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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    i had some head hunger today. i think it is cause i get mushy food tomorow. am looking forward to some flavor and substance, and see'g how long it keeps me full.
  2. fleminld

    Tired all the time.

    Hello. I was banded on the 6th. I am still tired all the time. I wake up and 4 hours later im wanting to go back to bed for a few hours. I slept last night from 5pm to 11pm, then 2am to 7am, and here is is 11am and I wanna crawl back into bed. I was wondering how long does it take before you get your energy back and not sleepy all the time.
  3. fleminld

    New to this site

    Paula I was wheeled in at 11pm, was in my own hospital room at 2pm. i was told takes like 40 minutes to set up for the surgery once your in there, and 45 mins for surgery. My friend said doc came out around 1 to talk to her and to let her know i was in recovery. I had mine done w/dr bock with ghc. I was able to go home the same night, was released around 8pm. I think I was only the 2nd they let do this. They are just starting to let some people leave same day, most of the time the require you to stay 1 night in hospital. Dr said min of 2 weeks off , prefers at lesat 4 weeks off of work. I was lucky with my job and having the sick leave accumilated. I took 4 weeks off. Yeah most people i know have done the bypass as well. there are a handful of them at work, I am the only one with the lapband. Hopefully everything goes smooth for you.
  4. fleminld

    Protein Shake Question

    im liking the champion brand.
  5. fleminld


    i cant see under bandaids if i am brused up, but nothing around the bandaid. my right arm is brused a bit from the bloodpressure cuff, but i have big arms so was expecting it.
  6. fleminld

    New to this site

    Welcome Paula! The time will go by fast for you. I work up in Renton highlands and live down in Puyallup. I was banded this past wed.
  7. fleminld

    Gas, Gas and more Gas

    heating pad on next sholder help relieve is some for me, others have said ice. went out to walmart and got one of those heat pads you throw in microwave to get hot. it gets really hot which helps me for at least a brief relief.
  8. fleminld


    my bandages havent come off yet. but i would suggest you call the nurse in the morning and ask her if it is normal. i do know that the insion where i have my port is the one that seeped some, the others nothing really.
  9. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    im luckly on full liquids for a week, mushies for 2nd week, 3rd week real food added in slowly. ive been getting in 30-40 grams Protein in. felt better yesterday after had a cream of chicken soup with milk added in. seemed like more substance/nutrition that the shakes or pudding. my nutrionist person just sent me a think of that unjury chicken broth flavor to try. I am hoping to get down to a 10-12 size in the end, but never know i cant ever remember being under 200 pounds. my first goa is to get back down to the 235 i got to a few years ago, then to get under 200. well am going to go laydown and hopefully fall back to sleep. i work graveyard hours, but have switched to days while off work, but getting up at 4am every morning is draining. the only up side is it lets me get in the meds i have to take on empty stomach and seperated by hour or 2.
  10. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Happy Birthday cutiew!
  11. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    tarrin looks like your doing a great job and almost to your goal! I am still on my first week with the band and on liquids. im already counting down the days to mushies. the lack of energy on liquids kinda bothers me. that and im not used to feeling weak. where abouts in seattle are you? I grew up in West Seattle, and still go up there time to time to visit folks, or up into the PHinney area to visit my best friend.
  12. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    i came out from surgery weighing like 8 pounds more than i did going in.. I have dropped all but a couple pounds now. I know i feel bloated and very tired still. I am just trying ato get at least 32 oz to 40 oz of water in a day. Think the tiredness wont go away until on to mushies next week and i get a good nights sleep.
  13. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    just got back from supplement place. finally got my champion vanilla protein powder i had been wanting. I am drinking it in warmish hot water w/some surgar free apple cider mixed in. feels sooooo good on my throute. Also such a relief from having chocolate shakes all the time. im still doing good with just using tylonal. think i am going to be brave and try to sleep on the bed tonight.
  14. fleminld

    Just Banded Yesterday

    I was banded wed the 6th. I still can't lay down in bed. Today is my first day trying without the pain meds doc have me and just using tylonal. Stomach is better. I still have slight pains at port site when I move or walk . My throute is bothering me the most. Need to get a popsicle next time I am up.
  15. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    just thought i would check in today and see how everyone who got banded in past couple days are doing. im a little better today, trying to just go on the reg tylonal vs percoset. think my nabor is going to take me out of the house to the supplement store. it will feel so good to get out of the house.
  16. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I'm sleeping in my chair and half with ottoMan and lots of pillows. Have a heating pad on my back and an ice pack on my stomach. They do seem to help. The heating pad is helping with cramps as well as the gas. Hardest part is getting up and sitting down. I don't think I could lift myself up in bed and am here alone. At least it looks like it will be a cooler day here in puyallup.
  17. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Good to hear all went well with you Lisa b. I to have been getting up at 4-5am when the pain med wears off. I am looking forward to when I am able to sleep back in my bed. It is hard enough getting out of my chair in the livingroom, cant imagine the pain to try and sit up or get out of bed. I still have a tender throute, and some of the gas in me. Chest is still somewhat tight and imagine will need the pain meds for couple more days. all i want to eat is popsicles for my throute, but forcing myself to drink a shake, that will take me a hour at least to finish. i am finding it hard to get all my meds in, with having to stager them threw the day and being tired from the pain meds.
  18. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    ive just had a cup of broth w/protein powder added around 8am, carnation shake w/more protein added at 2, just woke up from a nap and will be having something here soon for dinner. the port pain is kicking in, i slep threw the time to re take some more pain meds so waiting for that to kick in first. but glad to have some more of the gas out of me, can tell cause my chest doesnt feel so restricted.
  19. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    good luck today shamrockgirl. you will do great! let me know how you are feeling when you get home. the tvgeneral: hope you start feeling better soon. I never believed it when everyone said your not hungry after surgery, but so far it is true for me. I have had to make myself drink some broth with protein in it. the only thing i seem to want is popsicles and not because im hungry but because my throute is soar. I do have to take my percoset every 3-4 hours today so far to help, but feel better sitting strainght up or walking.
  20. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I'm home and banded after nearly a year long process. Went into hospital yesterday at 8am surgery around 11am. In my own room at 2PM. And released from hospital at 8PM. It sure feels good to be in my own home. Am having some pain not as bad as thought and walking huntched over. Don't think I have much if any of that gas pain people talk about. I will be glad when I am able to move around more and feel back to normal. And lot of stress relieved. my father was released from hospital yesterday and is home and getting better.
  21. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    I'm in puyallup not to far from federal way. Just banded yesterday. I would love to have some band friends so we can help each other along the way. Lisa
  22. fleminld

    New Lapbander

    I just had my surgery yesterday morning and was released last night. I understand about the pain and discomfort. I don't feel in as much pain as I expected but still is a bit. But feel better this morning at least more alert. I think it will just take us a few days to a week to get back to feeling like our normal selves.
  23. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    it is thurs morning here 530am. I am banded. We got to the hospital yesterday at 8am and got released around 8pm. "tom" decided to start right before surgery at least this time i fit in the mesh underwear they gave me since i had lost weight. there was some concern reguarding my oxygene leve in my blood after surgery and my blood pressure for a bit. It just seemed like all i wanted to do was sleep though. I feel more alert this morning since i have gotten around 8 hrs of sleep with just a couple interuptions to go the bathroom during the night. they did give me some broth(ate half), orange juice and pediolite popsicle(ate half) i was able to get down with some water. but right before leaving they gave me liquid codien that didnt agree w/stomach or made it to full, for i threw up the broth, so that was disappointing. I havent taken any of my pain meds since i got home, but am about to take one. just trying to finish a posicle to sooth my throute and then work on getting some water into me. My father was able to leave the hospital yesterday, sounds alot better. I was so relieved that he is ok. Well im off to take some meds and maybe sleep couple more hours.
  24. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    here it is 430 am here, havent really gotten any sleep, but figure i will be mainly sleeping for next couple days so will catch up. Drank to much water before my cut off so lots of trips to the bathroom past few hours. We will be leaving the house here in an hour and a half or so. I think it will take us 2hrs with rush hour traffic to get to hospital. Good luck to all my band buddies having their surgery today too.

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