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Everything posted by Michilingi

  1. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    wow your doing amazing, i dont walk. i dance. and i wont be able to do that after surgery untill im allowed, so i have to start to walk. idk if i can lol i get so bored. maybe ill start that pokemon go game just to walk LOL
  2. Michilingi

    JULY surgery dates!

    Awesome!! Congrats and good luck!!!!
  3. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    That is amazing maria. I definatley will keep you in the loop so you know what to expect, and you can ask me anything. Im starting my preop diet tomorrow, not looking forward to it.
  4. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    You had me cracking up, I avoid tv for that reason, ever since i started to diet almost 2 months now. Those commercials are sooo tempting lol. Thats great that you only had to do 1 week of liquids. How have you been feeling energy wise? Also have you been walking yet?
  5. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    Thank you! I definatley will keep you updated. I was wondering have you purchased "special" plates/bowls/utensils? I was advised to do so by some people but i really dont want to use baby rubber spoons LOL
  6. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    hi! so im sorry you are stuck with 2 weeks of liquids ... yuck. i lost a lot of weight in one month so my dr said i am allowed to just do 7 days of liquids. i start tomorrow. Not looking forwards to it. Have you stared yet? I have very similar feelings, more so because my procedure is a higher risk due to previous surgery and some other complications. That's what has me very nervous, also i wont know if i get bypass or sleeve until after the surgery, since he will try his best to do bypass but i may have a ton of scar tissue that make it impossible to do the bypass.
  7. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    that is amazing, im hoping for a speedy and painless recovery, but my surgery is a little more entailed due to previous surgery on my abdomen, and a mesh they may need to cut thru to get to my intestines, so i may be in a bit more pain. But it sounds like usually the pain is bearable and minimal
  8. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    lol, well that is reassuring, how was the pain immediately post op?
  9. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    Well that is tough, 2 oz every 15 minutes seems like a lot, i have trouble now with liquids. but i just gobble down the rest of my water to catch up and i know i wont be able to do that once i have surgery. Have you been nauseous?
  10. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    Well i mean, your only a clear liquid diet right now, so i was wondering if the liquids your drink just funnel thru your new pouch or they stay in the pouch for a bit.
  11. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    so its not like a funnel? since there is no pyloric valve i figured it would be like a funnel and the liquid would past thru quickly. But you feel it in your stomach?
  12. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    wow 20lbs in 5 days thats insane, how are you doing with the liquids part?
  13. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    Well i understand the nervousness. I would love to hear from you when you are feeling better and out of surgery!!! I hope you surgery goes quick and speedy recovery
  14. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    Wow, that doesn't sound too bad. I hope it isn't, I'm kind of worried. How did your surgery go? I'm so nervous to be honest
  15. Michilingi

    Connecticut Looking for a buddy :)

    When do you have to start your pre-op diet?
  16. Michilingi

    Connecticut Looking for a buddy :)

    I know!!!! I'm excited but im actually kind of nervous. Ive been reading up and people have been scaring me about how they feel, their side effects and what have you. How are you feeling about it all?
  17. Michilingi

    Connecticut Looking for a buddy :)

    Your going to mexico, are they a well known group? Im so excited we have similar dates. I see dr Tishler, WHen are you going to mexico for the surgery, the 22nd?
  18. Michilingi

    Surgery Date 7-20-2016~ needs a friend

    I would love to have you as a companion in this journey. How are you doing post op?
  19. Michilingi

    JULY surgery dates!

    Good luck everyone with dates this month! I was told i will stay from 1-3 days depending on multiple factors. So just know they will keep you for your safety and try not to stress!!
  20. Michilingi


    i feel your anxiety. Im having anxiety myself. Im about 10 days out from surgery. Im starting the pre-op diet soon and im very nervous for the outcome of it all. Good luck
  21. Michilingi


    Yes I do have a similar pre op. I can have 2 serving of a protein [3oz chicken, low fat yogurt, wtc) 2 servings of vegtables (1 cup cook3d or 2 cups raw) Plenty of fluids/broth/etc Also 3-4 protein shakes that are 5grams of carbs or fewer. I wonder why they limit your brother intake. I hate protein shakes so my nut and I decided I can mix the unflavored protein with broth. I can have the sugar free pops or drinks but I hate the aftertaste. So I'm just going to do my hint water.
  22. Michilingi

    Headache on liquid diet

    Every program is different, My program is 3-4 Protein shakes a day 48-68oz of Water a day or more 2 solid lean Proteins (3oz chicken, 1 low fat yogurt, etc) 2 servings of vegs either (1 cup cooked or 2 cups raw is a serving) Also and broth based Soups. SO i guess i have it easier than some.
  23. Michilingi

    Full on preop diet?

    This information is very helpful! Im starting the pre-op diet on wednesday. Im nervous, i keep hearing horror storys LOL
  24. Michilingi


    So the point is you are going to lose weight with this diet and you will shrink your liver. You really need to stay strong and stick to it, the surgeon can cancel the surgery if he feels you didnt stick to the guidelines. Its for your safety anyways, to make sure your liver doesnt get damaged by being in the way! I wish you luck. Wait how long is your preop diet for??
  25. Michilingi


    My surgery date is the 20th too!!!!

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