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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I have been on liquids and had a meal of mushies this morning. Not noticing anything really different yet. I was still able to eat like a cup of tuna w/lite mircle whip. I think i need to wait until i have reg food tonight to tell ???
  2. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    I got my first fill today. It didnt hurt. Doc put in about 2cc, on liquids for the day, then 2 meals mushies before moving to solids again. I managed to loose 11 pounds in the month since surgery. Anyone else getting their first fill? I was so surprised that it didnt hurt.
  3. fleminld


  4. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Cindy glad to hear you got your date. Not much new with me, I go in for my 1 month check up with dr bock tomorrow morning and hopefully get my fill. I am not looking forward to going back to work thursday.
  5. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    whooo hoooo 2 more days until doc visit and first fill. sure do need it.
  6. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    April: every insurance company is different. I have GHC and it took 4 months for approval to get to me and then another 6 months until my surgrey. the test's and stuff was quick for me, there was just a long wait list for surgery.
  7. fleminld


    I wonder if it is because your not getting enought food/nutrients? I know when i was on liquid and mushies i was weak and sometimes dizzy. this past week I got lite headed once, but once i had something to eat i was fine.
  8. fleminld

    Still hungry and no restrictions

    told me that it prob wouldnt hold more than a cup of food at a time, but if no restriction the food is going threw to lower part fast. Looking forward to seeing the doc and getting a fill.
  9. fleminld

    Still hungry and no restrictions

    I am also able to eat way more than i am susposed to. I am trying to keep it at around 8 oz a meal. I know i can eat more, but trying not to. I have luckly not gained any weight. First fill is sept 3rd.
  10. fleminld

    How much is too much?

    I also am able to eat more than they say I should. I had my surgery on the 6th. I am on real food and can eat more than the cup of food they say I should be able to eat at the most. I am still eating less than I did before surgery, but not loosing any weight either. I am just trying to paciently wait until I go in for my first appointment and fill on the 3rd.
  11. fleminld


    I have thought of getting one, but cant figure out what to get.
  12. I still have some tenderness at the port insion. The nurse told me it was normal. I have been moved to regular food this week. I know once i started mushies my hunger came back. So far it seems like the solid food is keeping my hunger in check for the most part. I havent lost any weight since i started mushies.
  13. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue, glad to hear all is well with your band. I had my first solid food yesterday. Had honey maple glazed piece of salmon. Today i am going to try chicken. I did notice a little difference between how full i felt with the salmon vs the mushy. I am craving some fruit, but was told to just have one new food a day to begin with. But peaches sound good right now. I am just hoping that my body decides to let go of some weight this week, no weight loss last week.
  14. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Tomorrow I get to start real food again. Anyone else just starting reg food? I was told to stay between 600-800 calories still. I cant decide what to try first. I havent lost any weight this past week, once I started mushies. I am hoping that my body will start letting the weight go soon. I dont really have any restriction, but have my first fill appointment in 2 weeks.
  15. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    sue I get to start real food gradually wed. I am trying to be paciet. I am eating prob a cup of food or 1/2 cup at a time now of mushies and I start feeling hungry some after 2-3 hrs. hopefully when I can eat reg food it will get better.
  16. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Take a shower, you will feel better. It took me a week to feel ok with sleeping on my side.
  17. it was my time of the month too. they gave me the mesh underwear and pad. they are still see through.
  18. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    welcome back carol . are you enjoying this hot hot weather? question. is it normal not to loose any weight on mushie stage? my weight loss has stalled since off of liquids.
  19. I had my surgery on the 6th, have lost 8 pounds since surgery. I have been on mushies for 3 days now.
  20. fleminld

    Newby, outta Washington

    They took like 6 vial's of blood from me. check all your blood levels, sugar levels, cholestral..anything you can think of.
  21. fleminld

    chest tightness

    i had the tightness in my chest and labored breathing for the first few days, then it went away. i thought it was the gas?
  22. fleminld

    Reporting back, banded today

    i wouldnt recommend cleaning anything or doing any house work the first several days. Just get up walk around, then relax. All i was able to do was get up walk to bathroom and around the house then i was out sleeping again. I am still tired and feeling like naps after being up just a few hours.
  23. fleminld

    New Lapbander

    i still feel soar at port site as well. i started mushy today. ate a packet of oatmeal made w/milk with no problems. no overstuffed feeling, and no feeling like im hungry. It did take me 30-45 mins to eat it.
  24. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Is anyone else starting their mushy food stage today?
  25. fleminld

    OUCH!!!! it does hurt!!

    I had the diff breathing for a couple days. It will get better. I had to take the pain meds for 3 days, and am still now once a day taking the liiquid tylonal. Just move slow and get lots of rest. I was lucky my doc doesnt do the barium swollow/xray after surgery anymore.

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