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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    congrats on making the 100lb mark!!! i cant wait until i do. Im hoping it will be just a couple more months. On the upside i have gone from a size 28 pants down to a size 18 now. another 20 pounds and i will have to start buying some pants. I havent been under a size 18 probably since i was in middle school. I wish the weather would warm up. it has been to cold for me to take my morning walks with my dog this past month and i still haent been able to get myself to walk into the gym. i do use the elipitcal for a bit at work.
  2. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    ok everyone has been so quiet past couple months. Myself included. how is everyone doing? I just got another .5cc fill, am up to 5.5 now in my band and can for the first time only eat like 3-4 oz of food at a time. It is a strange feeling. also have to eat slow and really make sure i chew everything now. Shall see if it boost my weight loss in the next month or so, or if i stay with my steady 4-5 pounds a month.
  3. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    hello. I live in Puyallup.
  4. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    Yeah it feels good to be lighter. Im counting down my days until meeting with julie. I am hoping for a fill. Past couple weeks I have been eating more than when i got my last fill in october.
  5. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    cindy your doing great on the weight loss. I have been loosing slow as well. hoping when i go to see julie in cpl weeks she will give me another small fill. My body seems stuck on only giving up 4-5 pounds a month. that and im still eating to many calories a day.
  6. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    hiya taffie. i grew up in west seattle. lived there until a few years ago. so miss the city sometimes. I am up there every once in awhile to visit my parents and friends.
  7. fleminld

    Just banded and need support!!!

    i have had a few fills. holidays havent been good for me eating to many sweets . havent put on any weight but havent lost any. I need to get back on track. snow hasn't helped neing that i couldn't do my daily walks. I had my surgery done with group health, dr bock. he used to do 2 weeks liquids 2 week mushies then on to reg food, but determined that ony 1 week of each was needed. the good side for u is that you should be dropping alot of weight right now. i have been loosing about 4-6 pounds a month. it could be more but i am still getting in to many calories a day. i have a hard time keeping them 600-800, im around 900-1100 i think and sometime prob a little more depends on liquid intake or if a cave to the sweet craving.
  8. fleminld

    Just banded and need support!!!

    hello autumndannie... i down in puyallup as well. Your diet restrictions are strick. I was 1 week full liquids, 1 week mushie, then onto regular foods.
  9. fleminld

    Live in Kent. Gettin er done on Thursday!!!

    glad to here that everything went good. Walking is the key. Make sure that you get up often and walk around.
  10. fleminld

    Live in Kent. Gettin er done on Thursday!!!

    good luck on the surgery. lets us know how it goes.
  11. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    sue for a hot drink i would get some sugar free apple cider and mix in the champion vanilla in with that . it is a good hot drink. I have been battle'g with my sweets this month. had to much cake this month...I still lost 5 pounds but i know it was a pound or two more before the cake. what does everyone else do to battle the sweet craving. i have some sugar free candy i suck on sometimes.
  12. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I like the champion brand powder. mixes really well.
  13. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    sue sorry to hear about the leak. it is going to be an easy thing for them to fix? how is everyone else doing here. its always so quiet in the forum
  14. fleminld

    New Year Challenge

    My goal will be to loose 12 pounds. start 237 goal 225
  15. fleminld

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    I've had 3 fills and am round 5cc in 10cc band. I am def eating less than I was before the last fill, but still am around 6oz of meat and a cheese stick. I get hungry 3hrs later. The first week after this last fill I was only able to eat about 3oz, but by end of week 2 after I was back up to eating 6oz plus. I don't know if it is because I lost 4 pounds that first week, or if it was hormones.
  16. fleminld

    I'm Cold. . .

    my doc said he thinks it is because we are eating so few calories could be why.
  17. well after a week i am back to being able to eat 6-8oz of meat. I do still have a little restriction because I am not eating 2 cups of veggie along with the 6oz of meat. I am down to 6oz of meat and a cheese stick.
  18. How many oz of meat is everyone able to eat if you have restriction? I seem to be at 2-3oz of chicken or beef. Fish I am able to eat around 6oz. It is hard making sure I chew it up enough and eat really slow. Have has a few PB's cause I am eating to fast. I had my 3rd fill on the 30th and this is the first time I have had any restriction. Also, any ideas on different interesting ways to make chicken so it has some moisture or gravy? It always seems to dry and I have issue's eating it when i marinade and bake it.
  19. fleminld

    Very tight at TOM

    You guys are funny. Mine seems to be opposite. had my fill 1 week before TOM and I was really tight could only eat like 3-4oz of meat. Then the following week my TOM started and am back to being able to eat 6-8oz of meat. so weird.
  20. chicken in crockpot with soup sounds interesting. will have to give that a try.
  21. congrats! Isnt it nice to finally be at or near your sweet spot? I just got my 3rd fill last week and think I am near it now myself.
  22. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    but on the upside for the first time in a long time i have under a 100 pounds i need to loose.
  23. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I had problems eating again today. I did ok when i had 5oz of hamburger for breakfast at 9pm, had 2 packages of instant oatmeal at 2am no problems, at my last break at 6am i was starving, ate a string cheese and maybe 4 bites of ground beef patty and pb'd up the beef. Im guessing i ate it to fast. I am still borderline on if i am filled to much. I am trying to wait a couple weeks thinking it is cause i am eating to fast and/or the meat is to dry . i can eat the beef when it is in my chili or with something on it. I have no problems with liquids or mushies. It is just hard with my work because we cant eat at our desk. i get 1, 30 minute break and 2, 15minute breaks. and i cant always get the breaks when i need them to keep my eatimg times apart. I think i will try bring'g a meal replacement shake to drink as a snack at my desk to hold me over until i get home and can take my time eating. anyone have any ideas?
  24. fleminld

    Sorry for the Long Departure!

    Welcome back, conrgats on the weightloss
  25. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Productive burping. The food I ate came back up. Today I was able to eat 1 cup chili but at lunch was only able to eat 2oz chicken and 1 1/2 asperagas. Had half a string cheese for snack. And will prob have a package of oatmeal for dinner. Im going to give it another week but am kinda wondering if I'm to tight or not eating slow enough. Have no probs with liquds or mushies. Will try fish or shrimp tomorrow to see if maybe its just cause the chicken is to dense. I like having the feeling of being satisfied for a long time on little food. Anyone have suggestions?

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