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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by clarebear08

  1. Hi everyone, New to these boards- but what a fantastic resource! I have a BMI of 32 but am looking to be banded, I can't understand why a doctor would prefer i got fatter and sicker. Prevention rather than the cure for me. Has anyone else started with a low BMI? I am currently trying to convince the doctor who banded my dad to do me too- and he will provided I show him some research that supports my plight as a low BMI-er! Any help greatfully recieved!
  2. I was told, 7-10 days post op for swimming and 4 weeks for the gym, I think aquafit is a combo of the two so by my docs rules you're safe- best to check with your own though! But, failing that- if it doesn't hurt you it should be okay. Have fun!!
  3. I've been told I can swim from between 7 and days post surgery and back in the gym 4 weeks post op! Good Luck on your journey!
  4. clarebear08

    Beginning as a low BMI bandster

    Hello all! I'm back 3 years later. To answer a few questions- it was probably all for vanity when I got it and why not? At 150lbs my confidence soared and I had a fantastic time at uni/college buoyed by my self confidence. Yes I was self pay. Yes it was totally worth it. Even having suffered a severe slip and subsequent illness I'm going back and getting another band in 3 weeks!
  5. [cont] i didn't even notice your age, we are very similar! I don't know many other british young people (read: any!) with the band. I'm trying to glean some info about you from your page but it's pretty scarce haha- nice anonymity there- very aloof!

  6. I didn't know about increased risk of slippage- I'll ask tomorrow. I hate the idea of having to have two more surgeries (It will have to come out some time hey :(...) If they won't do it, I would try the balloon- but what would stop me regaining the weight after that came out as well. I just miss being slim and feeling attractive- from what you've said I can tell you understand that- thanks!

  7. Excellent- thanks for the quick reply. I have had a band before so not too worried about the actual lifestyle- I found I didn't really have to follow a diet though, I just ate less of the things I like. Obviously keeping ice-cream, sweets, crisps etc. for treats!

  8. [cont] I get inclusive fills for two years and that is what I'm mainly concerned with, I want to be able to ring their hotline if something feels wrong. I'm not interested in support groups, nutrition phonecalls etc. I know how to do this- so as long as I can get fills when I need them I'll be happy. Sorry 2 ramble! Have you been successful? The surgery was good- no problems? Thanks for reply :)

  9. [cont] to terms with the fact I can't control my own weight- I have regained a huge amount. It was a difficult decision but I hate myself so much like this and knowing how good life was when I was slim, i've decided to give it another go. I had a fill in Liverpool with the hospital group and they were great then and I live in Norwich now and there is a clinic here, it would be very convenient.

  10. [cont] found it nearly impossible to get aftercare here and so when it got to crisis point I didn't have anyone to turn to. I ended up in hospital, skeletal- and had my band removed in an emergency procedure at a spire hospital after a week in the Liverpool Royal (where they were convinced I had a tropical illness- not in fact as I kept suggesting, a slipped band). Anyway- I'm sad, but have come

  11. Thanks for such a quick reply! Yeh- I was a very happy, slim bandster, maintaining at 160lbs- when I started to get acid reflux. It got worse so slowly that I just learnt to deal with it- it got to the point where I needed antacids consistently throughout the day and night. Then I started vomiting up everything I ate, and after 18months I just stopped eating. Having had my band done overseas I

  12. Hello- I've seen from the forums that you were banded by the hospital group? I am hoping to be banded with them because of the convenience of their clinic to my home and because I have had a band before and had some aftercare with them that I thought was good. I have only seen negative experiences on this forum- what was your opinion? Are you happy? Anything you could tell me would be appreciated

  13. Hello- I've just read you had your surgery with the hospital group? I haven't found any positive reviews of them on here- would you say you were pleased with the service you recieved? I only ask, because I have had a band before and did have some aftercare with them and was quite impressed. That's why I'd like to go with them, but I'm being rapidly put off!

  14. clarebear08

    Want to be re-banded

    I was banded in April 2008 by Fawzi Jadallah at Al Ali Hospital, Doha, Qatar. I was at boarding school in the UK and had the surgery whilst visiting my parents for the holidays. I had adjustments when I was there on future trips. My family subsequently left Qatar and I found it nearly impossible to get aftercare in Britain. It is worth noting that my dad had the same surgery and has had no problems whatsoever- he is still a healthy, slim, bandster. As a result of a lack of aftercare, I suffered 18 months of acid reflux, towards the end of which I could not eat at all. My weight dropped to 133lbs (from initial 210lbs at which time I was so skeletal, my bones poked into the porcelain of the bath so much so it was too painful to bath. Before this, my weight had been 160lbs consistently, I was thrilled with the results and the band was my best friend. My band had slipped and my stomach herniated through it. I had the band removed in an emergency operation after a week in hospital in the UK in September 2010- at the time, I was so sick, all I wanted was it out. However- I couldn't maintain my weight on my own and I have regained the weight. I am miserable and have decided that I want that fantastic life I had when I was slim back- and so, more informed than most when they make this decision, I have decided to try again. This time, in the UK, with an aftercare package. I think I want to go with WLS group who seem to have a great rep for their aftercare. I'd love to hear from others who might have been through something similar or answer any questions from others about my story. Some might say I am the ultimate testament to how good the band can be- even though I have been through such a traumatic time as a result of complications that CAN arise- the results are so good I'm wiling to give it another go.
  15. clarebear08

    They want to remove my band

    Hi there- I went through 18 months in your situation until I stopped eating altogether when my stomach herniated through the band. I didn't want to lose my band- but at 9st7 and 172cm I couldn't bath without my bones painfully poking into the porcelain- I spent 2 weeks in hospital and had to have my band removed. Afterwards I was told that in two occasions they were concerned I might die. However- I regained all my weight and am having it refitted in the next few weeks. It didn't put me off. Ask if they can unbuckle it to be rebuckled once your stomach has healed (cheaper). Hope this helps
  16. Hiya, sorry it's been so long! Since I've hit goal I tend to visit only when I have a problem! I was banded in Qatar because that is where my mum and dad were living at the time (oil industry) - my dad was banded there also, before me. They don't use the same pain meds there as they do in the states or the uk- so I was in a lot of pain and it's put me off surgery forever! Don't regret the band one bit though- how is your journey going?

  17. Hiya, sorry it's taken me so long to reply!

    I was 210lbs and now I'm 161lbs.

  18. clarebear08

    CaLLinG All Teens around my age lol(18)

    I can't guarantee it, everyones different and all that- but my experience has been good! To be honest, once you start losing weight you won't care either way. It's going to be an amazing journey and if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask me!
  19. clarebear08

    CaLLinG All Teens around my age lol(18)

    You're not alone, all those questions are natural! I am pretty much at goal now, and I have no loose skin- I mean NONE. Youth is on our side! Excersise will help make sure you don't get flabby though. I don't miss my weight, not one bit. I adore this new, more confident, more attractive and ultimately happy person I have become!
  20. For the last month I have been suffering from chronic acid reflux, followed by a week of vomiting every morning and PBing after every meal, and then 2 days of not keeping anything down (including water). I should have gone in to get a de-fill straight away but circumstances made it tricky and I kept putting it off- if I could be talking about you then don't do what I did! I had a de-fill in the emergency department at the local hospital last night and was cured almost instantly!!! I have had a day of normal meals and drinks (for a bandster) and can't believe how good I feel. In fact I have only just realised how bad I was feeling previously. I can only admit to myself now, that secretly I was continuing with it because I was losing weight. However I have come to the realisation that due to my condition I was only eating "easy" foods- ice cream etc. and now that I can eat three proper bandster meals a day, I will be less tempted by "easy" foods and will continue to lose weight (or so I hope- I'll get back to you")
  21. Hiya, thanks for the message! I don't really understand the system you're talking about (tracks etc.)- was going to say it must be american but I see Uluru in your profile pic and think maybe you're australian? I am following the british curriculum- going into second year in Sept!

  22. clarebear08

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    6lbs time and I'll offically have a HEALTHY WEIGHT BMI! So excited! Keep up the fantastic work everyone, what an inspiring thread! Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go ********************************:biggrin:**********:glare:*******:thumbup: 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 ALuv82.............280.5..........274.........200......74 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............272.........199.......73 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............235.........165.......70 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............219.........175.......44 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............166.........160.......6 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............203.........140.......63 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............364.........300.......64 GratefulHeart......226............187.........135.......52 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............189.........160.......29 kaninag............210............210.........170.......40 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............218.6.......150.......68.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............178.........169........9 lotzasunshine......270............243.5.......180.......63.5 Loveislovely.......216............180.........175.......5 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  23. clarebear08

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go ******************:mad2:**************:tt2:*****************:smile: 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............278.6.......199.......79.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............238.........165.......73 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............170.........160.......10 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............372.........300.......72 GratefulHeart......226............191.........135.......56 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............189.........160.......29 kaninag............210............210.........170.......40 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............219.6.......150.......69.6 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............182.........169.......13 lotzasunshine......270............247.........180.......67 Loveislovely.......216............185.........175.......10 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  24. clarebear08

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    The scales have finally moved again! My plateaus seem to be getting longer and longer! Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go ********************************:thumbup:**********:huh2:*******:thumbdown: 1RockinMom.........254............226.........145.......81 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............278.6.......199.......79.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............248.........165.......83 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............227.5.......130.......97.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............171.........160.......11 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............380.........300.......80 GratefulHeart......226............199.........135.......64 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............199.........160.......39 kaninag............210............210.........170.......40 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............220.4.......150.......70.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............183.........169.......14 lotzasunshine......270............251.........180.......71 Loveislovely.......216............185.........175.......10 ltgordon...........284.8..........250.5.......185.......65.5 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  25. clarebear08

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight___Goal______ToGo AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............297.2.......199.......98.2 Bellaperdente......196............189.........150.......43 Bklyn1984..........317............263.........165.......98 Brandy.............198............189.........166.......21 Cappy..............240............235.5.......130.......105.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 Clarebear08........192............176.5.......160.......16.5 Donna113...........183............178.5.......126.......52.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............397.........300.......97 GratefulHeart......226............211.........135.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 janesays...........225............214.8.......160.......54.8 kimaly.............194............191.........160.......31 Lindar172..........246............229.4.......150.......79.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............201.........169.......32 lotzasunshine......270............263.5.......180.......83.5 Loveislovely.......216............210.........175.......35 ltgordon...........284.8..........262.8.......185.......77.2 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............225.........140.......85 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............192.........130.......62 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............163.........125.......38

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
