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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hannah83

  1. Hey folks, *waves* Well when I went in for the pre testings in June they found very tiny stones I mean tiny. I am going to have my gallbaldder removed so that I don't have to worry about this later on down the line. There is a two fold reason I have chosen to do this. The first is, I really want to cement into place good habits and not rush into things. Yes, I've been preparing for over a year now but more time will be good. The second and most important is this, I want to ease my father I love him dearly and now that he is retired from school and home for the summer months as well as the rest before he gets started into his real estate business there will be time for him to physically see with his own eyes the work that I've been putting into this venture. Honestly sense my dog passed away I've been binge eating at 3 am in the morning and he's been gently calling me on it. I like that our father daughter bond has strengthened sense I've been home from Mercy Ministries 3 years ago. My dad is correct in that if I don't get the 'head habits of bingeing under control they are highly likely to rear their head two or three years down the line. It's been hard this past week, I've been gentle with myself as others here have suggested in the thread about my 14 year old dog passing this past July 11th. In my heart of hearts I know that this needs addressing. And in the future, there will be other losses disappointments folks passing away etc. So now is a real life example on working through this now before hand. A fire escape plan if you will. I've agreed to try these herbal supplements called slim success (my dad is into all natural so for him I'm giving it a shot) I can return the bottle and get a full refund no questions asked the company will send return postage etc. While my dad is here, I want to demonstrate that I've been preparing for this and have truly left no stone unturned and that yes, the last thing you would do is surgery. I've also been faithfully logging my food, even the three am binges into lose it online so that I can show my dad logging over a period of time daily via digital data he can see. I don't have a smart phone so I just write down my food then log it. I'm pashent and I want my father to be on board, if he still isn't that's OK. I love him regardless. But for his sake I just want to hold out an olive branch to meet him half way.
  2. I'm so excited for you! And to all those that are going into surgery soon and or have had it!
  3. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    Thank you all for your lovely support! I mean that, if I could physically hug each and all of you I would.
  4. Well my surgery is on the 25th of July. I've decided to have my gallbladder removed and have some extra time getting good habits in place. Same date just different surgery. I'll be having the gastric sleeve about 8 weeks after I'm healed up from the gallbladder surgery. I love the fact that the surgeon I have is so careful that she will absolutely not take out the gallbladder and do the gastric sleeve at the same time. She rocks my socks off! Stay well all, and chin up those that are almost at their's respective dates!
  5. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    Dear Minnie, I keep glancing over the spots your dog beds used to be. I keep expecting to hear your tap dancing toe nails across the kitchen floor to beg for whatever I am eating. I look over my bed in habit to check and see if if you're upstairs or downstairs so you can be let out on the deck. (She used the bathroom on on our deck) I keep expecting out of habit to save bags in order to pick up your poo's. When I am walking Wally (The bloodhound I'm dog sitting for a family friend) I think on our walks. They became shorter as you aged, but you didn't mind. This past winter are cherished memories of the last walks with you. I regret not walking you more. But now you are running with God's creatures above and eagerly wait for your family to someday join you. I thank God you were able to see me 'well' in your last three years of life. I am glad God gave me you. You walked with me through a lot of darkness with the assurance of your cold nose. You always made me laugh. Be it dragging your rear across the carpet or hiding under a table with your furry butt sticking out when things became emotionally tense. You were the emotional barometer that made all of us laugh and forget why we were upset in the first place. You touched a lot of lives, but you know that now. You can now see our family that is in heaven. You've gotten to see Mr. Belle, Best a Mor, Ken, Hazel, Howard, Nelson and all the others that are the cloud of witnesses. You ran the race well Minnie, you finished strong. Well done good and faithful dog, enjoy Glory until we meet again. -Hannah C.
  6. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    I'm a right blubbery mess as I type this out. We had hoped she'd bounce back, but her breathing got harder and harder. I went with my parents to put her to sleep. Went over to the home of the bloodhound I'm watching and got in his face crying. Dogs know when something is wrong, big dog that he is he laird down beside me. I imagine I'll be a mess for a while as far as greif coming and going. It's in spurts. I'm not a pretty crier, blubber, red face snot bubbles etc. Again thank you all for the support. Tomorrow my dad is coming with me to my last pre op appointment. He is wanting me to try natural things etc. and if I'm honest after the stomach returns to the normal size the habits could come back. but I'm a determined woman and it has been about 10 days of not binge eating at night. In memory of Minnie I want to get well physically. I could care less about the dress sizes, numbers etc. I just want to be healthier for a life lived to the full. For those that pray, please keep me in your prayers for tomorrow so that my dad will feel more at ease.
  7. Well tomorrow morning is my last appointment before surgery on the 25th of July! My father is coming with me to learn more about the procedure that I'm having done etc. The surgeon that I have is A plus because each appointment she's said 'I don't want to be the one to say you have to have surgery' And she's been very helpful in the last six months in the pre surgery stage. My dad has his reservations but prayerfully tomorrow he'll feel better about it.
  8. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    Her passing I believe will be the catalyst for wanting to get a better 'earth suit' as I've mentioned in other posts. More then that my strength comes from God, and this is driving me closer to Him. So, all things do truly work together for good to those that love father God.
  9. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    Wow, *tears in eyes* thank you guys for the tender outpouring. Words cannot convey my thanks for the support. She's doing a tad better, but she's going to pass by the end of this month I think. she looks up like 'I'm scared I'm breathing fast' I just pet her and slept with her last night. It's funny because she's been living for the three years after I've been home from Mercy to get to enjoy the 'well me' and I know it's a gift from God. I told her last night "Wait for me in heaven and look over the banister, I'll be their someday." Again thank you all for your condolences and support.
  10. Hannah83

    I'll try to be brief....I just need to vent

    I'm sorry to hear that re:your sister. The thing is no matter the way one chooses to become well in any area the person themselves must want to get better we cannot want it for them. I used to cut my body to shreds but thanks to God's help and Mercy -----> http://mercymultiplied.com/2016/03/hannah-2013-graduate/ I changed because I chose to. It's the same with weight loss or a deadly habit or even something that is 'good' but takes up too much time. You get my point dear one. The sleeve for me is a bit like when I went to Mercy, a kick in the right direction. It's more then that actually, it's a jumper cable start in the right direction. I've done soul searching, prayed about it, am bringing my father to my last appointment with the surgeon (she's great) so that he himself can see what is entailed and to ease his concern because he is my dad. I've prepared for this life change for about a year and one month, so it's not something that I haven't been prepping for and not known what I'm doing. Surgery is major, but I am tired of having back aches when I workout and lift weights. I love working out, and cannot wait to get back into slowly lifting at some point afterwards! I won't be yawning on my way out of the gym anymore, I won't miss that! All of this to say, chin up. Your example could affect your sister as you constantly stay the course and when you mess up get back up. I am here support wise as are many others here. I recommend looking into a bariatric support group if the surgeon and team have one where you are at. Local help from folks in the same boat help tons. I've been going about two months now the 1st Tuesday of each month. The topics have been funny actually but I've gotten emails of others and have accountability with them. Take care.
  11. Hannah83

    Minnie (My Dog)

    Oh I do believe in heaven and yes pet's that we have be they cat's dog's birds etc. that brought joy will be with us when we pass on as well. A soul has energy and energy is never ending, so too the life after this one.
  12. Hannah83

    "The Natural Way"

    what annie said
  13. I appreciate your honesty and I'm sure your Dr's do as well. I myself have been preparing for this for a year and one month. I am on the borderline for 'coverage' and had to stay at 260 for six months. I've gained lean mussel mass and lost inches and fat. My back recently has been bothering me and that reason alone as well as loving the gym and lifting weights etc. I am going to have the surgery. Medications in my 20's and binge eating piled on the pounds. Recently I've been doing my dardenst to not binge eat at night. It's a matter of the mind and a surgery won't fix that. Your post echo's the things I struggle with. I have the willpower and the guts to get fit but a sleeve is like a 'reboot' because within two years the stomach becomes a fist size the size it was meant to be. My dad is coming with me to my last appointment before surgery on the 12th of this month so that his fears can be calmed. He is just being a protective dad and has reservations about surgery. My surgeon is very conservative and has each appointment said 'if you don't want surgery I do not want to be the one to say you 'have to have' surgery' Only we know what is best for us. As for myself I want the healthiest earth suit I can have so that I can live life to the full. Keep us posted.
  14. *soft hug* You'll make it though dear. We are here for you. At least I am.
  15. Hannah83

    Sleeping position?

    this is one reason I didn't choose the lap band believe it or not
  16. Not yet. I will look at some of the shakes that are at my doc's office. Great news, I'm no longer binging at night! Woop
  17. Well, it's finally finished all the tests that is! All my results came back as normal from the breast exam to the swallow GI tests! Woo hoo! *does a happy dance* it's nice to know that the exercise has done some good! It was really neat to see my midsection radiology pictures and see my abs! That was kick ass. My dad will be coming with me to my final check up on the 12th of July. I invited him to put his mind at ease and to get to know the staff, I let him know that the surgeon is very conservative. She's more then once said 'I don't want to be the one to tell you, you have to have surgery.' And I appreciate that going into surgery with her on the 25th of July it puts my mind at ease.
  18. I'm excited for you as well! and for all who have their surgeries this month! It's our independence month!
  19. Hannah83

    Who the hell do you think you are?

    Actually this does make sense. I'm happy for you. And honestly same here, the surgery will be a tool used to gain health and be in a better earth suit. At the end of the day that is what matters.
  20. Though I will say I don't have a smart phone as many people do. I like to keep the internet on the internet at home. I will at some point need to get a phone, just basic where are the flip phones when you need them. Smart phones are over rated.
  21. I am from the Newport News Virginia area, and am excited about the 25th of July! It's a new independence day
  22. I'm july 25th too! Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App That's great! Hope to see more of you around kshev!
  23. thank you for sharing as this will be helpful to those that will be going into surgery. I was thankfully approved this past week! WOO HOO I'm very excited. Rest up and as you are able update.
  24. Same here, but that is normal. I'm excited more then anything for the life change that I've been getting ready for about a year now. hope to see more of you on here GApeach
  25. My date is the 25th of July! Cannot wait.

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