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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld


    congrats cutiew!
  2. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    It is ruff for me to make it to support groups as well. I work graveyard and have to force myself to wake up several hours early to attend. I do enjoy going to interact with others who have had bariatric surgery. There are not to many regulars that attend that have had the band, most are the bypass pacients of the doc's. There are also a group of ladies at work who have had the bypass. I do wish I new more folks with the band that could hang around with and share expierences. Phyllser I so agree with the airplane. when i took the plane down to san fran in feb, i loved being able to walk down the aisle foward instead of sideways, being able to put the tray down, and have like 8 -10 inches of belt hanging off the end of seatbelt. It felt so good. I was also alot more comfortable in the small seats. I cant wait until next years trip to compare it to this years. I do need to get the sweets out of my house or shall i say quit bringing them into it. I do work out 6 days a week at the gym hard, to help balance out the extra calories. I just seem to go thrue these weird cravings. one week chocolate, next peanut butter cups, the ice cream, and strangly i wanted avacados this past week, so maybe the sweets is starting to fade again for awhile.
  3. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    how is everyone doing? i've been good, battle'g and loosing most of the time with the sweet craving. For some reason past couple months all i can think about and want is sweets. weird. Luckly with going to the gym im still loosing some. Have made my first goal of losing a 100 pounds, now the next goal is to get to the point where i weigh under 200lbs. what has everyone else been up to?
  4. start: 219 now: 208 goal: 209 Whoo Hoo! Actually made my goal and have lost 101 pounds! Got a slight tiny fill today, so hoping in another month or 2 will be under 200 pounds for first time in 15 plus years.
  5. start: 219 now: 210 goal: 209 My weight goes up and down a pound or 2 then drops a couple pounds all of a sudden. I have been going to the gym 5-6 days a week. Its a daily battle to go still, but have to admit it feels good to be able to actually go and be able physically to use the equipment for a good amount of time.
  6. fleminld


  7. fleminld

    Support Group in Redmond/Bellevue

    Hi. It is hard to do this alone. I am in the same boat. The only group I know of are the Group Health ones I attended. Hopefully some other folks will know of others. I have noticed our fellow WA banders are kinda quiet in this thread of chatting. When did you get your band? What snag's are you hitting. Maybe I can help answer some questions ? If you want a email lap band buddy let me know.
  8. start: 219 now: 213.5 goal: 209
  9. fleminld


    It is your body recovering from surgery and the fact that you are eating so few calories. I was really weak the 1 week i was on liquids. I was still getting tired all the time until i moved back onto solids/real food in my 3rd week. So depending on what your doc has you doing, i'd expect tiredness and feeling week until you are back onto real food for a few days.
  10. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    the last time i was on a plane think it was 2 years ago. i wasnt at my heavest, but prob around 60 pounds or so heavier than i am now. the seat belt just fit tightly, i couldnt put the tray down at all. this time i was able to put the tray down flat and had about a foot of the belt strap hanging out. I didnt feel like i was squishing the people next to me out of their seats. it was excite'g for me to see the changes. Oh i didnt have to walk sideways down the aisle either. my friend didnt seem to grasp my excitement though.
  11. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    How is everyone doing? Traveled to San Fran this past week, was glad to find that my band didnt tighten up on me from the airplane ride. I had heard that has happened to some folks. It was def interesting trying to figure out what to eat when your eating out for all meals. Had a incident or 2 where i made the wrong choice or ate to fast. It is def a lot easier when you are home or the only person eating out.
  12. start: 219 this week: 215 goal: 209
  13. it just feel's slow, no matter how much i exercise i seem to loose a steady 5-6 pounds a month. I just doubled the amount of cardio I do and added weight lifting in the past two weeks, so shall see what the next month brings for weight loss. what is funny is i lost basically the same amount of weight before surgery in 6 months as i have in the 6 months since surgery. Getting below the weight I am at now is where I am going to need the band the most, I am at the weight where in the past I couldn't seem to get any smaller no matter what I did.
  14. there is a man who had bypass on the biggest loser that is on tv now.
  15. fleminld

    The "C" word: Constipation

    I have to put benefiber into my drinks at least 3 times a day if i want to stay regular and even then I still have to sometimes use phillips milk of magnesia. My doc says i can drink up to the meal, but not for an hour afterwards.
  16. I'll join in. Im a slow loser, but got my butt back into the gym cpl weeks ago so will aim high for me. current 219 goal 209
  17. fleminld

    Anyone else?

    I have to have some kind of sauce on my meats most of the time. Some folks here told me to bake my chicken in cream soup and it really works on keeping the meat moist. If I dont it tends to be to dry and cant eat it/keep it down. I have had pork tenderloin and did ok with it, havent tried pork chops. I have noticed sometimes my band is tighter than normal and on those days i stick w/more mushie combo of tuna or canned chicken and lite mayo.
  18. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    off to work now..if you ever have any questions let me know
  19. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    My name is Lisa. Yeah i am a regular at the federal way meeting. this is the best site i have found for information. There arent to many good books out there. so this site is good for research and finding other folks in your area who have the band.
  20. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    i remember now. you were a few seats down from me.
  21. fleminld

    Anyone banded from king county?

    hi reeni...what group health meeting were u at? i had my surgery at ghc and was at the federal way meeting last week. congrats on getting the paper work submitted.
  22. It is a pretty town. It sure has grown in the years. I travel past it usually at least once a year to visit family out in Forks area. Welcome to band life.
  23. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    yeah liquid diet sucks. i felt really weak on liquids. I felt a little better on mushies. Up side is while you are on liquids you will probably drop a good chunck of weight. My doc only does 1 week liquids/1 week mushies then on to real food.
  24. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    I had mine done w/dr bock at group health.

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