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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fleminld

  1. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Its the day before my surgery. I am on my day of liquids only. I am sure glad i didnt have to do this for 2 weeks prior to surgery and that I only have to do it for one week after surgery. I am having that head hunger. Know it is that, for I had been doing 2 shakes for meals prior and wasnt hungry like this. Granted then I was blending a banana in w/them, which really helps. Will be going to the grocery store now to get more yogurt and a big thing of cream soup to drink to see if that helps curb my appitite.
  2. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Got my call from the hospital. I am to check in at 8:45am surgery around 10:45am. They are guessing I will get released around 6pm at the earliest. I have been running around doing housework last night and this morning, almost done getting my house relatively clean. Off to the store to get some last minute items.
  3. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    im just getting more axious/nervous as the day gets closer, on top of the anxiety from my father being sick in the hospital. I have been up about 24hrs now with going up to the hospital after I got off work this morning to be with him for a few hours. The good side is I will sleep hopefully until the morning tomorrow changing my grave yard hours around for while i am off of work...The bad news is i will be up all at dawn until late with just going on liquids. I am waiting for the nurse to call for the pre-op stuff, wanting to ask/make sure i can have yogurt as well as shakes tomorrow and that i can take some tylonal pm tomorrow and before i go to bed this afternoon. Also, want to get an idea on how long i should expect to be in hospital before released. hope everyones having a good day.
  4. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    i am getting more nervouse as the day gets closer. My mother was susposed to come stay with me for a week, but my father has gotten really sick so she cant. One of my neighbors is staying with me the night of surgery, but after that will be here alone with neighbor just checking in, so am worried some about how dependent on someone i will be.
  5. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    My surgery date is getting close. Starting to get nervous about the pain afterwards. I am just keeping my fingers cross that it is not to bad, since will only have someone staying with me the first night, then folks just checking in on me. cutiew- how are you holding up? just a couple days for us
  6. fleminld

    banded july 28th

    try blended chilli i hear that is good, or baked beans.
  7. I was told no jewerly no makeup. Prob best to include no nail polish.
  8. fleminld

    Finally talking about it

    Your not alone here. A lot of us have emotional issues as a result of being so much over weight and any we had before gaining all the weight is amplified. Be pacient and work with your insurance. I sent in my insurance paperwork back in October 07 and my surgery is next week. I recommend to start watching what your eating so that you are ahead of the game on the amount of weight you are required to loose. I was able to loose all mine prior to the pre-op diet time and don't have such a strict diet to do just before surgery. Also start walking even if only one block at a time. I hope all goes well for you.
  9. fleminld


    Mine told me no coffee/caffeen for at least 3 months. Think it is because it can irritate your stomach.
  10. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Well these last two weeks seem to be going by slowly. I guess it is a week and a half now. I have never been a very pacient person so this waiting is driving me nuts. I have gotten everything I need to have at home for after the surgery excluding the prescribed meds. I will get those in a couple days. My coming up weekend I will be cleaning my house and making sure everything is in order. (I live alone so don't want to worring about doing any major cleaning when I get home or for a couple weeks ). I'm starting to worry some about the pain ill be in afterwards. Also never like the idea of being spread out naked on a table in front of a room of people, medical staff or not. I just hope the knock me out as soon as I get on the table like they did for my ankle surgery. I am looking forward to finally loosing and keeping the weight off for good. How has everyone been doing?
  11. fleminld

    Ready or not here it is...

    Good luck.
  12. You didn't scare me. I am expecting a fair amount of pain, am just hoping it is tolerable. I live alone, my best friend is taking my and bring me home, and my mother will be staying with me a few days.
  13. fleminld

    What is the best Protien Drink ?

    I like the lean body brand. The choc and vanilla are good low sugar. It comes in permixed containers each 30 grams of protein. I have to agree on the walmart one it is horrible.
  14. I am expecting the gas pain to be bad. the doc gave me some meds for the stomach already, as well as something else since I still have my gallblader and percoset for the pain. I was told you generally leave weighing a couple pounds more than what you went in at because of the iv fluids they pump into ya. These last couple weeks seem to be dragging by.
  15. I am curious. How much pain is there the first couple days after surgery. I was tol its not to bad. I am getting banded on Aug 6 and have never had any surgery before other than a cyst removal on my ankle.
  16. fleminld

    New here, in need of Pre-Op diet HELP!!

    I like the carnation no sugar added and the lean body shakes. A girl at work likes the champion brand..she puts the vanilla in hot water w/the apple cider no sugar packets and has it as a hot drink to sip. It does taste good.
  17. fleminld

    My First Blog

    I have to disagree on the barium swallow, that was oh so gross and glad that I do not have to do it after surgery like some doc's do. Only other thing on your list i didnt have to do was the endoscopy.
  18. fleminld

    Did you tell people?

    I told everyone, family,friends, co workers. I am excited to be getting it done and to finally get rid of this weight for good. I also have the view of it is my my body my choice and I make it clear to people that if you don't like it to bad. I have been lucky though that no one has been rude to me about getting it. I had no issues with getting my time off. I would suggest be honest with your job. Better to be honest than to lie and get caught later on risking your job.
  19. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Cindysue have you attened any of the GHC meetings? I go to the federal way ones. Have you gone to the orientation meeting yet? I was at the one in beginning of July.
  20. fleminld


    My doc said def no coffee for the first 3 months, then maybe if stomach will tolerate it.
  21. fleminld

    Banding with overnight stay

    Depends on your doc. My doc is starting to let some people go home the same day. I have no major medical problems, so I was told to plan to be at hospital prob at 6am and get released that evening.
  22. fleminld

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hello. I am getting banded on Aug 6th. I'm 31 almost 32,single and live in Puyallup, Wa. So excited it is finally happening, was a long wait/process with insurance and the wait list. I have completed all my tests,orientation and had my pre-op appointment, now just wishing the days would move by quicker. I only have to do a liquid diet for 1 day before surgery. Doc requires you loose 5-10 percent of your excess body weight prior to surgery. I was able to do that, so just have to maintain what i have lost, while not over eating and gaining. I am still hoping to loose another couple pound's before surgery, will see what happens.
  23. fleminld

    19 Days til Surgery

    I am in Puyallup, getting banded on August 6th. Would like some more support band buddies
  24. fleminld

    Any one in NW WA

    Is it every thursday that you meet in gig harbor, or just certain one each month. Carol and I wanted to attend in August.
  25. fleminld

    how long for lapband to become reality....

    Applied to insurance in Oct 2007, approved in Feb 2008, my surgury is Aug 6th 2008. I had a lot of waiting due to a long wait list of people wanting the surgery and one of the doc's retiring.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
