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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About ppressey24

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 07/24/1965

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    reading, traveling, crocheting, knitting, meeting new people
  • Occupation
    flight attendant for 18yrs disabled
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  1. ppressey24

    Moving along smoothly

    Most of the time slowly is best. I guess because it was medication that brought on my weight gain and once I had this surgery, it came off to fast. I've gone from a 22-6 in less than a year and I'm even trying to find ways to stop this loss. I'm never hungry, and when I do eat, I'm still under 1oz of food without pain. The drs are looking into what could be causing the pain, but the weight loss is rapid and I'm losing to much muscle. So slow gets it done. And you'll be more healthier for it. Good luck
  2. Berry78, I'm 5'7 and I'm 1yr post surgery and have gotten down from a size 24-6. I didn't want to get into a 6. I tried slowing it down but I can't seem to stop losing. Unfortunately, I hate my body now. I was always a 5 until a horrible accident that left me paralyzed for 8 months. I'm lucky to be alive really, and to be able to get back down to my size is a miracle in itself. Way to go on your weight loss
  3. I agree. Git rid of them damn clothes
  4. I've given away all my clothes....all of them. I don't want them around ever again
  5. ppressey24

    Having vsg Sept 8 2017

    Gazebo, so your blood pressure is high? But everything else is fine? I'm so glad you're doing good. Take it easy when you do get home ok. Best wishes.....pam
  6. ppressey24

    Having vsg Sept 8 2017

    Gazebo, I've just finished reading all your post and I must say you've had a ride....lol possible pregnancy, while going through the pre op liquid diet, I think I would've been a wreck. Well, I'm Pam, and let me tell u my story.... Former flight attendant for 18yrs, my roommate died on sept 11, on the 1st American flight that crashed so I've been emotional eating since then. Have 2 sets of grown twins so I've always maintained a 145lb weight. I'm 5'8. 7yrs ago working a flight we hit some horrible turbulence and dropped 500 ft in the air and I was thrown. I broke my back and neck and have been disabled since the surgeries. They found out I have multiple sclerosis also. Then, arthritis, depression, fibromyalgia....to name a few other things set in and with all the steroids they were feeding me, I ballooned up to 303lbs. Within 15 months. I went from traveling the world, to walking on a walker. I live in Pensacola FL., and there's the most beautiful, gentle, patient staff of nutritionists, and drs where I was referred to that they feel like family. My dr even gave me his cellphone number and said to call him if I ever just needed to VENT. I went through the 6 months process of relearning how to eat right. I lost 15 lbs cutting back to 1500 calories, 65oz water and my protein shakes, and oct 4,2016 was my surgery day. That morning I weighed in at 289. The liquid diet wasn't my hardest thing because I lost my appetite for food. Once I put it in my mind that I wanted to get this weight off, it melted off. When I went for my 3 month, I had lost 65lbs. My walker was gone, the pain in my knees was gone. The dr had to look back at my last photo to make sure that was me. He literally cried because I came to him almost dead. I wanted to die the way my life had changed. I never thought I'd see myself under 200lbs again and like you, I didn't set a goal weight. I wanted to get to whatever looks good to me. And I have stopped at 160. I like me curves. My breast had gotten up to 52DDD. But now my dr has referred me to a plastic surgeon for a reduction and lift because of back and neck pain and insurance is paying. That's my only issue now and I'm done. We all have stories and you will to. It maybe hard for the next couple of days. My surgery was quick, he repaired a hernia I didn't even know was there, but painless. My ONLY complaint now, which is the biggest 1, is I've developed chronic constipation and it is horrible. I've been to specialists and they've tried almost everything. Nothing works, and I may need a corrective procedure. But everyone is different. You're in my prayers tonight. I am in Paris at the moment, and it's 250am here. I know without this surgery, I would've never gotten the chance to travel again. God's got your back. Bless you
  7. ppressey24

    Side by side photos

    You look great. And catch all the flirting....lol
  8. @mylighthouse, how about our stories sound the same. I had my surgery Oct 4,2017 and I've had chronic constipation since. Ok so I was on linzess for 1yr and it helped in the beginning but stopped. Then the gastro placed me on the next medicine which didn't help at all. So my daily doses of mineral oil and mom's, that's milk of magnesia....I also take a stool softener 2x a day. Nothing. This is the worst situation EVER. I've added the Phillips in the lineup but nothing. The drs have now sent me to the surgeon that preformed my sleeve to remove part of my intestines. I can't recall the name of the procedure but for me, I've suffered from this for years, since I started having my kids. My food doesn't digest like the normal person does. So I took this dye test with eggs and after 90 minutes your food is suppose to be in a certain part of the stomach, mines is still like I just swallowed it. I keep indigestion and heartburn. Idk about anyone else, but the first bowel movement for me after surgery was in February, and my surgery was oct 4. I had to go to the emergency room because I was severely impacted. They're now sending me through this study for severe constipation at the medical training facility here in Pensacola. I've actually had to drink the citrus magnesium bottles everyday and I don't go. So once I find out anything from my study that does help me go, I'll pass on the Info because this is a painful way to live
  9. ppressey24


    I hate I missed this challenge.
  10. Hey guys, I'm on the highest IU's there is so they had to do the infusions. They don't know why I'm so low but I'm critically low on iron 2
  11. ppressey24

    4 months out

    You are doing great. I'm at 6 months out and I've lost a total of 128lbs. Yes, my hair is thinning but Idk if it's because of the surgery because I was a cancer patient so it could still be from that but hey, there's some beautiful wigs out here and I like to change my hairstyle a lot so I don't care about the hair. 1 thing for sure, you don't have to be bald if you don't wanna be bald this is my before and my 6 month which was 4/ of April 2017
  12. The people that can just eat less and exercise don't have a problem with food. My problem isn't with food, I actually can go days without eating, but that doesn't help u lose weight either. But I have MS and with every medication had steroids and it blew me up so fast, there was nothing else I could do. Plus, I had to stop the meds before surgery so I stay in alot of physical pain. Unless they're in your shoes, they really have no clue. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  13. It's the freakn hardest thing I've ever done in my life and I'm a mother of 2 sets of twins. They really don't understand watching what u eat, how much, not to drink and eat at the same time, chew 30x each bite, just all these small things u have to think of every single day Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  14. My mom does the same thing as her and my dad sit there eating a piece of cake or something sweet with each meal....lol. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

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