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angie's hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angie's hope

  1. angie's hope

    Staying in Hospital

    Hi - Im in Michigan and have BCBS insurance and am currently awaiting approval. From what the Doc's tell me - everything should be fine with that. My question is- my Doc says that his LB patients are outpatient - but Id rather stay. Can I ask him if I can or will they not let you do that? Thanks!
  2. angie's hope

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    Blund - Small world - I grew up in Grayling, not far from TC - I have family in TC and we love spending time there. Especially around Cherry Fest time. My family still lives in Grayling on Lake Margrethe and we are there in the summer all the time. So hopefully this summer we'll all be looking much cuter in swimsuits than we have in a long time. Good luck on your journey! Everyone whos waiting for surgery dates in this 35-40 BMI range - keep us all posted, Id love to continue to hear everyones stories. My psych eval is tomorrow morning - ugh...one step closer though! Angie
  3. angie's hope

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    Hi everyone - I am so glad to have found this post. I too - have had the looks at seminars, the comments from those we talk to about it that think its unecessary. Im 5'6 220 pounds with a BMI of 35 - I have HBP, back problems, repoductive issues etc.... Luckily from what Im told I have BCBS and they seem to approve pretty easily. I went for my consult - have already had some major medical workups lately(so that speeds things up), so now I just have to do my psych eval (on Wednesday) and wait to hear from the Dr. I worry that even though my husband says hes supportive that hes gonna give me the I told you so speech and tell me that Im making everyone around me miserable afterwards (especially until Im acclimated to the whole thing). I think the men in our lives are simply worried that our jump in self esteem will somehow compromise our feelings for them or make them worry that they in turn wont be good enough anymore. Maybe thats and assumption, but I know my husband has "jokingly" said - "Youre gonna get all skinny and then leave me". I would never! So anyways - thanks for everyones insight this is truly a great support tool. P.S. BLUND - where in orthern Michigan are you - Im in MI and grew up in Northern Michigan. Cant wait for this da*n state to thaw out!!!
  4. Can anyone tell me what their preop psych evaluation involved? I just made my appointment for next Wednesday and they said to allow at least 3 hours... that seems like a long time to take for this. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. angie's hope

    psych evaluation 3 hours???

    Hi everyone - thanks for all the responses. I wasnt concerned about passing - I was just mostly concerned at why it took such a long time. So thank you for reassuring me that this is a normal procedure. I had these weird pictures in my head of the commercials for Moment of Truth! LOL Thanks again - and hopefully Ill be a fellow bander:thumbup: by the end of March!!
  6. The first thing I did was call my insurance comapnay and find out if they cover and what guidelines you have to meet in order to qualify for coverage. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and my requirements were a BMI of over 35 with one or more co-morbidities (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc...) If no medical issues then a BMI of 40 or above. Its a good place to start so you know what youre up against in that deaprtment. Next - research a good Dr. in your area and see what their preop prerequisites are. You can do it, it just takes some time and a little extra effort. Good luck with everything!:wub:
  7. HI everyone! Well I go to the Doc on Fri the 22nd of Feb for a seminar and then immediately to consultaiton afterwards. I am one of those women who fall into the - "You dont really need this surgery do you?" category. Im 5'6 220lbs with a BMI of 35.2. I still wear a 14/16, but no matter what I do - I cant seem to break this number for more than a month or 2 at a time. I want to know everything. Ive been doing alot of looking around , but still have questions. Like - *Where is your port located and is it visible through the skin? * How many incisions are there in your belly? (Ive already had a gall bladder surgery and a tummy tuck so I already have quite the scar display on the belly) *I have a hiatel (sp) hernia, has anyone had this provedure with one and does that complicate things? *Do they go by your weight at consultation for qualification... Im so close to the border Im afraid to loose even a few pounds for fear that it will put me under 35. My insurance doesnt question if you are a 35BMI or above and have one or more comorbidities (which I do). * How fast do you loose your weight? Does your band start filled? Im sure these are all things I will figure out - I just feel so full of questions and anxiety. Any answers to these questions or stories youd like to share would be very appreciated! Thanks - Angie
  8. angie's hope

    new, nervous, and in need of advice

    Dear Realize ~ My insurance doesnt require a preapproval as long as your within the criteria set by them which I am. So thankfully I wont be having to jump through hoops like a lot of people have to do in order to get their approval. Insurances should make this much easier on people. I still have a million questions, but hopefully they will get answered at the consult Friday. To those who have been banded already - Anyone ever had vomiting or pb's at night while sleeping. (My mom has a friend who has had this happen many times and has come close to choking to death! ) SCARY!!! Thanks again everyone!
  9. angie's hope

    drinking fluids normally?

    Hi - I am scheduled for my consultation at the end of this week, but I am curious to know now about drinking water, juice etc... I know they say not to drink before during or after a meal (what if something gets stuck and you need a sip?) But beyond that can you drink normally throughout your day - I always have water or gatorade or propel or something on hand throughout the day - Is this type of drinking restricted? Im big on staying hydrated, Id hate to have to give up those long satisfying gulps of water when youre soooo thirsty! Thanks! Angie
  10. angie's hope

    new, nervous, and in need of advice

    Thank you so much to everyone who replied. Im starting to feel a little more relaxed about the consult. My husband thinks that Im basically signing up to starve myself, I feel llike it is a tool to teach me the right way to eat.. Once youre off your liquids and softs phase can you pretty much eat normal foods, just obviously healthier ones? Thanks again! Angie

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