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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mikeh64

  1. I had my surgery the same day as tink128. The only thing that was different for me was that I had a very vivid dream before I woke up in the recovery room. I am getting over the surgery very well, much better than I thought. My surgeon installed my band with nothing in it, as per Allergan's recommendations, so I have no restriction at all yet, just a little swelling that the radiologist saw at my swallow test. I was tickled pink that the surgical resident who checked up on me afterwards said I could sleep on either side. I was thinking I'd have to sleep on my back for weeks so I'm a happy camper. Mike
  2. mikeh64

    Papaya and Enzymes Tablets?

    My wife uses them when she feels that something is slightly stuck. She chews on up to three of them, they have a pleasant taste, and it helps to move things along. So far when she's taken them she hasn't had to PB anything.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
