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About teresastfd

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/06/1983
  1. Happy 30th Birthday teresastfd!

  2. Happy 29th Birthday teresastfd!

  3. teresastfd

    My Surgery is Scheduled!

    did your insurance pay for your surgery?
  4. teresastfd

    Fat in seattle...24

    So heres the deal. Ive been overweight all my life. Im 24 years old 260lbs 5'6. I have never been diagnosed with any medical problems, and why insurance would most likely not pay anyway. Can i make this happen without insurance, im not rich......
  5. teresastfd

    Fat in seattle...24

    So heres the deal. Ive been overweight all my life. Im 24 years old 260lbs 5'6. I have never been diagnosed with any medical problems, and why insurance would most likely not pay anyway. Can i make this happen without insurance, im not rich......
  6. Okay so heres the deal. Im 24 years old. Ive been overweight all my life. I weigh about 260, im 5'6. I have not been diagnosed with any medical problems. How should I go about starting this whole thing up and if it wont be insured by my insurance is it even feesable to pay out of pocket?

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