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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HopefulinTX

  1. I am curious on what others feel a good fill is. I had my second fill on the 16th and I am just not sure if its enough.
  2. HopefulinTX

    What does a good fill feel like

    Well I get full quick but it does not last long is the problem. I seem to be more open in evening which is bad for me.
  3. I am 8 weeks post-op. I had lapband on March 20th. I have had one fill and go in tomorrow to have another one. the first one basically did nothing. I was already having a hard time not eating too much before the first fill and its so very hard now. I have even put on about 6 pounds of what what I had lost from the pre-op and post lap. I am beginning to wonder if this will work at all. I really need some encouragement right now. Has anyone else done this and then it work?:cry_smile:
  4. HopefulinTX

    Frustrated and depressed

    I am getting my fills at TLC Edge. Bandster Hell is the right word! I just keep worrying I will be one of those it will take forever to work for. I know I have to work with it and not just rely on the bad itself but I have not lost any weight in the past month. Hopefully this one will work I will let ya'll know.
  5. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Thanks Tween for the encouragement. Dr Kim put in 2.6 cc at suregery. The weird thing was I asked him at check up what if any did he put in and he said he didn't but when i got my fill yestefday they pulled out 2.6. Anyway they only put in 1.6 yesterday and told me to come back in two weeks. So I am at a total of 4.2 now. Hopefully they will make it good next time because I can down a bottle of water and no problem. Soup is like nothing. I have a tiny bit of restriction today or at least right now eating mushy canned chicken made into chicken salad. I am just so worried its not going to work. I will be one of "the ones".
  6. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hello all, It has been awhile since I have posted. I had Dr Kim too. Banded on March 20. First fill was today and I am so dissappointed! I am on full liquids but I am starving. I drank my sip a soup right down with no problem! Shouldn't I have gotten full? I am just so ready to feel some restriction.
  7. I was just curious what others were banded on 3/20/08 and how you are doing? Have you been filled yet? Any trouble? I am in "bandster hell" REALLY ready for my first fill!! Also praying it works the first time! I am not really losing now but maintaining which I guess is good. Anyway Just want to see about others.
  8. At least ya'll know what size or kind of band you have. when i went in for check-up and i asked the Dr what kind he put in he said standard. that was it. I do not know what size it is either. Will they be able to tell when I go for a fill?
  9. Wow, do you sound like me and it is frustrating! I was banded March 20th and have lost 27 pounds but can't really tell. What is worse is that the people that know keep looking at me like ...welll??? and asking so how much have you lost??? I am tall and can carry alot of weight so I guess 27 pounds is like nothing to me. I just want to see something!!
  10. :scared2:I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow 4/17. I am really having a hard time and feel like i am going to go nuts. I can eat whatever i want. (I try not to) I have no restriction and I have 2 MORE WEEKS until a fill. I know this is not going to be all the band that help me lose weight, it has to be me too but its like I am getting hungrier and can eat a little more and a little more. My weight loss has stopped. (10 pounds before surgery and 14 after) Has anyone else felt this way and what did you do.:crying:
  11. I haven't had a fill yet and its been 4 weeks and the Dr is making me wait 6 weeks. I am so frustrated. No restriction. Starting to feel like I do when I try a diet. Getting hungrier and getting harder to stay with the right things because I can eat. This site has been the most helpful but still its HARD!! By the way LiseSeattle love your blog!
  12. I am 2 weeks post op today and have gone to mushies and this morning I gained a pound. I also can eat more than a cup of food at a time, not much more but I would say a cup and half to two cups. If I don't I am starving. I feel terrible and despressed. I have done all this and gaining weight. Has anyone else found this to happen?:biggrin::cursing::cursing::w00t::cursing:
  13. Thank goodness I don't feel so alone now. I love these threads they are always help when I feel like something is wrong. I have been doing great staying with the things I am supposed to but have noticed over the past few days that I can get and want more than 1 cup of food. This is normal right? I will be 2 weeks post-op tomorrow 4/3/08 (banded 3/20/08) Last night I probably had almost 2 cups and was full. Have I stretched or messed things up?
  14. I am still tired and sore. Is this normal for 8 days post op? I am back to work but it is hard sitting all day and it makes me very tired. My husband feels I should be back to normal and is wanting me to go out tonight to a local bar to meet with friends. I do not feel I am ready and do not want to have the temptation to have a drink or sit after sitting all day. Thoughts?
  15. HopefulinTX

    8 days post op and wondering...

    I actually took some of these posts and read them to my husband so he would see that the way I feel is pretty much normal. I think it eased his mind and he realized I need to heal.
  16. HopefulinTX

    Do I dare have a drink

    I am 12 days post op and have had a glass of wine one night and a bourbon and water another night. I don't think it has hurt me. I do believe staying away from carbonated drink s, like beer would be a good idea and I think the only reason they say stay away from drinking is it is empty calories so I think if you plan that into your day you will be fine.
  17. HopefulinTX

    8 days post op and wondering...

    I have not tried the bullets but let me know how they work and how you take them I would be very interested. I am so ready not to feel so tired all the time. the pain has lessened to just the port site which is good. Oh and last night I had mashed potatoes too and yummy after just liquids
  18. HopefulinTX

    8 days post op and wondering...

    Thanks for all the feedback. I am feeling much better this week as far as pain but still tired. I did tell my husband I just couldn't go but for him to go without me so that is what he did and I went home and crawled into bed with heating pad.
  19. I was just banded on the 20th and two days later I feel like my stomach is trying to rip at times certain ways I move around what I belive to be the port site. Is this normal. They had to do more to me because of scar tissue already inmy stomach from back surgery and I had an extra incision as well. I just hear how so many are feeling good by now and wondering if I am just a wiss or if this is normal pain or something I should be worried about? :thumbdown:
  20. HopefulinTX

    Port Pain??

    Thanks for the info because I am ready to call the Dr. I still have to take pain meds but have to say if not for the one spot I would be fine. Of course that one spot feels extreme. I can finally take a shower today so I am off to do that...maybe being clean will help :wub:
  21. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Wow TexasT I am feeling like a wuss. I mean I have been up and around but certainly not doing much. Just hurts. I walk around, sit and lay and thats about it. I am sure hoping it starts to ease.
  22. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    I am glad you had a good trip and it sounds like you are doing wonderful Tweenwaters. I am now banded. Mine was a little rough because of scar tissue from back surgery. It took 2 hours and an extra incision. I was home by 3:30 on Thursday and wow that night was rough. No more than two hours sleep at a time and moved from bed to recliner to get comfortable. I have walked alot though. Around and around my house my drive way down my alley, probably scaring every bird out there. I ran fever yesterday and still hurt pretty bad but Dr said becaue of how hard it was to get past scar tissue I may be more sore than average. Today is a little better. Glad to be banded though! TexasT I am so glad you are doing well and now we are done! Can't wait to see what the future holds! All of the ideas on here and lists of things to have ect have been great. I appreciate everyone on here! Bonnie
  23. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    T, I sent you a PM but will tell you here as well. They called me yesteday and left a message for me to call them today. I called this morning and they gave me a time. 9:30 a.m. Woo hoo. I was feeling like you though. Not knowing was driving me nuts.
  24. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Delores, My husband and I both really liked Dr. Kim, He seems very caring and knows what he is doing. I actually chose to do my surgery on a Thursday so he would be able to do it. Good luck Bonnie
  25. HopefulinTX

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi all, I have been reading this forum for awhile and forgot about this thread. My surgery is Thursday and getting a little nervous. Not even sure why. It is kind of like can I do it? Will this this work? My husband is very supportive and yet could be my downfall...food addict like I have been and I used to be the one that got us both on track and then got tired of fighting it. Now I wonder can I be that get back on track person. Reading all that I have here gives me hope. 2 more days and guess we will see.

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