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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunshinenh

  1. sunshinenh

    Average weight loss

    I thought the weight would fall off with the liquid phase - lost about 6 or 7 lbs. (I hoped it would be much more). I find now that the weight comes off more in bursts. About 1/2 - 2 lbs a week - then sometimes POW off comes 4 or 5 without doing anything different. I am just happy for slow steady loss, even though is stalls from time to time, I have had no gains in over 6 months! Never in my life could I say that before.
  2. I think it really needs to be based on what it is you do for work. I am a nurse and have to do a lot of heavy lifting. I went back after 2 weeks, hurt myself (because it was too soon for me) and ended up being out another week.
  3. DH and I went to Iceland last March. Wonderful place. I am not only banded but I had the flu. First night we went out (feeling a little better), I had a few bites of pasta when I felt things just were not going to work out. I looked around and had no idea what sign would lead me to a bathroom, ended up unloading on the side of our table and the floor. DH was amazing as were the staff at the restraunt. I was appauled. I now always carry a plastic bag in my purse.
  4. sunshinenh

    Exercise Today

    35 min on eliptical, 5 min on treadmill (tried to run - ha ha), then 1 hour of weight lifting. Sore but happy. Then tennis with DH.
  5. I HATE my weight and what I eat to be anyone else's business. I have had to battle with this my entire life and it is mine to handle. However, since banding I have come to the realization that where I have failed more times than I can count, this time my head is in the game. This time I am working to make changes for life. I have been committed to this since September. When have I ever lasted 10 months!!!! When people notice I say "thank you so much for noticing." If they ask what secret I have discovered I tell them there is no secret, "eat less, exercise more."
  6. sunshinenh

    Thinking of Lap Band Surgery

    Welcome Tonya. Ask a lot of questions here and get as much info as you can - it is a BIG decision. You will find a lot of people here willing to help and support you in your journey. Good luck to you.
  7. sunshinenh

    I "wolf" and I'm trying to stop!

    I use small utensils, even in public. I purchaed some very cool appetizer forks and spoons and carry them everywhere. I have had a few bad experiences where I have been distracted and not paying enough attention to eating. It all comes with awareness and time. Good luck on your journey.
  8. sunshinenh

    Throwing up queries, am bit worried

    For some unexplainable reason, it seems to take about a week for a fill to kick in for me - perhaps this is the way it is for you too. Whenever I lose it (throw up) what works best for me is to go back to liquid only for a day or two and let my band heal, then gradually advance. Good luck.
  9. sunshinenh

    How do YOU feel when YOU are full?

    For me this is the strugle. I use a small plate and small utensils. I time myself between WELL chewed bites. I try to catch that first bit of satiety and stop (even if there is more on my small plate - and the food tastes really really good). This more band friendly form of eating is very new, as I have been fighting the band til now. I just know that eating to my old form of full is not good for me. Now I eat to not being hungry and try to avoid that full feeling.
  10. I am a RN and always instruct my patients that unless there is drainage to leave things open to the air as possible.
  11. sunshinenh

    What do you call yours?

    My band was named "The Mighty One" by DH.
  12. sunshinenh

    Shower question

    I am a RN and always tell my patients to shower, just do not scrub the area where the strips are. After shower, air dry and keep open to air as possible. Also, let them come off by themself. They will fall off over time. Heal soon!
  13. sunshinenh


    I was banded in Dec. and have had 3 fills (2cc's ina 4cc band). Have lost nearly 50 lbs since journey began (25 since surgery).Not much restriction for 1st week after last fill, then it kicked in with a vengence. My concern is that I realized after about 5 days of PBing a lot that my eating hadn't changed at all. I kept eating moderate size portions, and not very slow - then just barfed it up after overfilling. My band finally roared and I have not been able to keep down any solids (or even mushies) since Sat. (can do liquids/protein drinks). I seem to keep getting in the way of my own success. If this sounds in any way familiar to anyone, I would so appreciated some insight into how to get past this. Help please. Sunshine
  14. sunshinenh


    Moon - I have spent the past few days thinking about what you said. I honestly think that I have had a serious case of rebellion. When you suggested this possibility it really struck a nerve. I seem to have been fighting the changes my band brings - even after all I have gone through to get my band. Have been on liquids for a week, timidly moving to mushies. I hope I can stop pushing the limits and make some real changes. Thank you for the eye opener. Sunshine
  15. sunshinenh

    how long is the process?

    Hi there. I had my surgery at Portsmouth with Dr. Gens. It took 3 months from the first seminar to surgery. Good luck to you in your journey.
  16. sunshinenh


    Hey Sarah, I went to first and second grade in Gardena. Is Dinker Elementary School still there?
  17. sunshinenh


    Thank you so much guys. It helps knowing you are out there and understand. I haven't previoulsy been bulemic, found this change disturbing. I have been sticking to liquids, will try for a few more days. I really do not want to get an unfill, my doctor is willing to wait and see since I can keep liquids down. Haven't heard about the aloe vera, where do you get it? Thank you again everyone. Sunshine
  18. sunshinenh

    Band Date Nears

    You will all do great. It is normal to get nervous, excited, everything. Take good care of yourself. This is a great wonderful change, and it is really worth it. We are all here for you.
  19. sunshinenh

    Port Incision Pain - how long?

    It took me about a month for my port and surrounding area to feel normal again. I felt like I had half a brick in there, felt it when I bent - lay on my stomach - rough house, always sore and present. After the first month the feelings started fading and now (4 months post-op), I am seldon aware it is there.
  20. sunshinenh

    PS Pictures

    You are amazing. You are inspirational. Thank you so much for your bravery and sharing!!!!!
  21. sunshinenh


    43 years young at banding.
  22. sunshinenh

    Lapband surgery April 17th

    It is really normal to be nervous. Be good to yourself today. You are in for a lot of changes, but it is good stuff. Keep reading and posting here - I think it helps. Good luck to you.
  23. Congratulations on your choice. I lost weight before surgery, mostly by practicing to be a bandster (eating slowly, chewing and chewing, separating eating from drinking). It is weight I kept off with the surgery and I continue to lose, slowly but surely.
  24. sunshinenh

    Wierd hiccup..what is it?

    I had the same thing, I think. I had this kind of spasm - just one or two at a time that really did not have anything at all to do with eating. My doctor told me that it was from my abdominal nerves being irritated from surgery. Went away after about a week or so. Good luck to you.
  25. sunshinenh

    Would you do it all over again?

    Yes. I would do it. I now know that this is really a lot harder than I had expected. My head still has a long way to go. However, my band is such a wonderful tool. It constantly reminds me that I have made a committment and am working toward my goal. Mostly good days, a few not so good. For me this was/is the best decision I have ever made.

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