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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Rnjmiller3 reacted to Sleeve it to Beaver in Here I come world!   
    HW 281
    CW 254
    SW ___
    H 5' 8.5"
    Tomorrow is the day! Super pumped and no nerves yet.
    I started my process on 10/22/15 by attending and informational session. Almost didn't continue with the process because my BMI is on the 40 border and thought I'd be "punished" for losing weight prior to surgery and would no longer qualify. Lesson learned; always ask questions!!!
    I started on a 1,600 calories a day diet for the next six months per my insurance requirements. I have lost 27 lbs. so far! I am hoping to be down to 250 for surgery.
    I have been on a mostly liquid diet this past week. My doctor said because I've lost more than double the ask that my daily pre-op diet could include two Protein Shakes and a Lean Cuisine or similar meal.
    Last night was a shot of MoM - gross! Today it's all liquid. SF Jello and Water for Breakfast. Lol. Will have Bone Broth for lunch and dinner. Water, water, water!
    That's all for now. Just signed up today. Looking forward to learning a lot here and about the new me!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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