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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hopefulmom25

  1. hopefulmom25

    June 6th is the day!

    June 6th for me. :thumbup: Glad to finally have a group to fit into! Any others with that date?
  2. hopefulmom25

    Swimming After...

    My doctor says 3 weeks.
  3. hopefulmom25

    Icky Protien~!

    I agree. unjury is not too bad. That's the brand I'm using. I bought all the samples of all their flavors on their website first. I've heard people say that chocolate is the best, and after trying them all, I agree. They were all pretty good, except for strawberry. I bought the chocolate and also a box of Swiss Miss sugar free Diet cocoa mix. It only has 25 calories a pack. Each day I make one of those cocoas and add the chocolate unjury to it. It is actually really good! I find myself looking forward to my next one sometimes.
  4. hopefulmom25

    Phantom Band????

    Not crazy! I think we spend so much time thinking about being banded and what life will be like afterwards. There's no way that wouldn't have an affect on our mind. Also preparing for the surgery and thinking/talking about lap-band all the time has made me more "aware" when I'm eating, and I'm noticing true hunger and true fullness.
  5. So my surgeon's office called yesterday and said something has come up and Dr.Woodman needs to reschedule my surgery to Wednesday June 11th. It was supposed to be next Friday, June 6th. Talk about a shocker! I haven't really had surgery before, so I didn't even think about my surgery could be rescheduled. I had childcare arranged for my daughter, plus the 2 kids I babysit full time. Luckily, other people were able to move their schedules around to accommodate the new childcare needs. Ah well, I've waited this long. A few extra days won't kill me.
  6. hopefulmom25

    June line up

    My surgery was rescheduled from the 6th to the 11th. So I went ahead and changed it on the list.
  7. hopefulmom25

    June line up

    :party:Jazzy Junes! 2 Deb, Realme, LeighDee, BIG T, Mandi Jo, Kitcatnap, Jajeanne, BanTam, Utahgirl, Strikeuptheband, katkeen, kellystidham 3 Huggie Bear, Steveamy0503, elvisfan, nicolerose, YoungNY, leepizz, Nuali 4 Sellie, jills_adopting, ebinsc, Hunzi, jlck98, Alleyoppvolley, Anewkim, Snappymonkey18, Terrier Mom, Snakerivermusic, SanDiegoPhotog :huh2: 5 Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b, jkpenny376, Imagoofball, Lady Zique, ttbikergirl :redface: 6 Kristybandy, Cathychatts, eagerbandim, mamamarie, luigismama, pitter, Peacedove, Shorty184 :redface: 9 Bando, gardengrl, flirtyangel, vzghj3, Hayley, CarrieC, CarrieD, Hayley, Katies, 1000words :scared2: 10 Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free, twinmommie, Anglesphere, acadang, ,bandme08, Olive424, nancyb2003, Jillian68, micountryfarm aka stacey :thumbup: 11 triser72, Mowree, aalves, jdrocks226, larakathyleen, Detroitdame75, PRCowboy, hopefulmom25 :thumbup: 12 cris3, Angelyco, WannaDance,Susanm, Long2bThin, MissWilde, Jewellj1, gina s, Dee 79, Diz, Ebeth0013 :thumbup: 13 BATassbandita, elvisfan1219, KatW, cramadan, Greatlyblessed, amyz, greythope :smile2: 16 babbs 3772, Phoenix :wink2: 17 TX Diva, Apples2, 19 Imgonnaloosem, KerryConnor, Shome 18 KathyStrick 20 Rhondawood63 :eek: 23 Little Debbie, Mariamomof2, brubear, Yesindeed, sweetrepose :thumbup: 24 Snuffy65, trtobiassen :thumbup: 25 Tennessee Mom, dj bryan, Hollins2003, Sunflower00 :thumbup: 27 TexGal, nellie ray, Kalaipahoa, Susie70, kpa88, Armywife4life, lillygirl :thumbup: 30 maguirre67, Tai68, MS.MAURA NY, Brian
  8. hopefulmom25

    Sharing that you're having surgery

    I have told my my mom, stepdad, Dad, parents-in-law, husband, and 2 best friends. That's it. Nobody else needs to know my personal business. My weight is such a sensitive subject for me. But I wish that I could have gotten by without my husband, mom, or mother-in-law knowing. I had to tell them, because there's no way I could hide it from them really. Especially my husband. But they are the 3 least supportive people. I wish there was a way my Dad and best friend could have been the only ones to know. They are very supportive of me. My husband is very resentful of having to take out such a large loan (I'm self-pay) when he believes (and has told me this several times) that we're having to do this because I won't do what I'm supposed to and lose the weight on my own. My MIL is anti-fat people in general, and feels pretty much the same as my husband. That I'm just lazy and should do this on my own. My mom is freaking out right now. Everything that could go wrong and even things that couldn't go wrong are all she talks about. Anyways, didn't mean to vent there. I just wish there was a way I could have only shared this with people who were going to be positive about it, and support me.
  9. hopefulmom25

    Jazzy June Protein Preferences

    I tried the chicken Soup unjury and was pleasantly surprised! I saved it for last, because I just assumed I wouldn't like it, but I was wrong. The directions said to just mix it with warm Water. Instead, I added it to a cup of vegetable soup in vegetable broth. I didn't even know it was there. No Protein after-taste whatsoever. After trying all the sample packets, I ended up ordering 2 full size containers of the chocolate and the unflavored. I just see myself using those the most.
  10. hopefulmom25

    Jazzy June Protein Preferences

    Okay, just tried the strawberry unjury a few minutes ago, and bleh. It has a really strong "protein" aftertaste...
  11. hopefulmom25

    Jazzy June Protein Preferences

    I tried my friend's vanilla flavored Protein shake, and it was nasty. I don't remember what brand it was. But I recently ordered the sample packets from unjury.com (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, unflavored, & chicken soup). I tried the chocolate yesterday. Put it in the blender with 8 oz skim milk and some ice cubes to make a milkshake. It was actually tolerable! It's nothing I would drink for fun, or if I wasn't having surgery, but it's not too bad. My doctor's office says all of the protein powders are going to have that special "after-taste" you just have to find one you can tolerate. This morning, I mixed the unflavored unjury in a cup of Swiss Miss 25 calorie warm cocoa. It was good too. Basically tasted like the chocolate flavored one from yesterday, but warm instead of cold. I'm thinking I'm going to get the unflavored one, just because it's more versatile. I can keep mixing it in hot cocoa, or I heard it works in sugar free pudding, Jello, or anything.
  12. hopefulmom25

    I might have sleep apenea?

    I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea about a month ago. My symptoms were an extreme increase in sleepiness/grogginess throughout the day. I started snoring & gulping for air during the night. Some mornings I woke up with a terrible headache. I would wake up for just a few seconds several times each night, and wasn't sure why I was waking up. If I sat still on the couch or anywhere for at least a few minutes, I started to fall asleep. If you suspect it, it's worth it to have a study done. I feel so much better now that I'm on my CPAP at night. I'm alert and not sleep during the day, and I get really good, quality sleep at night. I feel like myself again.
  13. hopefulmom25

    Hello from Millington Tn

    Another neighbor here. I'm just outside Memphis, in Southaven, MS (Desoto County). I'll also be using Dr.Woodman. Welcome to the board! :smile2:
  14. I'm self-pay and I had to have the same tests/requirements as those trying to get insurance approval. attend seminar psych eval nutritionist consult EKG Different bloodwork tests Lung Xray Upper GI Stomach Ultrasound Letter from family doc recommending surgery
  15. hopefulmom25

    I can finally join a group!

  16. hopefulmom25

    Protien Diet Anyone??

    My doc only requires clear liquids the day before surgery, but I think I'm going to do liquids for a week just to make sure my liver is nice and tiny. I don't want to risk an open incision. He did tell me to lose 10 lbs though before my surgery.
  17. hopefulmom25

    June line up

    Adding myself to the June 6th day... :thumbup: 2 Deb, Realme :thumbup: 3 Huggie Bear 4 Sellie :laugh: 5 JoannaG, Irish Ladybug, Cadets 71, LMarie_MD2b :tt2: 6 Kristybandy, cathychatts, eagerbandim ,mamamarie, hopefulmom25 :thumbup: 10 Jules, Shaxmom, rearea1222, To Be Free :thumbup: 12 cris3, Angelyco :thumbup: 13 BATassbandita :thumbup: 17 TX diva, :thumbup: 24 Snuffy65 :thumbup: 25 Tennessee Mom, dj bryan :thumbup: 30 maguirre67
  18. hopefulmom25

    I am trying to be like Scarlet O'Hara

    Congrats on approval and a surgery date! :thumbup:
  19. hopefulmom25


    Congrats Kristiebandy! We'll share the same surgery date!
  20. June 6th! I'm so excited and scared to death all at the same time. :biggrin::thumbup:
  21. hopefulmom25

    Who's getting banded in June

    I'm June 6th. Gonna check out the June 08 board later tonight. :thumbup:
  22. hopefulmom25

    Self pay HOW MUCH is it all together???

    I'll be having surgery June 6th, and total for mine (includes surgery, hospital, anesthesia, office fee, fills and office visits for a year, psych exam, & nutritionist) is a little over $18,000. That price doesn't include the pre-op mandatory bloodwork, EKG, & x-rays that I am having to pay out of pocket (extra $600). And I had to have an upper GI and stomach ultrasound, but have my fingers crossed that insurance might pay for those since I have acid reflux. Really, the prices vary depending on the doctor and location. There's another bariatric surgeon an hour south of me that only charges $15,000 for the surgery/hospital/etc, but his fills aren't included and they are $700 each. So you just have to call around to local baratric docs in your area and see which has the best price compared to experience, reputation, etc.
  23. hopefulmom25

    Some people, I swear...

    Maybe he's a troll? Some people get pleasure from igniting anger and responses on message boards. That's just what they do for fun. It's horrible, but I've come across trolls before. They just want to start drama, and they get laughs from everyone getting angry.
  24. hopefulmom25

    the rudeness of others

    I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that. I completely feel your pain though. I married my jerk boyfriend, and now he is my jerk husband. I love him to death but he says the meanest things sometimes...
  25. As of right now, I'm still planning on making it to the meeting.


    The lady at Dr. Woodman's office gave me a paper saying I should lose 5 to 10% of my weight before the surgery. That's 20-40 lbs for me. But I started dieting last week, and so far so good.


    How are you doing? :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
