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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by krr343

  1. Everybody is different but for me any thick cuts of fish have made me sick every single time. I can do tilapia but anything thicker than that makes me sick. Also white meat chicken makes me vomit and I cannot eat cold lettuce. I have to let my salads reach room temperature or else it will upset my stomach. I have never had any issues with dumping.
  2. krr343

    Just curious..

    I was sleeved 12/5. My weight loss has definitely slowed down but when I make sure I'm getting my water and protein in and moving it picks up pretty quickly. I love my tool and it has allowed me to lose 65 pounds in less than three months so I'm grateful even in the middle of a stall
  3. I had Dr. Morales too! He's amazing.
  4. krr343

    Protein recommendations!

    What works for me is making my own protein shakes with Fairlife milk and protein powder. That way I can add the flavors I like and taste good together. The combination of high protein milk, protein powders and greek yogurt in one shakes gives me almost all the protein I need for an entire day. Also, there is no medical evidence to suggest that you can only digest 30g of protein at a time and even if you could we eat/drink so slow that my one shake takes me through breakfast and lunch.
  5. I love the strawberry. That and sugar free popsicles are a life saver for me.
  6. How are you doing @@Frenchie1977? We had our surgeries on the same day.
  7. krr343

    Stall [emoji15]

    I was also sleeved December 5th and I have been stalled the last few days. I read about the three week stall a lot on here and how long it lasts seems to vary from person to person. It seems perfectly normal though. My advice is to just stick to your plan and in the mean time keep track of your measurements because a lot of times even if you are not losing pounds you are still losing inches.
  8. krr343

    Favorite flavor drops?

    @@theantichick I just tried Crystal Light strawberry Lemonade for the first time yesterday and I was telling my friends how good it is.
  9. Hello 3 week stall.....ugh!

  10. krr343

    Syntrax Nectar

    I ordered the variety pack from here and I hate it. I add it to Water and it's thick and gritty. I definitely prefer Isopure. The grape and green apple are pretty good. Sent from my SM-T560NU using the BariatricPal App
  11. krr343

    Day 6 cheat

    I don't think you need to run to the psych ward yet! You gave into temptation which is what got most of us here in the first place. Pick up and start again. Ask yourself what caused you to make the bad choice. I found that if I waited too long to have a protein shake the cravings were worse. Always make sure you have good options accessible and get back on it! See you on the other side!
  12. As long as it's allowed on your plan soup has been great for me at this stage. I started with beef or chicken broth and once I was on purees I switched to creamy soups. I love the roasted red pepper and tomato soup from Trader Joes. I melt a little asiago cheese in it. When I wanted something a little thicker I tried grits and they were really good. I make protein shakes in the morning with almond milk and chocolate protein powder and greek yogurt. This morning I added a little PB2.
  13. For some reason I read this entire post with a cowboy dialect. That sounds like a great party and I agree with others you'll live. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. krr343

    Notify poll

    My surgeon's office emailed me to tell me I was approved then called me the next day to schedule a date. I think I received a letter from the insurance company in the mail a week later. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. krr343

    December Sleeve

    I was sleeved on December 5th. I honestly don't remember much about the first day but I did wake up in recovery in a lot of pain. I stayed in recovery for hours because my blood pressure kept rising and dropping. The first day was horrible because the pain medicine made me nauseous and I put too much pressure on myself to get liquids and protein in. I kept feeling like I was failing because I couldn't drink anything. After they switched my pain medicine and gave me some stronger nausea meds I was able to drink finally but I still had to take it very slow. I guess I didn't prepare myself enough preop for how slow I would have to sip. I came home two days after surgery and I have been trying to take it easy these last few days. I haven't taken any of the pain meds since I've been home but I did take Gas X on day 3 because I felt so bloated an uncomfortable. My biggest incision started to bother me four days post op so I just kept a heating pad on it and that really helped. Since then I have just been trying to get all my liquids and protein in but I'm not there yet and I'm learning to just try as hard as I can and not force it. I see my doctor tomorrow for my follow up and I should be switched to purees but I'm no where near ready for pureed foods. I will stay on liquids until I feel like my body can tolerate it. I haven't noticed much weight loss yet maybe because I'm still a little swollen from surgery. The number on the scale keeps changing but I believe I'm down a couple of pounds since my surgery date and I lost 16 pounds on my pre-op diet. Good Luck to everyone who is headed in this week I'm sure you all will do great!
  16. krr343

    Chinese Food

    I was addressing the various posts I've read practically condemning people who were choosing to follow their doctors orders and not random people in a forum. You may have seen and/or participated in them. If what I said did not apply to you feel free to read and move along resting assured that if I ever wanted to address you I would quote or @ you. @@LipstickLady
  17. krr343

    Chinese Food

    Wait, whuuuuut? Where did anyone "act like progressing" is "failing your sleeve"? I asked a sincere question, got a sincere reply and shared my different experience. See, some of us can actually have different opinions WITHOUT getting defensive. It's a cool thing, really. It's called adulting. Believe it or not some of us can also reply to a post and not be addressing you
  18. krr343

    Chinese Food

    Why do people act like progressing to the next food stage at your doctor's orders is failing your sleeve? If you're able to progress to the next stage and still make healthy choices that's one step closer to living a normal healthy life. Some of the healthiest foods are not allowed in the liquid and pureed phases and I'm sure there are plenty of mushy foods that got us to where we are today. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. krr343

    Post op full liquids

    Yes talk to your doctor about getting a medication for the nausea. I had to do the same thing and it worked miracles.
  20. 3 days post op and I'm relieved to be over the nausea and pain. Now if I could only get my liquids and protein in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShelterDog64


      It'll happen, but maybe not in your first post-op week. Keep sipping and congratulations!


    3. Large2Ncharge


      Maybe try adding protein poser to some sugar free jello before you refrigerate it? Can you stomach that?

    4. krr343


      I'm actually going to try that tonight. Hopefully that does the trick.

  21. krr343

    December 5th Surgeries!

    My surgery went great. I was very nauseated the first day but once they switched my pain meds up I felt much better. I was discharged this morning and just working on meeting my fluid and protein goals. Thanks for checking in!
  22. My surgery is Monday also and I'm on day 4 of my pre op diet. My diet is similar to yours only Protein shakes and Clear liquids. I am going to bed earlier but I haven't been dizzy at all. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. I had no idea some hospitals require payment up front for surgery. My insurance pays 80% and the rest is up to me. They did give me a 25% discount for paying early :-)

    1. Fredbear


      I did self-pay (long story), and I had to come up with about $750 to reserve a date, and then another $750 for my surgeon. Then the hospital required I pay the ~$13,000 up front. I'll be billed by the anesthesiologist later...

    2. laceemouse


      My insurance paid 80% as well. I had to pay my 20% in full at my pre-surgery registration. I think that's the norm.

  24. krr343

    African American vsgers!

    @@OutsideMatchInside you're so close to goal. Congratulations!
  25. I was told by my insurance company that if they mark it urgent when they fax it over that it will get processed quickly. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I don't have Affinity but most insurance companies approve pretty quickly as long as you meet the qualifications.

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