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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    tis ok. im hoping in a few years to be able to get plastic surgery. i worry though about the pain and how much help i will need after the surgery and for how long i will need help. How are you doing? everything go ok?
  2. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    how is everyone doing in the south end?
  3. what has been bad or occrd since your surgery?

  4. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    have fun camping. im off off to the wonderful land of work.
  5. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I havent tried their brocolli, im not the biiggest fan of cook brocolli, i do like their grilled veggies and green Beans. cabbage works good for me i dont have to have it finely chopped, cooked carrots also. i have tried telling them that i am monitored by doc's and all that. some of it i think cause they have never seen me this small in my life. i have always been obese since i was a child. I think the last time i weighed what i do now i was probably in 5th grade and back then still considered obese. are you going to be partcpating in the walk coming up on last sunday of the month?
  6. fleminld

    I am so excited I have to share

    whooo hoooo congrats!!!!!!!
  7. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    im iffy on veggies. alot of them i cant eat. especially if i have really good restriction. Since my unfills this week, i have been able to eat some cook mushrooms. i always loved the prime rib at outback, wonder how that would go down now. I might have to go have dinner there one night to try. there is one just down the road from my house. I am hoping to loose my last 25 pounds by febuary my 2 year mark of my weight loss journey. have you had any comments from your friends or family saying they are worried that you are loosing weight to fast? I have been getting that past couple months. I dont feel like i am loosing to fast, i adverage about 4-8 pounds a month.
  8. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    oh and my weight loss doesnt show up every week, ill weight the same for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden drop a few pounds. also for eating out...sushi is great just get is sashmi style.
  9. fleminld

    Halloween Challenge

    Im a little late in joining this challange so will aim low. that plus had to have couple unfills recently due to indegestion issues. start: 09/16 -166.9 end : 10/31 - 161.9 hopefully can do 5 pounds
  10. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi. I also had my band done by dr bock. Your only the 2nd other one i have come across on lapband.talk. I like getting pork teryaki minus the rice and add extra veggies, or will go to a thai place and get the chicken curry and have them add tofu and extra veggies so kinda like a stew. I dont do to well with beef all the time. I have also found it very hard to eat out cause its so hard to find something i am sure i can eat without any probs. how long have you been at a standstill with weight loss? I havent run across that yet. I loose slow and pretty steady, not loosing as much a month as i did in past but tend to loose something each month.
  11. I am still around. A lot has changed since i had the band done. I am down around 135 pounds with what i lost before surgery and after. I have gone from a pant size 28 to a 14-12. I still have another 30 pounds or so that i want to loose and hopefully in a couple years be able to afford plastic surgery to remove the excess skin. i do feel better, and can do alot more stuff without getting so tired. Have been trying to get out and do new stuff that i wasnt able to do before. it is exciting to know that i dont have to worry about being to heavy to do something my friends are doing. I still battle with getting used to the new way I look. I dont think my mind has caught up with that fact that i am no longer obese and am now a normal size person. I am hoping as time goes on my self confidence will improve more and more. I think it will just take me some time. overall it has been a good year. I dont ever regret getting banded. I look forward to the day that i reach my goal.
  12. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    well im off to see a movie, have a great day
  13. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    i wish they would up our speed limit some 60 is way to slow for the freeway with as much traffic as we have.
  14. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    sorry to hear your haveing a diff pregnacy. Glad you are able to stay with family to help you. I dont like california drivers, they drive crazy to me we went down there once, and it was scary to drive on the freeway there. i let my friend who is from there do all the driving.
  15. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    lol.. we all should be able to drive in the rain, we learn to drive in it...very few of us can drive in the snow.and we are all to surprised to see the sun to drive properly how much longer are you guys going to be stationed here?
  16. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    if you dont like rain a lot this isnt the place to be. This summer is a unusually warm one for us so far. Im surprised folks are not being nice. They usually are. Im not sure about the folks around tacoma. i grew up in west seattle and moved to puyallup 5 years ago. I got lucky that most of my neighbors are very friendly. It has to be so hard to be so far away from your family with all the moving around you have to do in the military. I know i couldnt do it.
  17. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    what made you start hating living here?
  18. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    I live off of 136/meridian up the road from the movie theater. I would love to get together for coffee. I work graveyard shifts, so have a weird scheduale. work 2300-0700 .I know there is a bariatric support group held at vita lady in puyallup, but think it is mostly by-pass folks. by the way my name is lisa
  19. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    Hi, I live in Puyallup also. You have done great with your weight loss. What made you decide to move way over here from the East coast?
  20. nope , have never regret it. Its been a year since my surgery now and love being able to do stuff i never could before.

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