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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Gracey

  1. Aha!! So THATS where I know you from ;-) Ok, no shout outs for me huh? That's ok, I'll live (maybe) LOL

    In the interest of all the DS'ers out there that love their WLS, I WOULD do it if I had to. Again IF I had to... but like WASa, I will surely do all I can to prevent that. :laugh0:

    Girl, don't you even play!!! You were the first person that knew I was on here! :P

  2. Brit - My band doctor doesn't even do sleeve surgery "b/c there isn't enough data on it yet." How about there's a lot of not so great data on the band, toots? Just sayin'!!!

    Tif - when you mentioned bread, I almost gagged just reading the word! For some reason, I always get stuck around my parents (who live in a neighboring state). I get the "oh no, are you ok" face and I hate that they worry. I also hate knowing that 15 or so people know I had the stupid band put in and know also that I've maybe lost 30 pounds. Now every pound lost is great, don't get me wrong but still!!!

    My band surgeon's staff is great and they were on the ball with paperwork to the insurance. The notion of going through all that again is just daunting. A friend from LBT (lapbandtalk) is going to begin the process of looking at revision. PBing is just the grossest, unsettling, and somewhat painful thing. Ugh!

  3. Sumthing - beyond uncool re: both posts.

    Yes there are plenty of obese people in this country to operate on; however, a doctor can have a successful practice or just an OK practice. I like Mi-Mi's idea about writing a letter. I did the exact same thing to my band surgeon regarding his surgical assistant. She was very rude and, at my age, I'm tired of putting up with people's crap. I don't care how many degrees one has; speaking down to people like SB was today is just disgusting and uncalled for. I have NEVER have anyone speak to me the way SB's surgeon did to her....not even some schmuck walking down the street.

    Every service provider is replaceable. SB, if you have the time and the patience for it, I am with those that voted for a new surgeon. I'm sure that the DFW are is big enough to have more than one. Good luck to you!!!!!

  4. Thanks for the information, Tiffykins! I was banded in Oct 08 and hate it.

    (That is MY opinion of MY experience. I know a lot of people that have had great success with their bands. Thought I'd put that in before I get jumped!)

    I was reminded again of VST and am here to look around and learn. I probably couldn't do it this year but am very seriously researching to get a revision to a sleeve.

    Again, thanks! Oh, one question, do you PB with a sleeve?

  5. Post in either, or both. The two aren't mutually exclusive or anything (people say the same thing about me and "being cool").

    Um Plain....no, no they don't!!! :sneaky:


    I think I will stick with the other PJTP thread; if anyone here wants to know what's going on (what's going on...you're humming it now, aren't you?) in my life, that's where I'll be.

    I'll be seeing you, in all the new familiar places....

    Tippity Tappity!!!! How you've been missed!


    43 and no grays!

  6. "The tumor on my thyroid was the size of a softball..."

    Good grief - how did your GP not see that before it got to that size? My goiter probably wasn't the size of a gumball. Are you going to have to go to chemo/radiation? I hope you are doing OK esp mentally. Keep up the positive thoughts!

    Take care, SNT

  7. To she who does not receive PM's and had chosen to be ugly and ignore my previous PM, I shall now post in a thread.

    I had thought that we were friends outside of LBT. From you, I would've at least expected a "heads up" courtesy email at my unfriending on FB. While I had been surprised and disappointed at first to have been UF'd, I am now just resigned to the unfortunate notion that people feel like they have to choose a side after last week's mess. I personally feel like this is BS but so be it.

    I had originally typed, "I will miss seeing your status updates and your farms" but now that I realize how unfeeling you are, I'm good now.


    Oh and PS...while I am not friends with some you feel that are are on "your" side, we are still square tho we are not friends on FB.

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