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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. hi thanks for the comment...i agree with thinking of the band as only a tool to help you. start before surgery with eating the way you will after surgery. Also start exercising and continue after surgery. You only have to start with 5-10 mins a day, and work up to more time.

  2. fleminld

    Anniversary Challenge

    made my goal, just barely. now hoping the get the last 35-40 pounds off in next six months(i can dream:) )
  3. fleminld

    Law enforcement thread

    Good Luck.. you will love the results. Hold your chief to his word about the uniforms you will need new one more often than you think.
  4. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    i notice i get really tight a week before my period starts and usually loosens back up some when i start. for some reason it didnt completely this time. The nurse didnt say why. I think i might have been a touch to tight to begin with and maybe irritated my stomach some. I didnt want to risk it once the heart burn and acid reflux issues started. i didnt get much taken out. its only been a few days, im waiting to see if i will start getting alot hungrier than i was before the unfill
  5. fleminld

    Law enforcement thread

    i was lucky to never had blood pressure probs even at my heaviest. i understand the lack of mobility. i had surgery on my ankle and was in a cast for a month, then a boot for another month. it was so hard to get back moving again and loosening up the tendons and such..painful for a bit. hopefully the doc will be able to give you some good ideas. I am surprised he didnt when he mentioned it was the reason why he wouldnt do surgery. It wouldnt hurt to check around with other doc's to see what they say, if you have a choice of them with your insurance.
  6. fleminld

    What do you all do?

    i'm a 911 dispatcher
  7. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    well i had to go in for a slight unfill. my band seemed to have gotten really tight a few weeks ago, and never loosened up. I was ahving heartburn/acid issues and was having a upset stomach for several hours in the morning. had a small amount taken out..and naciousness is now gone and so far seems like acid issue it too...upside was lost 15 pounds in last 7 weeks total and have only a little under 40 more to go before i am at goal.
  8. and about 40 pounds from goal now..hoping to have it gone by feb
  9. i started dieting pre surgery feb 2008 at 309lbs, had surgery aug 2008 , my weight was 268..so about 130 in year and a half
  10. fleminld

    Law enforcement thread

    is there anything that the doc can recommend to help lower your blood pressure so that you are able to get the surgery? any meds?
  11. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    that does sound like a scary procedure. hope everything goess good.
  12. fleminld

    University Place/Tacoma, WA Area

    how are the two of you doing??
  13. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    phyllser..i bet you feel a hundred times better when you get your knees replaced. and you are much braver than me to get into the water. i still can't bring myself to get into a swimsuit and go out around people. lbprincess...welcome!!!
  14. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    how is everyone doing? seems like all the nw folks have disapeared some. im doing great...did my first 5k in june . i walked it, hope to jog it next year. i also hiked my first trail. 1 1/2 miles uphill..and then back down we went...man i couldnt walk right for a week afterwards, but it sure felt great to accomplish it.
  15. congrats on the weight loss ellen!
  16. fleminld

    Anniversary Challenge

    made my 4th of july goal now down to 186lbs from 203 in may. going to aim to be 180 by my year date.
  17. fleminld

    Phantom Fat

    im in the same boat. i have lost 119 or so and still considered obese. i cant wait until i go to a doctor appointment and the doc doesnt note that i am obese. I struggle with seeing myself as the actual size i am now. I have to compare pictures. I have gone from a 28 bottom/4x top to 14 pants and a 4x top to a xl-1x. For me seeing all the extra skin hinders me..but its a trade off to be heathlier person that i am.
  18. fleminld


    congrats!!!!!! doesnt it feel great!

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