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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LiveLifeAgain

  1. Hello, Im from Mishawaka, In near South bend. I was banded April 23, 2008. I was doing well until this past weekend when I thought my band slipped. I had alot of pain with drinking and eating. Eating was impossible. If I got anything down, it came right back up. But I went to my surgeon yesterday and he said Nothing slipped. He just took out some of my fill and im 100% better. Woo, Hoo!!

  2. I too am having trouble controlling my depression. I went to my family doc who changed my Celexa to Cymbalta. I also have Reactive arthritis which causes pain daily, so the Cymbalta helps with that too. I have been working (full time) with pain and dealing with the relatively new Lap Band. So I don't know if it's the combo of it all or the Lap Band. Although, the books do mention depression after bariatric surgery.


  3. SuzyB

    Banded April 23, 2008

    Lost 25 lbs before surgery from liquid diet

    Nothing lost yet, just getting started

    Just got my 2nd fill today, which was a big one, now I think Ill have restriction.

    I have been rather depressed. I thought I would have lost quite a bit by now, but haven't. I also have Reactive Arthritis and have been having alot of foot pain. But my family doc changed a med for me which seems to be helping both with depression and pain. So....Im doing better and am optimistic. :biggrin2:

  4. I was where you are last week. I was banded April 23, 2008. I haven't lost anything. Ive had one fill so far. The first 2-3 days after the fill was great. I felt the restriction and was eating about 1/2 of what I was able to eat. The scale started to move!! Then about 4 days after the fill, nothing. Back to normal. So I went back to see my doc again and I got a 1/2 hour lecture. He said Im snacking between meals too much and that I need to eat more at each meal. Until Im full, then I won't be as hungry in between meals. He wants me to eat 3 meals a day and no Snacks. So I tried it and it's working. Im able to go without snacks between meals. If I get really hungry I drink a Protein Drink or Water. I think the scale is finally moving down:biggrin:. I am getting a 2nd fill Wed. July 116. Im using www.thedailyplate.com to track my food intake. I just print it out to take in to him. It's finally beginning to work..

  5. I was pleasantly suprised with my first fill. My doc numbed the area first, which as virtually painless, then he pushed around on my side to find my port injection site and injected into it. You could feel a "pop" sensation when the needle penetrated the port. But it was painless and quick. I got 1cc on that fill. I felt restriction for a few days, then nothing. I think the restriction I felt was from swelling. But the weight started to come off for those days. I go again July 9, hopefully he'll do another fill. Im getting discouraged waiting so long for results.:thumbup:

  6. Well everyone, I got my first fill Wednesday, June 25. This am Friday June 27 Im down 2 lbs!!!!! Im so excited. IT HAS STARTED!!!:thumbs_up: I started having restriction yesterday. It's a dream come true!! And by the way, the fill was painless and quick.

    My dietician told me about a great website with lots of before and after pics and recipes. It is www.bariatriceating.com. Check out the message board area that is where the photos and recipes are.

  7. I was banded April 23, 2008. I haven't lost or gained anything since. I lost 24 lbs the weeks prior to surgery during prep time but nothing since. My doc said I may not lose during the healing period, and I might even gain after starting to eat again. I haven't been exercising very much. I have reactive arthritis and am having alot of foot and ankle pain. But I also don't eat very much at all. Ive thought that maybe Im not eating enough? What do you think? Is it common not to lose before your first fill. My first fill is tomorrow.

  8. Sliming is when you eat something, maybe too fast or not chewed well enough and it sort of gets stuck. You have discomfort and pressure in your pouch area and you might cough or hiccup producing a thick, sputum. This is sliming. Sometimes it's a large amount of slime, too. It's quite strange.

  9. I was banded April 23, 2008 and have not had a fill yet. Im scheduled for June 25th. I have not gained or lost since surgery. I lost 22lbs during my liquid pre-op phase. Ive done so-so on exercise. Id love to be addicted to exercise like some people are, but I haven't enjoyed it that much yet. I have had difficulty with bread though. I just cannot tolerate it. But lower carb is better for me anyway.

  10. I was banded April 23, 2008. I lost 23 lbs from the beginning of the program to 1 week after surgery, then, nothing....My doctor told me that I might even gain during the healing time. But, I guess I have to have faith...Nothing has come off for about 3 1/2 weeks. THis is normal, right. It will change, right!! I need reassurement...:(

  11. I too was banded April 23, South Bend, Indiana. Im down about 24 lbs (pre-op included). Ive dropped one size so far. Im still on mushy foods, but Im doing well. I get full pretty quickly. I have plateaued for about the past week, but this morning Im down another pound. Has anyone else plateaued after steady losses?

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