower yet, the list goes on, there is plenty to eat! However I never get to finish most of the time and have to end up throwing food away or giving it away or it will sit up forever and spoil.

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