I am so happy someone asked this question. This was something I struggled with when I decided to do the lapband. I took my mom to the initial seminar and swore her to secrecy. She didn't agree with going this route, she has struggled with weight almost her entire life, but she was trying to lose weight without "aids". However, she was supportive of me. She wanted to make sure this was the right decision for me and that I wasn't being impulsive in the decision.
Well, as we all come to realize, there is nothing impulsive about this decision. The "process" was about 9 months long for me, the meetings, the appointments, the nutrition and trainer appointments, the psych eval...it took a long time to get here and it wasn't a quick decision. She realized that over time. She was the only one who knew for months. Initially, I didn't even tell my husband about this, I didn't want him to influence me either way. Eventually I told my dad and that was it until I got my final consult date. Then I told my husband. He was very supportive and continues to be during my post-op period - which hasn't been easy. I knew I was going to need support from my family as the recover was going to be challenging for me. It was at that time that I needed his support. :biggrin:
For me, the fewer people who knew the better until I felt like I was making progess in the process. Now, my boss knows. And a couple women at work who had the lapband done a few years ago know and have been very helpful.
I had the band done on 2/13/08 - a week out and just started on soft solids. I don't feel like it is anyone's business, but mine, and those I choose to tell. This is a diet, just like any other diet, and all I need to tell people, when and if they ask is that I watch what I eat, exercise and try to take better care of myself. This is a personal choice for everyone, I chose to keep this decision close to me for a while. This was about me and my health and I had to make sure it was the right decision for me before everyone else put their two-cents worth in.:biggrin2:
Good luck:teeth_smile: