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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld


    i was the same thing when i went in to macy's to shop. was wondering around the normal size dept. Kept looking around expecting to be given some strange looks by people. I was able to zip up into a size 12 calvin stretch jean. granted will need to loose another 5 before comfortably fit and will walk out the door in them, but it felt great. I have gone from a 28 pant to a 12-14 now. I also now tend to buy clothes a bit tight vs before buying them a bit to big. i'm hoping it doesnt take to long to adjust to the new me and for my self confidence to go up.
  2. fleminld

    Lap Band-Pseudo Tumor??

    i have it, but have never had to go on meds or get the shunt.. i still get headaches and when i do it bothers my eyes. the last time i went and got my eyes checked by my reg eye doc the swelling was down, but that was before surgery. i had quit smoking though. i need to make an appointment with my specialist to have him take a look. I only go in every few years, since i have remained stable for so many years. I was always under the impression that they werent sure it was caused by being overweight. i was told it is generally seen in over weight woman but that they dont know what for sure causes it. think they found it in me finally back when i was 14 or 15yo. it took them a few years to figure out why i was getting migraines.
  3. i get tighter a few days before i start and for the first couple days of.
  4. Once i got really good restriction, i am unable to drink as much as i did before. I still drink around 3-4 cups a day. If i have to much, or pick to dark a brew i get an upset stomach and possibly some heartburn.
  5. i like the cinnamon calcium chews. the cherry are ok, but really really tart. they work real well for me being that i cant swollow the calcium pills and drinking disolved calcium upsets my stomach. the vitamins are not that good tasting. only ones could tolerate were orange and watermelon.
  6. fleminld


    im finally under 200 and sitting at 190. this last fill i got 2 months ago seems to be holding good for me. sometimes i think its a touch to tight, but im working it. i still have a hard time believing that i have lost this much weight. Im still waiting for my brain to catch up with how i look.
  7. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    i've got about a month and a half until my year. i am hoping to loose another 10 pounds. I was aiming to loose a 100 pounds in a year, but think i will only get in 80-90 pounds. i am hoping to have this last 50 pounds off by febuary, it would be 2 years total for me of loosing weight to loose it all then.
  8. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    i'm doing good. finally for sure under 200 pounds, first time in at least 15 years. i thought i would have more energy that i do with the weight loss. I still seem to be tired a bit.
  9. fleminld

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    113lbs for me now
  10. fleminld

    Anniversary Challenge

    Made my first goal, and finally under 200 pounds at 196 now. I dont think it has set in yet, prob wont until go to the doc at the end of the week and their scale says the same lol.
  11. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    i came home the same day as my surgery. so my best friend stayed the night with me and left for work around noon the next day. my neighbors came over and visited and checked on me. I just planned ahead and had the house clean and laundry/dishes all done, so i didnt have to do anything for at least the first week but sleep and walk some. i slept in my chair and half w/ottoman in living room. if you have a recliner i'd suggest using that. otherwise you will prob need someone to help u get up and out of bed. i slept in the chair for the first 3 or 4 days i think.
  12. fleminld


    i had my surgery on aug 6th, and have lost just under 70 pounds since surg. my doc is really happy with my weight loss progress. he says 1-2 pounds a week is what i should expect to loose. you sound like you are doing great.
  13. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    no i dont have any prob with that. you can drink water up until u start eating but not while or after for an hour. i started doing it before surgery so it was already a habit for me. i just drink a lot of water in the 30 mins to an hour before i am to eat so i am not thirsty.
  14. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    hello. i didnt make it to the meeting either, couldnt wake up early enough. for the first week of liquid i lived on : champion protein powder (disolves the best) drive down to vita lady here in puyallup and they will make samples up of stuff u wanna try to make sure u like it before u buy it. Cream soups, strain out the mushrooms . i liked the chicken and herbs combos or mushroom and garlic. sugar free popsicles are a must, they will help sooth your throute you can also do the yogurt. you really will not be hungry or able to take much, due to the swelling from surgery, and the fact that you will me tired. just really make sure u get up and walk around. mushies: man was i glad for mushies. i lived on those cottage cheese doubles, refried beans with cheese on them and oatmeal. You can blend up stuff to the right texture. i tried doing wendy's chilli but didnt taste right or good to me. I stayed home for 4 weeks. i would recommend staying home at least 2-3. i didnt feel alert and have engery until middle of week 3. the orientation is long and to much info, but it is helpful. make sure u have all your vitamins and such ready. have everything u need for afterwards at home. i didnt feel like doing anything but sleeping for a week. i didnt have much energy until i got back onto real food at week 3. basically slept.
  15. fleminld

    Surgery and Aunt Flow

    i got mine the morning of surgery. only suggestion is use a pad not a tampon. they will give u those mesh underwear to wear . dont put off ur surgery
  16. hiya. I'm here if you have some questions or want a buddy
  17. fleminld

    band slip??

    i got some heartburn for the first time since surgery last week and tums or pepcid didnt seem to make it go away. i think its because my band is at a good restriction and i ate something that didnt agree with my stomach(what i havent figured out). Doc didnt seem concerned cause have'g no probs eating and not throwing up. so he prescribe me some omeprazole . its the same acid control they give for 3 days after surgery. worked really well on make'g the burn go away and have been fine since.
  18. I am also a lot tighter the week before and during. I tend to gain a little water weight but seem to loose it plus more after since can't eat much at all.
  19. fleminld

    Weight Question?

    i was 309lb 51 bmi i believe when i was approved by insurance,started loose'g weight in feb and 2 weeks prior to surgery in end of july i was 273 dont remember what bmi, but doc wanted me to loose another 5 pounds or so. wants some weight loss in 2 weeks prior to surgery to shrink liver.
  20. fleminld

    Flying and lapbands

    I flew a couple months ago. No problems with the band getting any tighter. I had more issues on picking out what to eat since all of our eating was out at resturants. I was always worried about picking something that wouldnt agree with the band or eat it to fast and have to run to restroom.
  21. fleminld

    Anniversary Challenge

    I'm in. Memorial day: 4 pounds 4th July: 6 more pounds (total of 10 lost) 6th of August: 5 more pounds (total of 15 pounds lost)
  22. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    congrats on gettting the date! Now comes the hard part....waiting for the date to arrive. It felt like forever for mine to arrive. Just start dieting and loosing weight now to shrink the liver..more you loose before the better is what i say. I had just come back from california in march and gotten a cold so was to sick to come. I am hoping to make it to next months meeting. I cant wait to have more banded folks at the meetings. Most of the time it is just carol and I .
  23. fleminld


    You'll do it by then cutiew. Im now trying to get another 10 off in next 2 months so can be under 200 by summmer. I bet new york will be fun. Best friend and i went to San Fran this year for quick trip, hoping next year will be New York.

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