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Sleeve it to Beaver

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from jodesgard in Here I come world!   
    So I weighed myself again yesterday. Here are my stats.
    I'm 5' 8.5". SW 10/30/15 281.5. SD 6/1/16 245.7. CW 229.6.
    I'm super pumped that the scale keeps going down. I know one day it will not. But with the scale decline I am noticing little changes in my body. My rib cage appears noticeably smaller. My largest size bra which has always been a bit big no longer can perform. Time to retire. My pants are FINALLY fitting loosely around my lower bump and hips.
    This. Is. Progress.
    Sent from my iPhone
  2. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from jodesgard in Here I come world!   
    CW 240.5. BMI dropped from highest weight 42.2 to 36! Wow!!!!
    I am on my way!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone
  3. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from 165B445 in Back to basics month 9   
    I am two months post op. I have yet to feel hungry. When is the last time you said "oh I forgot to eat"? When I first started on real food at about 3-4 weeks I would get full off 1-2 tablespoons. Insanity!!!!!!
    These changes are like nothing we've ever experienced. Serve only what you should eat and no more.
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 210.4 on 8.1.16
  4. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to higher in What can happen if I cheated on post op diet?   
    @@MissKay not uhhhhh to hijack the thread or anything but a taco shell made out of cheese? Where did you get that? I need to know!
  5. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to SilentBotts in Big NSV Today!   
    Met with my urologist this morning and I am now officially off my meds for low testosterone!!!
  6. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from flip26 in Here I come world!   
    Thank you. So far it's all so new that I don't know what to expect. I figure I can't get upset because it's just how things are. Not much I can do about it. Still eating a lot of softer food. I puréed a bunch of meat. I don't really crave anything so am fine with just being sure to get some Protein in my belly. I've never not been hungry or could care less about food so I I'll take it. I know it won't always be like this. I haven't set an ultimate goal. For now I'd like to be in onederland by Labor Day. Here's hoping!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from flip26 in Here I come world!   
    Someone took a picture of me and posted it on Facebook. I didn't hate how I looked. Another non-scale victory and reassurance that surgery was a great choice. I'm starting to notice changes more and more.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from gryffindor in Here I come world!   
    Two month surgiversary!
    Today I ran for the first time.....in forever!!!!
    I can't believe it's already been two months. My new normal is pretty bland. I'm still following the rules and am never hungry. Starting to feel a little food envy but so far I haven't given in.
    I'm down 35.3 pounds since surgery and about two clothing sizes.
    I feel great! Shopping is fun again as I am no longer limited like I once was. Still some...but not like before. I'm taking more risks now as my confidence lifts.
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 210.4 on 8.1.16
  9. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to VSGAnn2014 in No friends   
    Yeah ... I think you're just feeling a little post-op depression.
    Time to leave the house. And probably time to go back to work.
    BTW -- you do know the #2 rule of life, don't you? Seriously, it's in a best-selling book:
    "No one is thinking about you. They're all thinking about themselves--just like you."
  10. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to dawnmac3903 in 7 weeks post op success!   
    I'm 7 weeks out and have lost 39 pounds so far! I stalled at weeks 3 & 4 but the weight is flying off now!!! I wish I had this surgery sooner!!! I have been 100 percent on plan with counting Protein, taking Vitamins and getting fluids. Thank the lord for this miraculous surgery. I couldn't lose an ounce before this!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to KristenLe in Feeling like a failure   
    Try doing the 5 day reset. I highly recommend counseling. Your sleeve is just a tool - the work still needs to be done and that involves life long changes in eating habits.
  12. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to MBP in Felling good! Close to 12 weeks out and feeling good.   
    I just wanted to share that I'm feeling great!
  13. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to FayBee in Face to face My 4 month Post sleeve   
    60lbs down as of today!
    4 months post op
    Start weight 256
    Current weight 196
  14. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to OutsideMatchInside in 361 Days Later: My Story   
    This is going to be long so if you don’t care about the story part, skip to the bottom for the numbers.
    I never thought I would be here, post-op from WLS surgery, especially a surgery that removed most of my stomach but here I am, and I am thrilled to be here.
    I grew up in a healthy, athletic family, really athletic, at the Professional level. We had healthy food and some not so healthy comfort food, but always real food in the house. I was always athletic, but slightly overweight growing up. Then in college, I started to yo-yo. My weight would change between 20 and 40 pounds. Then I had a baby, BOOM. I gained 70 pounds with the pregnancy and never lost it. I started working with Tech Startups in the dot com era and we had all the perks. Free food, free alcohol, all day every day. I moved up the ladder and with all the five star hotels came high calorie free meals. Extensive business travel meant eating out 5-6 days a week 3 times a day. On the days at home the eating out continued because I was so exhausted from the work week.
    I was healthy with low to normal blood pressure and not diabetic most of this time. I was a healthy fat person for a long time until I wasn’t. I was active. I exercised, I could walk circles around even my thin friends in a mall. Then 10 years ago, diabetes. It was easily managed with pills and diet, so it didn’t create drastic changes. I never took it very seriously because I was never really extreme in my high sugars. Then about 4 years ago it seemed like things took a turn, I could never lose more than 20 or 30 pounds. My ability to exercise and be active seemed to diminish. Carrying all that weight was finally catching up to me and my body was breaking down and suffering. Then last year, high blood pressure came. After taking high blood pressure meds for 2 weeks that made me sleepy and made it almost impossible to run my business. I decided to have WLS.
    I had researched and looked at WLS for years. I read WLS forums and talked to people, but always talked myself out of it. I finally decided that even if I died on the table that was better than dying slowly. So I knew I was ready. I went through the process very quickly. Almost not trusting myself to drag it out and I felt a real necessity to get the weight off quickly. I went from my first visit with the surgeon to surgery in 8 weeks. BCBSIL was wonderful and the whole process was fast and easy for insurance approval.
    Another deciding factor that WLS would work for me, was because the post-op diet was something I was already familiar with. Low carbing? Sign me up. I had been an avid low carber off and on with varying levels of success for years. I realize now that the reason I was never successful was I gave up in stalls, but with the sleeve there is no giving up during a stall. I have always enjoyed low carbing because for me it makes my mind sharper, it is like doing coke or Adderall (no, I have never done either but I have been told the experience in great detail multiple times from multiple people). I have never viewed it as a punishment but a perk.
    My issue prior to surgery has always been Portion Control. I skipped meals, focused on work and then would be ravenously hungry, and consume a whole days plus worth of calories all at once, or maybe in 2 meals. Even low carbing and eating healthy I would eat huge amounts. A 12 to 16 ounce ribeye is 900-1300 calories.
    I was lucky to have an uneventful, rapid and easy recovery. I had very little pain, went back to work as soon as I came home (I work for myself), and stopped taking the pain meds within 36 hours of surgery. I met my Protein goals after the 2nd day. I eat all of the foods I enjoy, just in small quantities. I was lucky in the sense I never ate or liked a lot of the things that people have issues with giving up post-op. So I don’t have issues with avoiding them. I gave up sugar years ago to try and control my diabetes. I gave up alcohol for the same reason. I was already years out from either of these things when I had surgery so I didn’t have to give them up post-op.
    Okay that is by backstory and how I got to the point surgery and why I felt it would work for me. This is where I am now.
    The weight I have on here is the weight when I first went to the Dr. It is not my actual highest weight.
    HW 377
    SW 358
    CW 231
    Total weight lost 146, 134 since first surgeon visit, and 127 since surgery.
    Inches lost
    Measurements in Inches
    Bust (fullest part of bust):
    Pecs (just above the bust line):
    Ribs (top of rib cage just below the bust) :
    Right Upper Thigh:
    Right Lower Thigh:
    Left Upper Thigh:
    Left Lower Thigh:
    Right Calf:
    Left Calf:
    Right Upper Arm:
    Left Upper Arm:
    Total 172.75
    I wore a tight size US Womens size 28 plus and a comfortable size US Womens size 30 plus. Now I wear a Misses 14/16 I am almost to a 12.
    I have boundless energy to match my personality. I am so active in my everyday life in big and small ways. I don’t hurt all over anymore at the end of the day like I did before. I thought that was natural, because I had been so heavy for so long, I didn’t think there was a different way to feel, I thought that was norm. Now I know the difference. I feel like I have taken 20 years off my age.
    So that is my story, if you read it all, thanks. I hope it can help someone. Obviously I am still not done. I need to lose at least another 50 pounds and once I get there I am going to evaluate and see if I want to lose another 20 or 30. I never thought that would be an option, to get my weight that low, but I think now it is a possibility.
  15. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to rydersmama in Huge Milestone!   
    As of yesterday, I have lost 134lbs and now weigh under 200lbs!!
    I had my surgery January 11.
    Start weight was 333.1
    Yesterday's weight 199.1
    As someone who has spent the majority of my adult life weighing well over 300lbs, this is a huge accomplishment for me. I never thought I would get to this weight. I cried when I saw the scale yesterday.
    When I had wls, I never really picked a number I wanted to get to as a goal weight....all I wanted was that number to start with a 1!!! Now that I'm here, I feel there's nothing I can't accomplish. I'm still not sure where I want to be yet, but my next goal will be to get to 180lbs. 
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from gryffindor in Here I come world!   
    Two month surgiversary!
    Today I ran for the first time.....in forever!!!!
    I can't believe it's already been two months. My new normal is pretty bland. I'm still following the rules and am never hungry. Starting to feel a little food envy but so far I haven't given in.
    I'm down 35.3 pounds since surgery and about two clothing sizes.
    I feel great! Shopping is fun again as I am no longer limited like I once was. Still some...but not like before. I'm taking more risks now as my confidence lifts.
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 210.4 on 8.1.16
  17. Like
  18. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to itstimealready in Back to basics month 9   
    Wow how easy it is to slip back into bad habits! I've lost about 50 lbs with 20-30 to go but I'm looking pretty good and fitting into old clothes so I guess I started to get lazy or cocky...or both. Started scrimping on the exercise and adding carbs and all day grazing. Not gaining (thank you Lord!) but stopped losing months ago. That all day snacking at my desk on breadsticks no less turns out to be due to not eating a proper meal! Today I went to lunch and ordered half a sandwich without the bread and I was stuffed and couldn't eat for hours. Protein FIRST - the golden rule - I'd simply forgotten! My sleeve works great when I follow the directions! Hardly a ground breaking revelation but it was enough to turn me back around and get back on the program and plan ahead. And stop buying carby Snacks that I shouldn't have near me anyway.
    Well that felt good to say! Not sure anyone else is in the same boat but maybe it will encourage someone.
  19. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to DaisyAmy in Nervous -- How about some stories on how much better you feel?   
    Hi. Im down about 100 pounds since my highest. We are currently driving homegrown a week in Disney, where I walked miles and miles. Never wanted to stop, never had to take pain meds, never even gave a thought to what kind of seat the ride had or worried about who my ride partner would be and if we would fit. I never turned down an adventure because I was too tired.
    I'm off all prescriptions now and have a ton more energy.
    This adventure is soooooo worth it!!
  20. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to elean2331 in One year anniversary!   
    Feel so great I saw my Dr today he was so happy for how I end up my year so proud of my self!!
  21. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to Mamapiller in Proud of me!   
    I have lost 25 lbs and I'm 1 month out. My sweet husband bought us bikes so we could ride with our daughter. We went on a ride for 6 miles today! I had to walk my bike up a few hills, but I did it! First time on a bike in 9 years. My butt really hurts, I think we need new seats!
    Sent from my KFASWI using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from deekel8 in Anyone from Minnesota?   
    That is too bad you can't find local support if you need it. You do have us here. Hopefully you have family and friend support. Especially those days you need it most. Be sure to reach out on here anytime you need it. As you can see it's a very open place to discuss ANYTHING!
    Good luck.
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 213 on 7.25.16
  23. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from deekel8 in Anyone from Minnesota?   
    Congratulations!!! Welcome to the other side!
    Sounds like everything went well. Take care this weekend and hopefully you'll feel back to your new normal by Monday.
    Don't know of any support groups. I believe Unity does have a group. You should inquire. We're always here too!
    Keep us posted on your progress.
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 213 on 7.25.16
  24. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver got a reaction from ThatKaylorGirl in Starting My Journey 5/28/16   
    Awesome sauce! You're doing great. Keep it up!
    HW: 281.5 on 10.30.15
    SW: 245.7 on 6.1.16
    CW: 213 on 7.25.16
  25. Like
    Sleeve it to Beaver reacted to faithlovehope in 4th of July Challenge: Red, White and Blue: Whole New You!   
    Thanks for hosting and I know how you feel I finally got under 200 also this morning weight was 198.6. I'm ready for the Labor Day challenge
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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