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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About HorseChik

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    Horses, Horses, and more Horses!!! :)
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  1. HorseChik

    I'm torn..

    You do what you feel is best for you....that's between you and your doctor! Everyone here has an opinion, but nobody here knows YOUR situation or what is best for YOU. You'll make the right decision based on your conversation with your doctor!
  2. HorseChik

    I'm torn..

    I can't decide which one I want. I'm really leaning more toward the bypass, though, mainly because of the accountability and the faster weight loss. The surgeons and bariatric center doctors I'm going to are the ones who have the final say which surgery will be best for me. That's ok with me, though, because they have a higher than normal success rate with their patients.....so I'll follow what they say, in their experience, will be the best option for me.
  3. HorseChik

    Easy Way Out.....ha!

    Wow. I'm just starting the process to get the surgery (just got my referral to the surgeons from my primary care doctor). And already I'm getting the "do you even know how risky that surgery is? Have you tried weight watchers? Have you exercised? Have you.....? Have you....? That hunger is all in your head!" Blah, blah, blah. I know my family and friends mean well, but sheesh! Nothing else has worked yet to keep this weight off! I'm already to the point that I'm not going to say anything about my decision to anyone else. I'm just going to do it, and when thin people ask how I lost the weight, I'll tell them "I don't know....it just magically came off" lol! Me lazy? I work myself to oblivion. 2 days ago, I worked 15 hours JUST at work (not including my home chores). Yesterday, I started work at 3pm, and worked until 6am this morning. Then I slept until 2pm....an hour ago. I've been working 2-3 jobs for years.....AND went to school full time for 1.5 years until last December. Go ahead....call me lazy again! MissMac.....you pinned it EXACTLY!!!! Well said my friend
  4. HorseChik

    Any one ride horses?

    So, I got my referral from my primary care doctor for the surgery!! Yay!! I'm curious.....I'm reading you guys' posts about not doing heavy lifting. I know it's taboo for the first several months after surgery. But for how long? I've been a fiercely independent single mom for 15 years......gonna be tough to let others do that stuff for me long term! lol!! By the way.....how do you guys get the countdown ticker that's below your posts? That's cool! I want one!
  5. HorseChik

    Any one ride horses?

    I'm just learning about the sleeve....pretty excited! I'm 250 and not riding my horse right now......except for bareback in the arena for 5-10 minutes every once in awhile He's only 14.2 hands and even though he can carry me, I'm not going to make him. I do take him for 3-5 mile walks with me and my BFF, tho! He loves it! One of the reasons (besides my health and apnea) I want to lose this 110# is because I'm planning on entering the Clinton Anderson Academy to become a clinician.....and I can't do that at 250# Someone else mentioned her balance on horseback is much better since her weight loss. I used to do a LOT of riding....mine and exercising others' horses. And I can definitely tell a huge difference in my balance and whole riding posture, etc. Looking forward to getting to know more of you here! I'm going to my first meeting with the doctors tonight.....woo hooo!!!!
  6. HorseChik

    Any one ride horses?

    I'm just learning about the sleeve....pretty excited! I'm 250 and not riding my horse right now......except for bareback in the arena for 5-10 minutes every once in awhile He's only 14.2 hands and even though he can carry me, I'm not going to make him. I do take him for 3-5 mile walks with me and my BFF, tho! He loves it! One of the reasons (besides my health and apnea) I want to lose this 110# is because I'm planning on entering the Clinton Anderson Academy to become a clinician.....and I can't do that at 250# Someone else mentioned her balance on horseback is much better since her weight loss. I used to do a LOT of riding....mine and exercising others' horses. And I can definitely tell a huge difference in my balance and whole riding posture, etc. Looking forward to getting to know more of you here! I'm going to my first meeting with the doctors tonight.....woo hooo!!!!

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