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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. i was told to stop the naproxen, but could take tylonal, but no meds but my thyroid med the day before.
  2. fleminld

    Surgery Tomorrow :) 10 pounds lost in 10 days pre op :)

    good luck tomorrow
  3. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Has everyone been out enjoying the sun? It is even hot out when I get off work in the morning. I sure do notice it is so much harder for me to do an hour walk than when it is cool out. Now if only my cravings for hamburgers and chocolate would go away.
  4. try doing the 3 meal replacement shakes,2 fruits, and 2 lowfat frozen meals a day thing. It works. 10 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks isnt easy to loose. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can loose another 5 before surgery. If only my chocolate/sweet craving would go away.
  5. Is your doc going to require a 2 week liquid? Mine luckily does not, has you do a calorie restricted type one and just liquids the day before surgery. The exersise does help, but takes a while to make it a habit and if you miss a couple days its hard to get back to again.
  6. The 4 hour class was long but lots of information. Lots of folks there. I have my pre-op appointment on the 18th. I need to make sure and write down a list of questions. How is everyone doing on their pre-op diets and exercises?
  7. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I had my 4 hour class friday morning after work. It was long, but informative and a lot of people there. I was also able to get my last lab work out of the way. Only one more week until my pre-surg appointment w/the doc. I can't wait to hear what he says. I did learn that they changed the amount of time you spend on liquid and mushy. It was 2 weeks each stage, now it is 1 week, so after 2 weeks your on to solids.
  8. for the shakes : i use carnation no sugar added w/fatfree milk, blend it with a banana , couple pieces of ice and a tablepoon or less of reduced fat Peanut Butter. Only if your doc will let you have the banana. It makes it thicker and taste's nummy. I was told to get whey Protein powder to add to the shakes and broth for post surgery liquid period.
  9. I went for a walk with my dog every day this past week. 30 mins or for an hour. I have my 4 hour orientation call in the morning when I get off work. I am looking forward to the class, just not the fact that it is 4 hours long. Hope they give lots of breaks.
  10. Congrats on your weightloss to date. :redface:
  11. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    lol. i might give decaf a try. I have never noticed that caffeen made me more hungry, for me it seems to keep my hunger at bay. Maybe it is because i am so used to having it. I am off to bed...night
  12. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Yeah, you'd prob have to drive since don't know my way around there. Come to think of it don't know if I have ever been there.
  13. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Yeah i was told my dr's rules for drinks was no carbonation, caffeen or calories...I will have to see how I do once I gack to work after surgery. Told the nutrionist that i couldn't give it up all before the surgery. I need to be alert for my job and cant run the risk of getting a migraine and not being able to take my meds cause of surgery. I am down to just my couple cups when I wake up now, no more while at work.
  14. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Carol have a good trip. Will see you when you get back. Maybe you can teach me how to quilt some time.-Lisa
  15. Congrats on finally getting a time for surgery. I am having mine done on August 6th.
  16. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Finished my first nutrionist phone appointment. The goal for me in the next month before surgery is to maintain the weight loss i have done, since i have already loss what the doc wanted. I was surprised that i will be able to continue doing weight watchers as my diet program before. Boy am I glad. I still hope to loose a couple more pounds this month. Two other goals we set are for me to cut back even more on my coffee. This will be really really hard, have already given up my espresso. Have I mentioned I work a graveyard shift.. And the the other goal was to get back into walking my dog at least 3 days a week. I have went lax on that past month and half with work issues and joint pains. I am so excited to finally be getting close to the date. This last month of waiting is going to be the hardest wait time since i started the process back in october
  17. Finished my first nutrionist phone appointment. goal for me in the next month before surgery is to maintain the weight loss i have done now. I was surprised that i will be able to continue doing weight watchers as my diet program before. Boy am I glad. I still hope to loose a couple more pounds. Two other goals we set are for me to cut back even more on my coffee. This will be really really hard, have already given up my espresso. Have I mentioned I work a graveyard shift.. And the the other goal was to get back into walking my dog at least 3 days a week. I have went lax on that past month and half with work issues and joint pains.
  18. I am just hoping this last month of waiting goes by quickly.
  19. I started dieting doing weight watchers and walking my dog some back in febuary. Started the process with my insurance in october 2007, got the approval in febuary from them. I think it was april i did all the doctors tests and psych eval and since then have been waiting on the list for a surgery date. I still have the oreintation class and pre-op vist with the doc to do. I had to join a weight management program thrue my doc that is a year long series of phone calls from a nutrionist. I have my first tomorrow morning about the pre-op diet. I was told back in april that they wanted me to loose 8 more pounds before surgery. I was worried that since I had already been loosing some, that i wouldn't be able to loose 8 more, but I have managed to do so. i am hoping that they dont tell me i need to loose another 8. I dont have a liquid diet to do except for just the day before surgery.
  20. Mine is scheduled for August 6th.
  21. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I am having mine done by group health. I have lost the amount of weight they had wanted me to loose prior to surgery on my own before we have to start the diet program. I imagine I will still have to do some sort of low cal diet for the next month. I have my phone appointment with the weight mgmt program group health uses on july 3rd.
  22. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    I finally got my surgery date. August 6th will be the day for me. I am so excited.
  23. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    punkytres...hello i live in puyallup not to far from you. congrats on the baby... Carol...CONGRATS on the weight loss.. You sure are loosing it fast... I will make it to the meeting in fedway coming up. Might need a reminder to set my alarm to wake up early for it:)

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