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Posts posted by diamonds-4-u

  1. I had never had surgery either, I was so scared. You won't remember a thing. You will be sore after, like you did 100 sit ups. But in a week you will be all better. Two weeks after surgery I did binge, only it was different...instead of the box of thin mints, I had THREE Cookies. I've never ate just three of anything. HaHa

    I am 3 days after my first fill and think this is the best thing ever! I've not gotten sick, and I eat until full, I just eat lots less. food doesn't have control of me anymore. I LOVE IT and you will too...you wouldn't be this far if you weren't fed up with being fat. ( or thick as my doctor puts it. Hee Hee) By the way, I thought the fill would hurt! NO WAY!

    You'll be fine! Let your parents take care of you just like they always loved to do long ago.

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