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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by grossefemme

  1. grossefemme

    Not Losing Weight

    Yes, yes, YES, I have had the same issues!! It is incredibly frustrating... but I have started counting NSV [Non-scale Victories]. It's so important that my clothes fit better and I can wear jeans [unforgiving as they all are] that I haven't worn in over a year! The theory is, you lose first where you last gained. If that's true [which for me, it seems like it is], then measure yourself weekly. I hated doing it, but I've started. And you know what -- I log it in with my daily intake on Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate. I might not see the numbers on the scale move as often as I'd like, but I can see the numbers move on my measurements. [it also tells you exactly HOW to measure if you're unsure.] It's frustrating, but it's the little steps that add up to the final product. Believe me, I have moments of pure jealousy when I read about someone who's had RNY [gastric bypass] and they've lost 25 pounds compared to my 2 in the past month. But then I remember that I haven't had my 'innards' re-arranged. I opted to be a 'steady' loser... Enough of my pontificating, I hear ya, I do!! Hang in there!!!!
  2. I was banded 5/5/08. I've done exceedingly well with the surgery and healing. YAY! I began doing aqua class and swimming laps [30 mins each] 2/3 days per week on 5/19/08. I recently began tracking my caloric intake on Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate because I haven't lost ONE OUNCE in 3 weeks. [i haven't gained either... which is okay by me!] Hear me. I'm NOT complaining, I'm questioning. I have noticed my clothing is looser and I'm feeling wonderful, full of pep and whatnot. I am in the transition diet phase -- I eat 3 small meals per day. Get in all my liquids. I make sure that Protein is the first in -- and then supplement with veggies. Chew - chew - chew. I feel full - fabulous, that's what it's suppose to feel like. An hour later, I begin drinking again. Go me -- get in that liquid. HOWEVER, when I began logging my food, I'm getting in plenty of protein, 50-60 grams, but only about 600-700 calories per day. I really AM full and don't feel like I need to eat MORE. My doc has suggested 1,000 calories per day. I'm wondering if anyone else has had the problem of feeling full -- but not losing because the body is in 'starvation' mode? I will see my doc for a follow-up this week and certainly discuss it with him. I just can't see adding a 4th meal to boost my caloric intake to 1,000 per day -- especially when I do feel full with what I'm eating. Although, at this point, I'm not beyond trying it! Anyone? Bueller??
  3. grossefemme

    Trouble Getting in Calories?

    I haven't had a fill -- I've only been banded for 26 days. [May 5, 2008.] I just feel very FULL after I eat and it seems to last. I'm eating at regular intervals/mealtimes. No supplemental Protein shakes -- real food. I was able to boost today to nearly 900 calories. I will try again tomorrow and talk to my doc/nutritionist this week! Thanks for your reply... I appreciate you taking the time!
  4. grossefemme

    In memory of Denyell

    I am incredibly saddened for you and your family in this time of grief and loss. Thank you for sharing with the LB community. You're in our thoughts and prayers...
  5. grossefemme

    My Fellow May Flowers.... HELP!!!

    Sorry you had to postpone, but it sounds like you are on your way. I just had my band last week, overnight in the hospital, came home and was feeling fine. No gas pain, no shoulder pain. My incisions are glued and 3 of the 5 barely visible. PERFECT!! Then, WHAM. I got some cold/fever/virus that kicked my behind good. 6 days later and I am finally feeling like I'm on the road to normalcy. There is nothing like trying to kick an adult cold with children's liquid medication~! :thumbup:
  6. grossefemme

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Jessica -- I am so sorry for your set back. But do not give up hope! They make great medical strides all the time. I'm sorry for your disappointment, but I believe everything happens for a reason... I wish the best for you!!!!
  7. My absolute favorite is: 1 egg, add cinnamon to taste, 1/2 packet of your favorite artificial sweetner, [equal, sweet & low]. In a small bowl, fork scramble the ingredients, then top it off with a dollup of low-fat cream cheese. Microwave in bowl for 1 minute or until egg is cooked. YUM. It's like a cheese danish!! I add dried milk to up the Protein, but there's no need.
  8. On the back of the Medicare card there's an 800 number. Call and tell them you're looking for a bariatric surgeon in your area that accepts Medicare. That way it's only ONE phone call and you can get your information! I have Medicare and was banded on 5/5/08. No 6 month diet, very easy.
  9. I was banded yesterday morning @ 8:45 am at St. Margaret's Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. The check in and prep went well. The surgery was very short. I was in recovery and awake by 9:50! Upstair to a room by 11:45 am and up and around by 2 pm. I sat in the chair most of the afternoon. About 2.5 hours -- although I think I slept 2.4 hours of that time! Got thru the night very well -- up several times to urinate. I was discharged by 10:30 this morning and on my way home. I'm feeling pretty well -- took a hit of liquid roxicet to be sure I could tolerate it. I have problems with several of the other pain meds, but it helped for the ride home. I've been up and around some at home, most of my pain is at the port site. But compared to the pain post back surgery this past August? This was a cinch! I'm going to take it easy for the next few days -- sitting/walking as much as possible, so I can be ready to return to work on Monday. I'm on Clear liquids until I can see the doc 5/16. For those who are still waiting, I say -- it's worth the wait! :biggrin2:
  10. grossefemme

    "Reborn" Bandster

    Congrats -- here's hoping that you have fully-functional tools that will continue to aid you on your journey!!
  11. grossefemme

    Ladies and Gentlemen - we've got Band.

    Congrats RAS! Glad to hear that you're doing well -- thanks for the follow-up post-surgery. Just keep walking... that's the important thing. I'm a little sore myself, but workin' it out Blessings on your continued journey!!
  12. grossefemme

    Shrinko de Mayo and Banded!

    Second day post-op and I'm still doing well. Slept thru the night with out pain meds. Thanks so much for the many 'Congrats' -- I'm very grateful! I'm moving around pretty well -- pain's really minimal. My abdomen/ribs are sore, like I can't breathe deeply. But I don't plan on doing anything that requires such deep breaths! I'm down a pound this morning!! And my sugar levels are lower than they have been in months... So thanks again for all the comments -- and for those who are still waiting to be banded... I wish the best to you -- do it for your health :angry_smile: PS I'll be posting follow-ups on my blog if you care to continue reading... Counting to Infinity... Please be sure to comment when you stop by
  13. grossefemme

    Will Medicare Pay For This Surgery

    I'm scheduled to leave in 10 MINUTES! I'm also Type II, Medicare has approved my procedure. Good luck to you on your journey!!
  14. May 5 - Tracy, Sandy, KathrynRose, JaJeanne, Jennifer, GrosseFemme, jdj May 6 - Shawna, Jemo97, Cherj60, Jaylow, Californiamarty, angelic_1, Libby H Best of luck to everyone!! [i'm including those on the 6th as well, since I won't be near a computer.] I'm in the OR at 8:45 am. I'm scheduled for over-night, so as soon as I am able -- I'll let everyone know how it went. Happy SHRINKO de Mayo!! We can all celebrate next year -- I'll buy the first round of bottled water
  15. grossefemme

    Hello from PA

    Dr. Quinlin is doing my surgery in the morning! You're the first person I've heard from on these boards from Western PA. Good luck to you in July!!:wink2:
  16. Yep -- what ^they said. Jello is clear liquid. [i just had a bowl of green myself!] I'm in the OR @ 8:45am. Good luck to you!!
  17. grossefemme

    I am scheduled for May

    That's GREAT to hear -- I'm hoping for the same results!! Blessings on your continued journey
  18. grossefemme

    Hello from PA

    I'm being banded TOMORROW @ 8:45am in Pittsburgh!! Best of luck to you on your journey.
  19. grossefemme

    I'm getting nervous...

    Nerves are a strange thing... this is a wonderful NEW opportunity that has been presented to you. Too easy? Maybe. Maybe it's what we make of the opportunities when they're presented... Blessings on your surgery and continued journey. I'll be right there with you -- our bandings are the same day! [i'm in at 8:45 am!!] Next year at this time, we'll be celebrating AGAIN!!! I'll buy the first round of bottled Water
  20. Thanks so much for sharing this with us -- glad to hear all went well. Blessings for continued healing and for the rest of your Journey!!
  21. grossefemme

    May 22nd!!!!

    Congrats on getting your date -- Blessing on your continued journey!!
  22. grossefemme

    Drum Roll Please...... May 19th Surgery!

    Congrats on getting your DATE! It will be here before you know it!! Best of luck to you and God Bless your continuing journey
  23. grossefemme

    Pre-op Diet???

    I am on day 9 of my 10 day pre-op diet. The first 7 days were liquid Protein only, no extra meals. I drank lots of Water as well as whey shakes. They filled me up and I wasn't really aware of the hunger unless I let myself get too hungry. I also was allowed SF popsicles and Jello. I was able to lose 16 pounds on this phase. Now I'm on day 2 [of 3] of CLEAR liquids. Diluted juice, decaf coffee/tea, beef/chicken/veggie broth as well as SF popsicles and jello. NO protein. I find the CLEAR phase to be a little more difficult. Not that I'm hungry, but rather that I'm constantly drinking something. And the juice, while diluted, is so sweet it leaves a bad after taste. I'm glad that I've taken this time to really LISTEN to my body. I am surrounded by food and I have 'head' cravings. But I feel cleansed and detoxed. My skin is very clear! Still I gotta tell you -- I am the FIRST one to notice if some one in the neighborhood is barbeque-ing!! Good luck to you, use this time to prepare your body for new beginnings
  24. grossefemme

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Glad to hear the surgery was successful and you've made it home safely. Rest up and God Bless for continued healing!!
  25. grossefemme

    May 1st bandsters!!!

    Glad to hear all went well for you -- thanks for letting us know. God Bless you as you continue to heal!

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