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hartless 71

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About hartless 71

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    Rebecca Hart

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    Retired Navy spouse and mom of 2 daughters
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  1. hartless 71

    Anyone get a March date yet?

    Well I had my rny surgery yesterday. I have 6 incision spots and they also did a hiatal hernia repair. The gas is the worst part in my opinion but still have surgery sight pain and so they have me on pill for ohycodone every 3 hours. Dr says I can only drink 1 oz medicine cups of water every hour. I also go diluted apple juice, chicken broth, bottled water with lemon flavor lemonad. Same rules for drinking that stuff too. Now I can smell people’s breakfast being delivered and man it smells delish!!!!! I should be able to go home tommorw. My stats are 224 lbs day of surgery. My highest weight was 281 in 2011.
  2. hartless 71

    Scared and Anxious Pre Op

    Being scared goes with the territory. I had gastric sleeve in 2016 and I didn't follow all the rules, now tomorrow I'm having rny bypass and wish I had done that in the first place. I have great anxiety about tomorrows surgery but I know I'm in good hands and I'm tired of all the other health issues I get. It's so worth it. Keep watching YouTube videos and know you can do this ♥️😊
  3. hartless 71

    Anyone get a March date yet?

    Hi thunderstorm!! Well I will be praying for you and all the folks going through surgery. I know how disappointed I felt the sleeve didn't work but hey we are troopers going big this time and will succeed 😉 I'm also having a hiatle hernia repair at same time so I hope recovery won't be too bad. Prayers for you 🙏
  4. hartless 71

    Anyone get a March date yet?

    I had gastric sleeve in 2016 and it didn't work well for me. I gained weight back now I'm having RNY Bypass on March 19, 2019. Getting nervous and trying to get all the vitamin I need figured out. Frustrating to say the least. Good luck to everyone!
  5. hartless 71


    Premier protein is really good, you can buy any where now but Costco and Sams club have the best prices. Also I use Unjury powder chocolate splendor and unflavored and I love that too. Don't purchase from your doctor because it's twice the price! Order online at unjury.com. Isopure is ok because it's like a fruit drink but tastes better in a large cup of ice.
  6. hartless 71

    I'm so frustrated!

    Your doctor CAN amend those previous visits with the proper codes! You tell them that! My doctors always mess up codes and I even have to call the insurance company myself and ask what the code should be and then walk my doctor through it. It is so eerrrrr but don't be passive tell them to do it. Good luck ????
  7. hartless 71

    Any other June sleevers?

    Had mine done a week ago on the 8th. 10 lbs gone already! Good luck to go all, you won't regret it. Just remember to take it slow, it's not a race and don't get discouraged. ???? Blessings!
  8. The doctors want you to eat better for the 2 weeks prior to shrink your liver. If it is to large they may sew you back up and tell you to follow the high protein low carb plain for a week or two. I did the plan off amd on for those two weeks and had clears the day before surgery and my surgery 2 days ago went great.
  9. hartless 71

    Day of surgery detail

    Wow, sounds like you are doing well. They didnt start me on liquids until 1 pm today, just juice, broth and water. I've had no nausea just feeling of fullness and achy. I feel better standing while I drink. They took 80% of my stomach out and I too did pretty good with preop and that helped a lot my doctor said. I will start protein unjury tomorrow. I like the taste of unjury and I also have at home the unflavored so I can mix it in jello, juice etc. I'm currently 252 lbs. Good luck with everything! It's certainly not easy but not as horrible as I thought either.
  10. hartless 71

    2 Days Post Op

    I just had my surgery 12 hours ago and I feel pretty good. At check in the nurses gave me a sea sick patch you put behind your and that helped a lot! After surgery upon waking from surgery I had a hard time breathing on my own after be under sedation. Felt like I was trying to breath through a straw but it did get easier over 30 minutes or so in. I have a sore raspy voice. Pain meds I'm on are dilaudid but that made me itch like crazy so they switched to torodol. Weird thing is I've been hungry all day. I can have ice chips and I had to swallow a pill with a tiny amount of Water and I've had zero nausea and tiny bit of incision pain. I do wish I could pass gas because that is uncomfortable. I also have the bed setting up a medium amount because that seems to help my discomfort. I'm going home after a night in hospital because I'm just not getting rest here. I have the gastric stomach test in the AM to check for leaks, will eat broth for first time in the afternoon and if I can tolerate that I can go home. Don't sweat the surgery y'all. I was stressing myself out and it wasn't that bad. Flu feels much much worse. Lucky me, I get to go home to 15 out of town in law family that are here for my daughters graduation and I'm throwing a party this Saturday with a ton of yummy food I can't eat???? Now that is pain! Lol Good luck to everyone! ????
  11. hartless 71

    I'm freeking out

    I'm June 8 and freaking out too! I have out of town in laws and family coming in for my daughters high school graduation which is 3 days after my surgery. I'm having food catered and it kills me to know I can't eat any of it. I've bitten all my nails off. I feel all of y'all. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  12. hartless 71

    Having surgery June 8

    This site is so helpful and encouraging. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  13. hartless 71

    Any other June sleevers?

    June 8th! Coming up way to fast! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  14. hartless 71

    Having surgery June 8

    Today (Saturday) I'm drinking just my Protein drinks until my surgery on Wedn. June 8th. Hopefully my liver will shrink some.
  15. I haven't been very good with pre-op diet. I'm starting all Protein shakes on Sat and hope my liver shrinks enough. I don't want them to get in there and say nope and close me back up. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
